<br />I ha.l, rllm unda Firlry of paju.y rhd I s ampl frcm ifi. Co t.d6' Lic.M ti* lir lh. fouowiq l6en (Sc.70.1I t
<br />Buird r,! Prol6ion Cod.) Ary Ciry or Coudy *fith rqun r Fhi lo mnsrud, .ns. in iovc damlith or tF.tr oy
<br />!drd@ Fs to iB ism.. .lo E{riB tlE .pplisl for sh psnn lo 6L . r'slEd tri@r rhd lE or i. ! l.q!.d Fri.d
<br />ro rh< Fotnd of tll Conrdd r Lrc..!.d tr* (Cl'.Fa 9. CoMins wnt Sdloo 7000 ot Urtbn ! of rlE Bulir !d
<br />Potsbu Co<L) or rh.t lE d CE i .rdnpl ths.&on !d lh. b6n for lh. .lle.d anFid Any tioLlion ofsdrD. 7011 5 by uy
<br />lpplicrnr for . Fnnir Jubj..t! rhc !9plic&l to ! civil p@lry ol.or mE tha fiv. hu(H dollm (lJoO).
<br />-1.
<br />s nenof th. F1Fly. o E) crPlqG wnh w.s6 a En $L onp@r6tr erll dr lh. wt -d inilla. d
<br />ina&l r ora<t fG EL {Se.7o.la, DdiB &d FiliBbB Cod. TlE CorEr.ld'! l.(oE L.u'dE id 4!lr b a o*G.l
<br />rhc FoFrt *ho hiildr or op.DE 0Esa -d wh d6 rE r *ul hi.elaor h-xlf oi lhmu8h hn o ha ow @phr6.
<br />prcvidcd rhlr 3uch imForestu ft mt hldd.d or orad tor sl.. l[ hosw. thr hitn]B .r inpr.\ll1d i! $ld *ihin oE ,q
<br />ofompldioq tlE Oetr6 ttdl,s viu h.r lh. hdda olForrB tlld lE E dE dn d hild or i,qDtr $. Fnpqlt lor rlE F,Fe or
<br />l. 6 o$ F ol lh. If,opqry, @ .rcldtr.ly .odrar'n* wth li.du.n
<br />.nd P$lnM cod.: Tn. (inlr.cloi, l.icc@ Llw do6 Nr !9ply ro
<br />!o $nnrud rtl F)j.d (sd. ?0,1,4. trEllB
<br />o*nd of tr.r.n y sho tDild! or iDpmvd rhdon
<br />and sh(' oirdc$ ror .h FEFI' *nh 6 Co,utu1onr) lic.trE{rorh. ('onr.cbis LirN lr*)
<br />*(^
<br />I hd.by .mrm un&r Flhv of psrur) or ofih. Llk sia dab,d $c
<br />-l
<br />hrr. arl * ill mi.tlin . CqlifEdc of Consr lo S.l n!@ am wtst' conDdEnol E Frriid ror by Sdhn 1100 of rh.
<br />tlbor Cod., for th. p<fomm. oflk worl tor which lh. pqrit t isu.n.
<br />I h.x !.d {ll E6i !B *o*dt .omFdb. iBu,m.. s ralutcl b} Sclion 17(10 olrrE t t$r ( od.. fo.lh. Fro.,e. or
<br />rlE slrt in l'hat tiir Fin ir is&d M, w(t6 @nFdirn iffic ffi .tl Fltt.mhq E
<br />-l
<br />ccr,i lh.r i. dE pqto.ru. of rlE *ort fd uhtfi ths Fnn s BU.d. I lrdl R dnplot &, FsD in &) f,xE
<br />$ B ro h6oE subjal h th. @rld odFMb. l,{. or Calfomir. ud +r lh.l il I itnuld haoft tubi6t
<br />'o
<br />llE
<br />qorl6' comFsr ion pr)vBi,,B ur SBrn'n l?00 ol rh. I ibor Cddr. I rltrll.h conrplr sirh rhok DroviskrN
<br />$ARNING Fdlm ro Kwc sorl6 LrnDaEiFn Nra*. B unh*
<br />cnil [.d up to oft hun].d rnour.rd &,lLE (llrc,()()o). iI ddnnn
<br />nrll lbd d apt',s lo <miMl FElis .d
<br />.d .l.onFMxn. ddusB 6 Foyit.d tor rlE
<br />sdnn \176 ofrhc lrtnr q.d.,i,tad
<br />,.,,,. +/t/ /4
<br />I h6cb) !mr6unds Fnihy of Fj!,r. rhd I h lic.nGl ioi ol Cturto c (.omMcing wirh S€lior 7000, of D! si'. I
<br />of lhc ttuinBs d Proi.3lioB Cod.,, myli.d. i! in tull
<br />-l-i(w
<br />Nlnbd
<br />c0lllaul]loL.Ll:BDldc-acE!(I
<br />I 'E<l* lrfm un<in Fdry 6f Flu, fit thc! i ! mdMbn t dirs r*4y tor rh. Ffol:ffi. orrh so* hr *hrh rhi! Fni i
<br />isu.d (s4 1097. crv c)
<br />Alllt(adllr[clJSarla!
<br />I hodry .trnr und.r Fn.hy ot pGjury oi. of lhc hllo*ing dclE liri3
<br />Daml'rio. P.miBA.tErc llotifEdhn F.ddd R.8uldia (Tnk {0, Pd6)
<br />_R.quircd Ldrs of fd{ificlrion
<br />_l cd ify rhal rh. fni.rl i.sulatioB Nttrros rdrc\alu. nor ll'r,ltlblc l(' rhir pmF(1
<br />rh. ilEv. 'nforirrio. i! (md l.sEioonq )\nhtllCnt. Coury
<br />nn !d hd.t'y dhtrn. EF.6iiv6 of lhi
<br />,rppli.rnr or ,\ldt Sipn u /. r,r
<br />(tmtremmrrp;no:{-aula
<br />':':;fi
<br />4
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltase
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Groundino / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rouqh)
<br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouqh
<br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh)
<br />Meter Release
<br />Rouqh ,)- /?Ez ?')
<br />Service Meter
<br />FINAL n4r-t,Brl/o,
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />?
<br />Lr.N. ( hs