<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. E quipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnslalled
<br />Rough Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />To ilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Range
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />F.D. Drop Tesl
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.ft -9-tg ?s.t? ./n>
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL L.OS.4-o-t? lt
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />41tt r 4t <<zta tisni^rI
<br />t il Lrar dC GLaAL<{
<br />*r<<* Let 24t -2,
<br />I btnr .trm r.d6 pa.I, ot Fjw, Or t d 6.14l iun U. Cdr'Eld Lk.@ trr b. dE 6lb$b8 'r.o. (sd.70l Lt
<br />&!iE .d fto&.i,n Co.t ): Ary Ciy M Cour, *,htl' Equi6. Fmi to 6!3tud, rna. aaprllc d@ollb oi &d 6y
<br />rtuduq p.itrro irt i'!u&.. ilo,.gric rh. fplicdr tutunFnl ro iL..i8i.d nrac{ t h.ddEiliaql F,!d
<br />ro rlE FlvirbB 6f d!. cone&br.' LrM.d Lq {ct dg 9. Co|llffii$ win sdir 7000 of DivLb! I of rt BrltB ad
<br />FDt-bB Cod.) d ldbddEiaqql$admdtb.tdfo,dEdLrcdq@Fbtr A.y vbLlo ofsldion 7or|5 b,oy
<br />lpplicol for. FEn $tiBl! llE .!plk.Dl lo r civilpoul, of @l @cte liv. hun(H &lhn (3500).
<br />-1.6
<br />oqc ottL FFty. d 6y.iQbd *.r.. dni nl. dt {drih. *iI & U.rui -d UE fise i Dl
<br />idoi.d doltu d fo. dL (Sc.7044. &!iE ed FDfG.riJr C.& Th. co,rrdd ! LicoE t w d.s rFt rdy ro & o*c ol
<br />rlEFDFty wno hril6n irg!6dE6i! id *tn.16rxiw hitrB.ltor hcrlad rhtui! iir 6 hd 06 aEbr!c.,
<br />FotiLd drr ran iqortffi fr d. irdd.d doftld fr. -l. l[ llffi. tlE lrildiB d iryocnar iDB wfhb c rsoforybiE dr o'*c E{il& siu ltr th. hda olFvi4 0! lE d C*.la d hill or i,prDw rh. F.DFI, tlr rL F!p..of
<br />_1. ! osG of thc FlFrr, u ac!.iGl, @edilg wirh Ucd.d cofr..IG ro (Wrrucl rlE Fjc(l (S... t044. BGiB
<br />.r!d holnin Cod.: Th. Co,xr..rd . Lk.e L,w &a bi @ly to o ow otFlFry who bqilb o, i'rtro€ ir6@6.
<br />Dd lto @nrr. fa o.t Foiu! wih . C.d€olt) lt6.d Fn-r lo $. contrdd r LtqE ln).
<br />rrr ( r \ltt!!!r)
<br />lh.,\ \,' li,trtrnJ.' ru.'lr\,lr(1 L '\ I r I lrhr 11,1,,1 rr J(lL trrtr
<br />-l
<br />h.rr.d rill did.itr. cdrifrc. olcoMrl ro!a@ fo. wkdr' @nl,.uri6,\ . Fovidcl for by serioi !700 of llr
<br />bhx Codc for lh. Ffomm. of th. rst f6 *tth
<br />'h. Fnn i i$.d
<br />-l hnr ..d will uid.ii w.rro or4@.lbn iltlltmc, E Fqllcd by Sction !700 of ttE hhor 6r tlr Ffffi. 6f
<br />rtc worl for whi.h thb panh b iBd M, wra onFrrbi iclffi. dE al poli., Dtub6 ft
<br />aola.y Nu6bc-Erpi6:
<br />-l
<br />calit lhd in lh. F ollra. of lh. mrt f.r whth Oi. Fnn b iB!.d. I $.ll 'Dl dpl,, uy Fs b d, ffi
<br />- . lo t@m rri6r lo lh. aid @|qdrio6 h{ of cdi6di.. -d rrE illr it l lrlodd bcoE &li4i io uE
<br />s.i 'o!'pdllboFovi'rioBofsBio!l?00ortu!r!orc.dcICdl.lonhsnhsnplywnhdFiFDEio6..
<br />ro or ltudrd DLud .b[B {llu).(xD). i. .ddnim lo th. on of orFdani. dD.rB D for tlE
<br />I lalby.llm oi&, F!.1i, of Fiq, &a I e licq!.d @dr Foviion of Ctqra 9 (aE,lEitts wnl' 7Oo) of Divii(E ]
<br />of {E BuiE. dd PlDftraE cod.. &d d, ltc i. b tu[ for .d.fEcl.
<br />U.66.Ctr: &aBNlrrtrt:-
<br />c0lsrBugrcljIlDtllclclaq
<br />I torby lftiE @& p6.1, of Fiiry Oi ttd! i . @dldir brdit .!E , tu rh Ffdta. olilE wt t!, wlth lti Foi a
<br /> (Se 1097. Civ. C )
<br />lpl-rcarar nFcr lnlrrrot{
<br />I hnny drn !id6 p6.ty ol lrj'rr @ of th. blbsiia &bdi6:
<br />DqElibr PaDir+Altad ftorif'crih ME I iralhiE (TaL a0. h6)
<br />-R.quiEd
<br />L.ns of NodtuiE
<br />,r!L'l r,{tr'.1 dJ!,! 'li-r,\'dr., L ( r 1it,r,l.,l,L(r rn.n',r(rl
<br />D
<br />-t
<br />Ed fiir {dt rbn rn (.l. it 0E .tor. i'fordbr b crr.d. I t.E ro oody wnh .u ciy ..d Courny
<br />tiB Eldiry to buildi.ts corlrtudio[ ai hacby &dFn4 Elr6arciv6 or thL chy ed cooly lo dl6 upon dt
<br />L1 'n'"' '
<br />'T't+\tr/ At ' I
<br />Furnace
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />lnstallation