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oo <br />AlAYOR <br />R W. Luxembour8er <br />vICT MAYOR <br />Danrel [. C sel <br />COUNCILMTMBTRS <br />C,ordon 8n(ken <br />P Lee lohnson <br />Parftcla A. N4<CurSan <br />Dan YounS <br />CII\ \TANACTR <br />Robe( C Sobb <br />CIT\ AT]ORNT\ <br />td$ard I Cooper <br />cttRr or THt cou\crr <br />lanrre C. Cul <br />ALL.A\ltRtCA CtT\ 1981-81 <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />April 20, 1984 <br />20 CIVIC CTNTER PLAZA. P.O. 8OX 1988 <br />SANlA ANA, CALITORNIA 92702 <br />Alex Bannelos <br />5079 Los Felix Blvd. <br />Los Angeles, Ca. 9OO27 <br />Dear Mr. Bannelos: <br />Subject: Building Located at 1107 North Main Street Ana <br />DescribeC as Orange County Assessoits Parcet No. <br />Our records reflecr thaL you have submj.tted plans for plan check for seismicrehabilitation of the subject property pursuant to the Cityis Seismic Safety <br />Ordinance (Sec. 8-2000 through 8-2007 S.A.M,C.) <br />This letter is to inform you that under the provisions of the Ordinance the or.rner <br />is required to obtain perrdits to accomplish the necessary slructuraL alterations <br />by July 29, 1984.The required alterations must conmence vithin one hundred eighty(180) days from the date the permit is issued, and the building must be corrected <br />to meet the minimum require,Tents of the 0rdinance not later than July 29, 1986. <br />As you should be au,are, this is the same information provided you in the original <br />Notice and Order sen! Eo you on July 29, 1983. <br />The consequences of failing to comply any of the dates of the ordinance arethat you wj-1l be required to vacate the building and leave it vacant until such <br />time lhat you have completed the seismic rehsbilitation work or you may be required <br />to demolish the strucLure. In addition, you may be subject to criminal or civil <br />action taken by the City Attorney. In order to avoid these consequences, I recommend <br />that you take immediate action as required by the ordinance. <br />SanLa <br />1 <br />This letter is being sent to you <br />coming City actions and of lrhat <br />Safety Ordinance. <br />a courtesy so that you will be aware of up- <br />required of you to comply with the Seismic <br />as <br />is <br />If you have any questions about these requirements, please call Steve Crawford <br />in this office at 434-4992. <br />Very truly yours, <br />Phil Freeland, Director <br />Planning and Development Ser v ice s <br />THIS NOTICE IS INFCR'YiA]IOIiAL ONLY AND <br />iS NOT IliTEliOE0 T0 ilYpLY T'iAi THE <br />OIINER OF YOUR PARTICULPR BUILDlN6 <br />HAS OR HAS NOT IN]IIATEO PROPER ACIION <br />AS REQUIRED BY SA]D ORO]NANCE. <br />IE!'IANT NOTICE <br />jqR o?, <br />rt:ur,,z,t- <br />PF: ih