<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rough Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Ranoe
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.7.Hq (Lcz)7
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL 7y-ti IiL(L
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />I hd.hy llld turb Do.l, of Dqicy rt t eq@g( 6DEllEco Erd Lic.B Lrw for E folb*i8 lE. (s.c.7011.t
<br />Ersi6 d ProElir Cod.,: aly cl, q cqdl stth 'qsi- . Fd lo odlBi tla, i4.svc daDlit d qri -,nnriE Fii l,o a, irc.. .bo GqliE ri. sl.d ror st FDn l. fl. r .iri.d rrdd 0r lE o. lE i li.t!.d F,D!
<br />ro rh. Flviliod of 6.!o. r Lien&d Lrw (Ch4r6 9. Conll!,diiS stt Selior ,000 oa Diviiotr I of lt BBit6 od
<br />PEf.lir cod!)dtha lEorrh. i. qanpl th6!6o6&dlt.h.b foit .lLsldaqnF'on. Any ybbi@ ofscrb! 7011.5 b, a,
<br />sli.d tu. pdDi surd! dr rylior lo..ivil rdrt of d @t tl'- fu. huldld &lla! (lJq,).
<br />-1.
<br />E oqc onk FoFry. s Ey alplorc wnh w.s6 r rlEt -L @opct!rio!. wiu rlo dE *ur !d rlE tarEe i ml
<br />indiLd s ofd.d for d. (S-.?ol:l. 8ui6 6d lDferilB Code TIE co ndn ! Li.@ rN {b6,Dl epl, to E o*G ot
<br />rlElleqry slE hill a iED€ rtEEr! nd *ho d6 tr,.h 6t hn6.lf d i*ltot lhlql' hir d ha os aEbr€.
<br />FviLd tir si iA.Dlad R d ird qo,H 6. rL lt tof,t€, dE UilLg d iqqEd a -ld yttb c rd
<br />of@qlainl!.OqG Eoi!&*iu bEt h!rb! ofFovilg ri h. d tlE dil lEr h,ild d ilgoE dE FoFiy lor dE,EF!.ol
<br />-L
<br />! o*E.tUE FDFi a 6e-i!a *ih lid.d .o'rr*1d
<br />'o
<br />o..nal dE {Sc. ?0{.1, h!|lB
<br />.n hltri, Co&: Th. Conlr.dd . Li.@t s (c 6r.ttl, ro eow of FDFIyen b{ird. o, ioprcq fiao(
<br />od tr 'o rtr tucn Foi-i! wnh. Coftr*ld(i) lk6.d p!ri!,r ro rhc C6, rdd'r LicE4 r:e)
<br />! c aoll @& Scri.E . B. & P.C. 6. rti l8o
<br />llt8tl8lrgrulEdtallo!!Eqa8al]q!
<br />I lE 6' llrm ur& D-!r! olrgjuryoE oilh.6llou i,E &dtrr6:
<br />-l
<br />h!t. rd $iU n.inrrh . C6riarc.r. ol CoMr lo Scll- ltMc fot $qlnr' cmparrnrn. s FDrid.d aor by Sdlion 1700 ot rh€
<br />Lrld C6d.. fo, rl'. FIoll14. oatlE wlt for r'hth llE Fsil i! isu.d.
<br />-l
<br />hrE .!d *ill rqtd N@!.46 iBr.Bc ! E$rird b, Sdb. !700 of ilE 1160. Cod.. h. Oc FforlEt of
<br />rh. $nt for whkh thir Fhn t isr.d My wla onp@dion a6ffi. cqiq rxl poli.y nunb.r ft:
<br />Poli.y Nmb6:-Epia:
<br />-l
<br />cdiit $.t in E FlbttEs. ofilt wo,* 6. whi.h lhii Fbn n isql I t rI @l orFloy ey Fe ir r, 6!E
<br />- - io t6od sl,jcr ro rt ed6 ore.dbo Ls ofc.lihoi.. oit iE l[. if I ileld bdlc -titr lo llt
<br />6rtd 6n9@di,6 Foviio6ofs.dbn 3700 olllE tlho. C.<L.l filL tuirh, eql, f,id! tlDt F!vitE!..
<br />.Ml rE W ro oE hDitld rhosd .lollrt (llO0.@O).h .ddra. lo tlr .d oI iii. (hrg6 ! FoviLd fs th.
<br />LlcrdsE caloracrqa
<br />I halty .lfrn !!dd Fl.lly of FjEy th.! I 6 Ust d @(k Ftviioo of ClIFc a (Ntl!t!Ei.s enb SBtio. 7000) of Diviion l
<br />ol dE auba. rd PDbi.r cod.. -.1 D, ltc b h n [ 6c -d !&cl.
<br />Ek ls *.{fi,
<br />aflltgt?st1\ ...,..",..L 4qq'
<br />coullaucualjIlltlc..cllct
<br />I hcrlrrrri lndd Fltyof FjEy$r tdlir@dudb. btis lcy lortt Fb.@ofrt wt tu{tthrbFnt i
<br />is,.d (Sc. tO97. Civ. C.).
<br />l.d'rtrhdrh.lirldilrquldio'Er(x din!{dKk)srflm\'aml(d,|.krrrNtl.jd
<br />-!
<br />cliry lhr I lIvc dd rhi] .lplinbtr ..1 ir. Or 6. .t E h6rl'ri'n i .!nrr1 I ..c ro oopt, silh dl ci, &d csrry
<br />ottlilllE .,xl Srtl. trE Eri! to hildq @i!d!crir!. nd bdlty.rho.ia E9.!driE oflh! Cn, d.l Coq,tt to @tt '{'\. m6rio..J
<br />',mnd,
<br />aor iNpalion
<br />Altli.tx or gqr Siglduc
<br />P@ie!&B(Firr),_
<br />0rr8
<br />rI
<br />II
<br />in
<br />Sdion l0J6 of lh. t td Co&. i od !n ddE-r fG
<br />,.,., g[?,Q,\t1
<br />^,,*,, I
<br />L.dd r N.m
<br />-
<br />Led.r.' Addra
<br />-
<br />@
<br />I h.*,.E u& Da.r, of Firy oa ofl,h brb*i!8 d-LaiE:
<br />D@.lirior Prni$Altdq No.ificrkE Ldfll Lrulrkr (TtL ao, Prr6)
<br />-r.qoid
<br />lrldof ltodn rin
<br />UE;-