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II.I TE,MPORARY DEWATERING <br />Groundwater was encountered within our exploratory boring at l0 feet below the existing <br />grade. Based on the anticipated excavation depths. it is unlikely that dewatering will be <br />required during construction. <br />II.2 (]ONSTRTICTION SLOPES <br />The temporary excavation side walls may be cut vertically to a maximum height of 3 feet. <br />Surcharge loads should be kept away from the top of'temporary excavations a horizontal <br />distance equal to at least one-half the depth of excavation. Surface drainage should be <br />controlled along the top of temporary excavations 1o preclude wetting of the soils and erosion <br />of the excavation faces. <br />8.3 POST INVESTIGATION SERVICES <br />Final project plans and specifications should be reviewed prior to construction to confirm that <br />the full intent of the recommendations presented herein have been applied to design and <br />construction. Following review of plans and specifications. observation should be performed <br />by the geotechnical engineer during construction to document that lbundation elements are <br />founded on/or penetrate onto the recommended soils. and that suitable backfill soils are placed <br />upon competent materials and properly compacted at the recommended moisture content. <br />9.0 CLOSURE <br />The conclusions, recommendations, and opinions presented herein are: (l) based upon our <br />evaluation and interpretation of the limited data obtained from our field and laboratory <br />programs; (2) based upon an interpolation of soil conditions between and beyond the borings; <br />(3) are subject to confirmation of the actual conditions encountered during construction; and. <br />(4) are based upon the assumption that sufficient observation and testing will be provided <br />during construction. <br />If parties other than GeoBoden are engaged to provide construction geotechnical services, they <br />must be notified that they will be required to assume complete responsibility for the <br />geotechnical phase ofthe project by concurring with the findings and recommendations in this <br />report or providing altemate recommendations. <br />r2 Dennis- l -01-ft:--.--,:-.,--- .--.-