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20167293 - Permit
Oak St
3002 S Oak St
20167293 - Permit
Entry Properties
Last modified
7/26/2021 8:25:17 AM
Creation date
7/26/2021 8:25:16 AM
Permit Number
Full Address
3002 S Oak St
Permit ID
Master ID Number
Project Name
Hero Oak, LLC
Street Number
Street Direction
Street Name
Street Suffix
Building Use Code
Job Types
Tenant Improvement
Permit Type
Applied Date
Issued Date
Finalized Date
Flood Zone
Description of Work
TI to operate a new commercial cannabis distribution/packaging facility.
Nature of Work
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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS orrnEx autLDER DEr-cAn^ rl(rN <br />I hcrb) .r,n u& ol F|ury rhi I m .rdF filo rh. Co.urddr Lic4 L.q for rh. fouo*&E @n i\6.1011.t <br />LA-Buh$ ! PiotdrcD Cod.l A!, C y or Couf,y shrh r.quiE a Fnn to connrud. !rls. hFo\c. ibtullh 1 r!p.t u) ' <br />m;frtr,roi! sle.. !h. EquE rrE +plrmr r.r uh Fnn b frl.. rsi.d {rdMr rllr h.or CE!.d F,$n .b rh. FoErc oldE Coffrrri Lsnr.d Ur rcn Ba 9. Coffii.8 wih Sdio! 7000 of Divilbn 3 of th. B6ird dd <br />PmIabN C,{., or lhd lE or fi. ir aopl rhdEom &d th. hsit lor lh. dEs.d Bddirn. Ary lbl,lion ots6tbD 70J I t W Dt <br />.pphcu! ror . Fh iubjdrrl* @,i(sr ro.ollp.di) orhr tuErh& n!. hx.dd &rU,E tls@r <br />-1. <br />a o"M of th. FDFly. or my @plot6 snh w.*6 a lh.n 5E onFa€rDl\ *ill & trE *qt dld rlE nff@ i mt <br />id..d.d or oll6.d ror sL (S-.704t1. Burir dd P$ldio6 (-Gi. TIE Co'rr.d( 3li.* t e d6 mr {pr- 10 & o\E of <br />rh. FDFry vho hril6 q insDrE llE@G !'d *h d6 sh slt hirelf or n6*lfor r&oud nk o. h6 osr @plot!6, <br />provi&l rhlt 3uch inFnlclmo 4 ml intdrtcd or oltu ftr eL. lf, hosaE, ltt trild,a m np.lrffi b $ld *i!hh oE )r.rsrgldDd.llt O\E Boildg *iI lrE llE hlddr ofFovir! thr lE o slE rlid mt bui!d !l! Dr. dE FDFry 6r r F,FEof <br />l. a ow ofrh. Fr,pdty. m d.hancB onrlcri.s u'nh lcqs.d @t ret6 h olrrru(l [E Fordr (S< 704,4. Auil6.d Profdii cod.:1h. Lictu. t wd.6nor q'Dlyro MD{n6olpr.Ddyqho build! or improv6lh6on,md wh6 Fndri ror r.h Fojr(r snt. Cod.xro4r) ltdE n r(E@ <br />'o <br />rlE Co.k!.r('! lru lA) <br />-l <br />m.r.mpl uftjs S(tnrn <br />lr.t. ()rrF <br />lr oRriERi' ( orliENaA rl(Jr <br />DISJIAIIITL <br />I h6cbv "mnn undc p..ahl orFJUry on. of rhc nnhs,ns d(LaainN: <br />_l hlrr ril sill Billlin ! Califrtl. of CoMr to Scla-lM. for *sl6l @op.n{r io'! s Foridcd for b, Sclion l70l) of lt <br />l$or Codc for lh. Ffomm. of rh. wrl for whi.h ih. Fmil a i$o.d <br />I h,r. ud will mi.ui, M*.rr' conFu.rion iGuroc.. a r.!ut.d by selion :1700 of rh. l!b(r Cod.. aor rh. Ffomo.. of <br />ric work aor wbl.h rhi! p6Dt b isxd M, w td 6dF6rion idllft..6i.r &n pola, nunhcr rc <br />Xl drry thd m tlr Ff.ltffiG orrrr mrl ror uh.h rhi Fmh i! is!.d. I ndl mr dploy sy F$. in xy lM'$ ato baom tuqar ro rhc *irl6 oopoBnEn bs ol Cll'lomo-.nd asc rhd 'f I3hould hdotu rubJ.d ro rlE <br />wo 6' comFrE rion Frvtiod of Serion lT(]o of th. trbq Co<l., l CulL fdhenh @npry *nh rhot Fltirbc <br />WARNINCT Fnlft ro M uqt6 omFurb. otsr8. ir unLetuL Ed nEil {bFl e dlploF lo siniMl padriG r"d <br />.ivil lin6 up lo oe huajr.d Ihouud doUc (tloO.Ooo), in o.l(lnion ro th. cos of co <br />s..lDn .!076 ofin. L,bq Cod., nrdd !!d.ndrr'r t6 <br />o"., /z-/Z-/ 3 "*,-", <br />llt(r\ll\ ()\ <br />I h@b, .frm u.dd p.uXy of Ftury thd ! @ licd!.d unrl6 prcvilior of Ctaprs 9 (.onffiins trirh S..rirn 7000) ot D'vbhn l <br />of lh. BaiB ad PDt6*rB Cod.. rn oy l.o& L h tull lo(r il Gfl(l.B s{b8r5G <br />l?'-t:-te .-"-'-4rPpS'"-*ut <br />colllalcltall.rallrcrcflcr <br />I hdlby.IIm untt6 poDhy of Frlury thd fio. b ! cotr<tocrion lcdins lgfty for rh. Fforlj@. of 6. {ul 6. "tEh rhi Fbi 6 <br />is.d (sd 1097, civ c ) <br />AIIII(ABLDICIJSAIIO! <br />I hsltyr6'n r.dd p.i.hy ol p6ju, oE of fi. fo[o*'ins &< Lnrro6. <br />D.mhnn Fdil!'A*Gr6 NorificdFn Fo:lq.l R.*uhrhB (ThL,O. Pd6) <br />-Rcquirld <br />t x6of Noif(ibn <br />-l <br />cdiry lh.l tlE Lddrl E8uldioN Es.rdint 6b6to! rdmval u. nor spplic.bL <br />'o <br />rhir prcF <br />44+.dit 'hd <br />I IEE 'al rhi! .r?li.tli6! nd i . rhr rhc !bo\ G i.rodlii'n is .otrEr ! lsrd b on lr wnh .I cny .n<l ( 6uory <br />oRlrm.6 o sr,rc ln*s nhr'+ ro hu'ld'ns canrrucr tr)n. ru,j otrhir Cny dd Cou.ryro dr6 r4b. rtE <br />auir. nrnton d p.oFny r( atEi{n IUFE <br />app,,",nro, ns rsrsn nZ/Zca- <br />P.mrre dh. (prrnD, g1 14- !-k--Q ^,, /L-/ 3 -/ b <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenUl nsulation <br />f,oof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Fram i ng <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Leputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />FINAL I -23 -t1 JJ.fol;fa @) <br />Certificate of Occu pancy <br />Notes Remarks Etc. <br />Z_t-tl_ LrG 4 ,J <br />Set Backs <br />Brown Coat
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