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oo <br />' \1 i,,!(-r i,, .,, <br />\ rLt \1A\ OR <br />D.nrel [. Cnset <br />COUNCILNITMBtRS <br />John A(osta <br />Cordon Bflcken <br />P Lee lohnson <br />c#(II \ \IA\AL[R <br />Robed C Eobb <br />CITY ATIORNTY <br />tdsard I Cooper <br />ctER[ or lHt coLlNcrt <br />lanrce C Cuy <br />\ <br />Parn(la A A (Curtan <br />Dan YounS <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />20 ctvtc ctNTtR PrAzA . P o. 80X 1988 <br />SANfA ANA, CALIFOR\IA 92702April 20, 1984 <br />Alex Bannelos <br />5079 Los Fe1lx Blvd. <br />Los Angeles, Ca. 9OO27 <br />Dear Mr. Bannelos: <br />Subject: Building Located at 1107 North Main Street <br />DescribeC as 0range County Assessor's ParceI No,39A 022 <br />@^r74r,/r,,(- <br />Phil Freeland, Director <br />Planning and Development Services <br />Santa Ana <br />10 <br />Our records reflect that you have submitted plans for plan check for seismic <br />rehabilitation of the subject property pursuant to the Cityrs Seisnic Safety <br />Ordinance (Sec. 8-2000 throug,h 8-2007 S.A.M.C.) <br />This letter is to inform you Lhat under the provisions of the Ordinance the ovner <br />is required to obtain perrdits to accomplish the necessary structural alterations <br />by July 29, 1984. The re quired alterations must commence uithin one hundred eighty <br />(180) days from the date the permit is issued, and the bui.ldlng nust be corrected <br />to rneet the minimum requirements of the ordinance not later than July 29, 1986. <br />As you should be avare, this is the same infornation provided you in the orlginal <br />Notice and Order sent to you on July 29, 1983. <br />The consequences of failing to comply with any of the dates of the Ordinance are <br />that you vill be required to vacate the building and leave iL vacant until such <br />time that you have completed the seismic rehabilitation r.,ork or you may be required <br />to demolish the structure. In addition, you nay be subject !o criminal or civil <br />action taken by the City Attorney. In order to avoid these consequences, I recofinend <br />that you take immediate action as required by the ordinance. <br />This letter is being sent to you as a courtesy so that you ri}l be aware of up- <br />coming City actions and of what is required of you to comply vith the Seismic <br />Safety Ordinance. <br />If you have any questions about these requirements, please call Steve Crar.rford <br />in this office at 834-4992. <br />Very truly yours, <br />PF: ih