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PLUMBING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS Ot}IIEf, BUNI}EI DELCANATPN <br />I h6.t 1116 uida FrXy of Firy dlr I a qd!0i nDn rh. Co n 16 liw try 6r rh. folkwirB leo (56.10!l , <br />E{ti'B !,xl Prc&..b. C.d.) Any Cit o, C@dr uhth rqui6 . Fni ro odffat .i!r. lqorq sllh d lE.i -ystrtlr Fitloilr islre o r.+is llE ?plizll lo sn Fhi lo fil..i r.d r.<,rEn t ltdrrEilt4.d plled <br />ro rh. FovnioE ol tE Conr6.rot Licor.d t * (Ctqc a. Comdi.g wirh Sdion ?0OO ol Divitioi 3 of $! Bui,* ed <br />PrckitM C.rbl d lh, lB d d! i ddrF lffim id dE h.t fq rh..lLg.d qorgin. Arr'tbllni ofsarir r0ll., bt Dt <br />lppltd tor. FrnI sbjds rlE @pli.6r ro ! civit p6!hy olDr ltGrho li!. hu'rH dol6 (t500). <br />-- l. ! orc of tlE FoFiy. d Ey nryl,tG eih $.a6 ! ft.i slc orF!.inl. *i! & 0E *ut -d tlE iiarc ir Dr <br />idald.d c otrard for sL (Sd.7Ol... Boina e<l Ptubliou Cod.TlE Con *ror'r Li.Ee try.t a et 4ply to E osc of <br />tLFlrdry elbhiliqil+DEtt or.n rlio &--d 6t hirldf d hadf d fin{8h ta ( ha ou a!gbr!.., <br />FltiLd fid r.h irlFo6Er.cor rr6&ddotu hi El li lDw. dE llildi'I d iqr cli-Bwitirc)c <br />of.oqlad! dE o*E Elilb will luv. dE hiLn if F!i'e tL L d iE dA er htLt d iry.oE tlE FlFq tr dr F,po.. ol <br />l. 6 oqE of rlE FrFry. m olnrxlin8 $irh lic6!.d s'fi*rm lo o,r.^si dE Fojcd tS*. ,(r&. Bl!!Ern hDhnBCo&: TlEconr-ld r Li..e t& <16n tpply ro sowE oIFrFn, *to tlildt irprcErid@r <br />od rho coiEr.l] ror i6t F$jEr! sirh. Colincto(r) lt.t!.d Fl6dn r ric co '-r '3UcqEt *). <br />I d .rdF ui&r S<iion <br />I).r. Oia.r rlaLr-8l(JllftnIjlllur(]d&llta! <br />I hd.\ imrmutrJd C.hlrr.fFto\ o .olrU lnlk\r rF (krl.nrrh,n1 <br />_t h.w nd Mll tuln.h r C-rin n. of CoEr to Sdt ldE 6r ara ooFldbr! ! Fovid.d &r b, Scri.. !?@ of tlE <br />t-&or Codo 6r tlB F6.lsE oillE wt tu ritt 16. Fhi i i.dt <br />I lIE !'d *ill Mi,Irb ertd .@pordin i[fuq . 't$ri,!d tt Sdbi ]7m of rh. rltd Co.L. tur dE Ffdlar. oflli m* d s{ltt Ob FDi i! ie.d Myrnto oreo..ii i6,,.E 6i! id Fli.y nudd rr <br />I rdify rhd in llE paf.lrll.E of ttr wt for *'lti.h lhn Fni n io.d. I tnlll tur 6pl,oy &y p.-n h 6y 6.c <br />- B ro t*otu sqer io rlE rB16'onFlibn Ls otc.titumir rd {Ee lhr if I JDuld tcoc lo dr <br />*$rt6' .o!,96.rbn FDvi*B ofs<iir 1700 ofllt trt . cod.. I trll 6nt{tt ooFir eih DrFoviir <br />citn fG up ro or hundd th(Uod &llds (tlaxr,Ooot. in ddnhn r .or of conFEnio.. &rq6 d P'uij.d ft,r rlF <br />Sdi.. 1076 ol -Lld c.d. idd Ei <br />D.ra r/zr,/tr <br />I hc.q lmd un.!n f6!li, of Fjury lhd I m trtrLld trorNr$ ol( l,xtt1 !) (.rnntrortr'[ \ [h Sc(r,n ?]{rr) ol l)'\ A($ l <br />of llE B!ri6 !d Pbr6rlG Q{.. rd n! lio& i, i tull frlc !d.llcl <br />tjc@CL. <br />- <br />-, */Lt/ts:c"..-..-yQfLar31 Zr-,^ <br />colltrnua'TroN t rnrrrc acr{cv <br />I ha!t,.rm dia pdlyofFirythr E a. .odltrbn fndrricy tntlEFftdE ofdrEt b.rli.itliFEi i <br />iauGd (sa. 1097. civ. c.). <br />rlrPr rcllYr Df-I ^IlrrrollI tr6r .ftE u.dd pa.t, ol D6i[, c of dE ftlb*iir d-baia: <br />Da@lhio. P6nh&A.t ror Ndili.libn F.dall RcglhrinN Gnh 40. PEt6) <br />_R.q!i,!d LdrE of lLrif.ri, <br />|..litrn dE a.da.l..addhB l!'rn E !hd6 .€fir.l & sr.ppl..U. lo thb Fiir <br />I rdify rhi I h.v. @d rhi! eplarrio. .d !rd. rh.r \. i.tutr nn'n ir cotr(l.l !*re l. (n.dynnh ill( ilylnd ('ounly <br />nliMk6 .,n srrc I.E Elrt io hildin8 @ rd hddMl,ttrt ,r?..srrnBof rirCiy,n Cout ttodi6l?ondE <br />.bo!. E{hi.d proFr, f.. <br />A0rllo.l or,irdr shur -,., rlr/t?-7-------/- <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Buildin Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />lVater Piping <br />Gas Piping <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Ro ugh Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P{rap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />S anitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rou gh Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL 'tlq/n ,"Y&-,\"vNotes, Remarks, Etc. <br />UNDER GROUND <br />lnterceplor/ Clarifier <br />Roof Drain