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'zqg - 62z-10l <br />t prop.rtt l,! th. Cor-tt of O <br />rtbod er follorr r <br />o tu 1V \^aLvL <br />tG o( Ct1 <br />5 <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 <br />1 <br />I <br />9 <br />2. <br />lotrlr, <br />,s l1- <br />th. Erth or-hr1f of trta t .ad I t Crookrbrul r9dr 19 rocordf <br />nacordr la drrhl.hrr a ldaltLD to E at. &.P.ta look 17,52 of lltrorll <br />Olftor ol tbC.ltfolmlt.sotr 5a, C. <br />IoRaco lra lDatl.. Coqott ' ln Str..t,loc.t Il. ) <br />t. R.rl prop.rt,th. Coilt, of Orengr, Str!. ol <br />forafi, dotcrlbrd er fo1l <br />It L.t hrlf of t ltlrt..o of Brrr I . suutvla loo <br />of prrt <br />rrco rdtd <br />of th.Itn Tr.ct .lllrt t onl ltD <br />nacordtla look I Prg.,c.7o l1r out <br />10 of lra lntal.a Coun <br />11 EICEPtIIIC thcrrfroo t South 1 .65 faot . <br />72 RESERVITG for end dtur thr turel 11lo of thr <br />Gr.Etor hrrrla r11 o 11, <br />ata[c.t lytag ln. on or <br />lend. (loc.t.d rt 550i1 <br />I hvdrocerboa lub- <br />hc' abovc - drrc rlbad13t <br />14 4 Ch.cklaS lrcorEt, <br />Yorbe Llo&, Crl t B.Ek of <br />r.o!, torb. LL!d., Crllf. ) <br />rlca, ltLo str..t t <br />15 fornla . <br />16 <br />L7 <br />18 <br />5 savlDqt Accourt. Brnk <br />Yorbr-Lladr, cetlforn of AEc tca, NrL! Str.Gt, <br />6. Prorltto t,I Hot. drtc 0c tobr r 8,1964, ln th.tcd br l..o t.. Port.rf Hcri.a A. .od <br />, a! Jolnt ttlrata,r caat Par urr <br />prlactpr lr of 53 000. 00 u <br />rnd Doro rht <br />lrr <br />ll. Po r rrh o <br />19 Ewrlat.lkcr,band and C <br />vtth .t r.t. of 6 <br />20 ell dua Octob.r ,1969. <br />- C1r (Coupr)2L 7. <br />8. <br />9. <br />10. <br />11. <br />12. <br />D.t.d r <br />1956 lturdrrbt <br />22 8l rhrro h t nton grt.r Co.tock. <br />23 10o rhrnr tt.d P.rk Clty lllno tt <br />150 rhrrr Oll.ho.. otl CaP.a, ltoc <br />25 65/100 r. Srot. Ana V.11.t lrrtglt atock. <br />26 <br />2'.1 <br />2A <br />29 <br />3o <br />31 <br />32 <br />tp ta torbr Ltnd. Coutrt Club. <br />rI8 1197t <br />]-!r G. <br />.rrtt ot th.Court <br />nn r.lrrra.t rt ^ coarat ctr <br />FEB 11 l97l <br />LIAM*i r.l- <br />l!!ot0ro lt iloutlr 0, <br />oLaN0t cuurir, callt' <br />Imlt <br />f EB 13 r,ilt <br />* <br />-2- <br />/7 <br />I <br />llforotr. <br />ock, <br />ff <br />8rl <br />tt'B