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I o <br />20 ( l\1C CtNTtR PI.AZA. P O BOx 1988 <br />SAN'IA ANA CALITOR\IA 927(]2 <br />a <br />\1A\ OT <br />R $ Lurembourger <br />\ rct \1AloR <br />Danrel I Cfiret <br />cou\ctL\lt\18tRs <br />lohn.{(o5la <br />Cordon 8r(len <br />P lee lohnson <br />ParncLa A \kCurSan <br />Dan \ c'Ung <br />( IT\ \IA\ACTR <br />Rriren C EobLr <br />CIT\ AI'IOR\T\ <br />td\!ird I Cooper <br />fLtR[ or lHt coL]Ncr! <br />lan(e C Cu\ <br />ALt A\ltRtcA c!IY 1981-81 <br />Septenber 6, 1984 <br />Dear I1r. Bannelos: <br />Subject: 1107 1'{orth Main StreeL <br />The accompanying Final Notice and Order is lhe last notice you wi.11 <br />receive before your buildlng at the subject address is posled L'ith <br />uarnins siBns indicating that it is a dangerous bu11ding. The <br />bui.ldirrg cannot be occupied beyond the date indicated in the Final <br />Notice and Order. <br />The only exception to the Order would be for contractors effecting <br />repairs, under permit, to bring the structure into compliance vith <br />the Seismic Ordinance. <br />Our records reflect that you have, indeed, submitted plans for plan <br />check, but have not as yet obtained building permits. Therefore, I <br />think it is very importan! that you understand that you have to obtain <br />perrnits, and compleLe the required rehabilitation of your structure. <br />ue will do ue can to help you vith the expedltj.ous <br />processing of your plans and lssuance of the necessary permits. <br />Aga:n, Iet me stress that the bui.lding cannot be occupied beyond lhe <br />deadline in the accompanying Notice and 0rder. I strongly urSe you <br />to adlise your tenants of the foregoin8 facts. <br />Very truly yours, <br />fua,,,,1r,.,-Phil Freeland, Director <br />Planning and Development Ser vi ce s <br />PF: ih <br />Enc . <br />y'qs-c 52tr 44/ <br />, l--i; rr <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />AIex Ba nnel o s <br />5079 Los Felix Blvd. <br />Los Angeles, Ca. 90027