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(N1)68 <br />d ( r{1)60 <br />(N1)60f <br />Cq <br />qc1 <br />dqcl <br />qc 1f <br />qc 1n <br />xa <br />qc 1f <br />Ic <br />(N1)50s <br />CSRfl <br />csRfs <br />llsF * <br />EC <br />dz <br />dsz <br />dp <br />dsp <br />Gmax <br />8-eff <br />t.GelGm <br />ec7. S <br />Cec <br />EC <br />Nol-iq <br />References: <br />SPT a+ter corrections, (N1)60.SPT . Cr . Cn . Cebs <br />Flnes coraectlon of SPT <br />(Nl)60 afte. fines corre(tlons, (N1)6of=(N1)60 + d(ti1)60 <br />Overbuaden staess correction factor <br />CPT after overburden stress correction <br />Fines cornectlon of CPT <br />CPT after Flnes and overburden correction, qclf=qc1 + dqcl <br />CPT afte. nornallzation in Robertson's nethod <br />Fine corre(tion fa(tor in Robertson's Method <br />CPT afte. Fines <orrectlon ln Robertson's Method <br />SoiI type lndex In Suzuki's and Robertson's Methods <br />(N1)60 after settlenent +ines corrections <br />After nEgnltude scafing correctlon fon Settle ent cal(ulatj.on CSRn=CSRsf <br />cycllc stress ratlo lnduced by earthquake rith user inputed fs <br />Scallng factor from CSR, l,l5F*=1, based on Item 2 of PaEe C. <br />Volu etrlc for saturated gands <br />Calculation legient, d2.6.950 ft <br />Settlement In each segnent, d2 <br />User deflned prlnt lnterval <br />settlenent 1n each print lnterval, dp <br />Shear ltlodul,us at low strain <br />Saima_eff, Effective 5hear Stralnganna_effrG_efflc_nax, Stiain-nodulusiatio <br />Volumetric Strain for magnltude.7.5 <br />ilagnitude comectlon factor for any naSnltude <br />Volunetric straln fo. unsaturated sand', ec.Cec t ec7.5 <br />No- Llquefy Solls <br />HSF+ <br />1. NCEER Workshop on Evaluation of Liquefactlon Resistan(e of soiLs. Youd, T.1,, and ldriss, I.M., ed5., <br />Technical Report NCEER 97-0022. <br />SP117. Southern Cal.ifornla Earthquake Center. Reconoended Procedures for Implenentation of Ol'lG Special <br />Publlcatlon 117, Guldellnes for <br />Ana1yzInS and liitigating [lquefaction 1n Cali+ornia. Unlverslty of Southern Ca].ifornla, l,larch 1999, <br />2. RECENT ADVANCES IN SOIL LIQUEFACTION ENGINEERIT{G AIiO SEISI,IIC SITE RESPOT{sE EVALUATION, PapeT NO, 5PL-2, <br />PR0CEEDII'lG5: Fourth <br />International Conference on Re(ent Advances 1n Geotechnl.aI Earthquake Engineering and Soil oynamics, <br />San 01ego, CA, March 2001, <br />3. RECENT ADVANCES IN SOIL LIQUEFACTION ENGINEERIiIG: A Ui.IIFIEO AND CONSISTENT FRAIIEI{ORK, EaTthquAKe <br />EnglneerlnE Reseaach center, <br />Report No. EERC 2603-06 by R.8 Seed and etc. Ap.i1 2003. <br />l{ote: Prlnt Inteaval you selected does not ghox conplete results. To get conplete results, you Should <br />select 'Setment' in Interval (Itefl 12, PaSe C).