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DATE tD/stG.OWNET EUII,I'IX DIl4ARAIION <br />I lE b, .IIE u& p6.ty or FiEy tr I - ao4 to! th. Li.aE t r tq tt 6uo*ir lEh (s...701lJ <br />Bsr.6 !d Profdi.n Co<L): Any Chy or C.umy wltkh r.qllE t ,cni ro @"rtuc!, rXr. in'Forr, d.mlLi 4 it n ut . <br />su.rEc Fnilo itt i&-E..boEqriEtt ?!li.rd 6..&r F6i ro fl.rt d d.t o. ac i lica..<l FElq . <br />b {E p$iiE of ln. Conlrsid r Li€!.d Lrf, (CtAq 9. Co@iIt win S.<ii, ,oo() of Dvirion I olr!. &dE nd G <br />PDft..ioB co&) ( thr lE or.hc i. qdF rha.fon &d rh. b6i 6r dE dtq.d q6Dlion. Any vioLrioi ofscrior rc]I., by ey <br />+pliqn for.FEi abi..i!tn. .pplionlorcivilF.lrof@l ttmtt-iir.hEH&U.t(1500). <br />-1. <br />a owtr6 of t[. FlFly. tr hy nplorE vith w!86 . th.n -h @sFEaio& will & lt w* a'd llE sEI6 i! lbl <br />idai,.d doftnd fd.l (Sc.70a4, Bo.i6dd P'ob.idco& TL Codr.dd r tiqe lndo6 ml +t ro-o@or <br />tt FoFry $to h,In d iiFlNrt!6( nd *,no &6 rd! rrn hiitdtq h6rdf o. dror{h ni e lE om 6pbrq <br />Fwid.d $n ru.n imFlEEit E d ns'.t ddotu 6r sL lt,'ov!E.lh. hlillira d itrFsEEr i bE wihb * rd <br />.r@!pbbo. dE O^E efib *iU h.€ ll. hrda ofFDvt thr h. d rlE dn d hild o iqlE dE FoFty 6r tlE F F.cor <br />-1.lox@ofln <br />FoFr. Gq.[! wii U.6.d@fi-r6ro @tua<r tit FDi.c(Se.704,{, &!!r <br />d tr.t-, co.b: Th. Con .cd! Li.!* LIr &d Er $ly ro r o*E of FlFry *lD blitb d iE9.o6 (E@.. <br />.!d *i. @6xr! for sh Foint wni. Coirxrd{r lto...t Frsd ro dt Conhddr Li.!e llv). <br />-l <br />c a@i r0& Scrio . B. a P.c. for rib l c <br />D.t.: _ OiEdl <br />worxrqs' colrtlENs Tlott <br />[&clJsarla! <br />I hdt t .flim und6 FiElry of pgjury on. oftfi. followiB dchrdioN <br />-l <br />t E -.1 will oi .b . orco6r ro Sdf-lDG fo. wrd @nF ri,\ . FoliLd for b, serioc l7o0 ortlE <br />tlbd Cldc for tu Fb'Etr. of rh. srt fs *trklt thc Fhh b iE .d <br />-l lt t .d will did.i! 6td o@rir ir[a.. . Eqoild b, Selb! !r0O of tb l,tor C.dq hr tlE Ffo.c of <br />U. wr 6r vni* dlir pgai ir i-r.d My wtt @Epdbtr iffi. ffi d poLq ruh. G.* < \-{-{ P,'^d <br />*t*rn,n,?[oG ?s* (9-o(-11 <br />tf,.oliry $r i! dE Fiortlec of rh. Er! for $hich fii! Fri i! i$.4 I rl|.ll er alpb, o, F&n i! E, orlE <br />s alo bd.@Ebjd ro E md6'@6FBrion LM of Cdifomia rn {rE rllr itl dDuld tE oft elrd lo rh <br />Nrtd' orq@ib6 FDvirj(E ofs<rbn 1700 of0E trbo. I ttdl fmlEih onlrly vih E Fovi!b6.. <br />citl 6n6 up lo oc l!,ird dD6Dd &llr! (t100.000,. nl to rlE con 6l @trp6.b'! (b{6 a FlviH td lt <br />Sdion 1076 of tlEt tor Co&. 116!3 ud.nrray t <br />D.b.-L - L C - lq <br />DECI.ATAIIOA <br />I hdrty .trun u!d6 Fdy of FJl[y rnr I d li@!.d 6(b Foviion orchldr 9 (@Miir wirt Sldir 7O0) of Divtir. ! <br />or lt BuiE. -d PEftdioD (b&. !d 6y ltc h h tul folled c,nBr 8vrrd <br />nn2:.L!-:!-1 il- (..{,".,Iy G-.f <br />c'oilsllrfim r nm|nx: r(:Eilc,l/ <br />I ta6r .eD @d6 pdty of Frlr ll. tt t i..olrelaiiD lltt rEy 6r tu Fbrc. of tb sit 6r riid ltl FEt i <br />iE d (56. lo9?, Ci!. C.). <br />6tgJcAllnEOa&Ur0! <br />I !.*r.eD ulds Frlly of F,ry olc of &. 6uo*ir8 &rhrrbF: <br />Daoltirn Paail^ltdd ttorifi.rbn &d R.9!hirE (IiL rO. Pn6) <br />-RlquiEd <br />lar6 of tlodf.rir <br />_l cniry i: U. tu&.Irlafii,B ntrrliB &o.,aDrd n |El TdiiL to tt- F.iGc <br />-4ury* , bt.r**altrbsdd.rb rh.boE b6.dbn Lcdra. I {Eb oqtenn dl cty.!dco{dyd&r. !d $r. L$,rhiN lo t iIit 6drdb6. d lE!t, dbriE,qEdrivq orft. Ciy nd Cotty ro d6 rF6 rlE <br />.hov. nE ioi.d Flpdrr 6r <br />Applta or A3al SiSn l <br />atq-- 9 <br />h, z-zc t? <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />EVaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Ir/ isc. E quipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Roqgh Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />lype lHood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />lQpenings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech.flrlu tt /*retr/a\ <br />Final Test It I ul <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL 7hltt 1,>|Yra^-) <br />"A)Notes, Remarks, Etc IU <br />MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS COMMENTS