<br />I Hn rmrm unh. Fndry o, pqu,i- lhrl I m .r.npr frem rh. (tnrE.loE Lt.B ti{ for rh. aolhsins l!e. ls< 1011 5
<br />&Bins .ld Piotdhn Codc) Ary ( y or (-ooil, Nhi.h r.qur6 t Fnil to Ndrud, tt6. inForc &rknan o qtn s)
<br />, rnor ro irs issu (. !8. r.qri6 rh. rlplicmt for ruch FE'l lo nk r 3iBn d.ldffil lhll lE or ir t lic6!.d Il@rd
<br />ro rh. F.ris *.l$. (inrrtoir l-Eqkd l!* ((-h,F6 9, (nmmrns silh s<lhn rux) of Dilirion I of rh. auind.nd
<br />Pn,f6 on! CoL, w rh.r lE or ,rE i! nntr9r ind.6om rd th. tsi! lor th. .lks.n .roFion Ant vioh ion o l s.<r i.n 701 1 5 b &l
<br />!p?l'.r for,FhniubrfrB!h..pplicullo!ovilp.tulrtofk mor.rhn fi\c nundr.d doll&,{l5tro)
<br />l. 6 o\E oarh. rFrEr!, or mt ondoyG uilh \!s6 s lhcir $k.onFndion. sill(l)llt *trl dn rlE rrulE i5 Fr
<br />idodql orord.d forsl.lsa 70.14. Bsin6 ud Pn,fBbN (-dt rn Cont-id't l-f,ce l,* tlos ml fi,ly ro !n otrfld of
<br />rh. rnpciy $ho hlilA or inF.\€ rt-an. rn shr dE sn trln hiMlror hdlf or thmunh hir or hd.{ mplov.6.
<br />FnriLd rhd *h inrm\ddi.. rl nod<l dollcd n $L lL !r*6q.ln. biliins or inqro\od it $H xntd d tE
<br />or.onpl.irG rlE (rtE IliLIa rill h c rh. buda or pr.lnu rhd hr or $. dd d nill or np.!,v! ltE FotE! lr
<br />'lE 'l,Ic
<br />of
<br />I, so*corrh. rorcly. h.rclu.n.b cotu&1nis $nh lkrud c.'rltt6on to mnrdd ltE Preict (s( 7044. t!6ind
<br />dxl PtokinCo& Th. Comn ]lois l.ic.N Lls do6 nol apply ro d os nd nf Pro!<n) Eho hild! o. imF$\6 lhdo(
<br />.nd $ho snrR13 for rucfi Foj.rl. ulh a (bnrado{.) li.oqn poBun lorlE(bd'r!d'r Lke t^)
<br />lnn(rcn, trn1l( \(rk)n
<br />Orn.t
<br />$ (|RJ(FRSi ( OmPrNSAnOra
<br />DE(l.6X.ut0!
<br />I hoct, amrm un&! oI FJu^ otu.frh. rol!){ins ddldtrr)N
<br />, h,r. ,n will run .h ! C6t i6car. ol Consr io s.ll-lBur. aor tr o.t6 .odFeior. d Fnit d for hl sdtu. !700 of ln
<br />Iib ( odc. for rh. Ff.llMc. ot rhc wrl td $ hkn rh. Fnn it isu.d
<br />I h.\. rnd tr
<br />'
<br />ll nrim,in s.rldr' corrpmsl n. iEu'irc.. s rdtuir.i hy S(t xrn :1700 of rh. lrho. CoJ.. lo. rlE Ff(m. of
<br />nE sorl f.rrni.h rhi! p..mir i! isD.lj My \rcr16' .o'nndBd
<br />'on
<br />rnsutMccctro dd F,lk, nlntEr d.
<br />I c.nifyrh.l in rh. p.rfomrm. of lh. *nrl f shkhrhsFmn it isu.( I sh.ll mr atpLy sy Fe. i. lny mME
<br />s s lo b6om slhial lo lh. *nlt6 omFEnh. Ls orcrlifomir. r.d i8c rhd if t nbuB t ..n. lot'jdl ro lh.
<br />q!*B' onFEdion F\iiioE of Saii,n :l?0o ot th. l-bor Cod., Lull, fonhwnh cofrply wnh ll.c ForirhB
<br />wAR INc Frilur. ii' sE *ortd .onpodi.n L trnltu tul, .nd th,ll $hrd o oPloF ro aiminn FEli! rld
<br />cilil fin.! op ro on. hundrcd rho@nd d.ll6 (tloo,txtr). in i.lnion ro lh. coi of (omF6nior <bn 86 a Fovi(H ror rh.
<br />s6non i076.4$. ritor Code dt6.n dd ilonEy-! fG
<br />Applldnr:__
<br />LI(}: SE.(;OIIAAIJAB
<br />DguaEallqa
<br />IHry.tImund6FuhyofFju!thnIulitrEduftl6F\i!.olchlplqs(comndcingwnhSdionm)0)ofDrB6nl
<br />of lh. a6iB .rd Frctdnd Co&. !d ny ltffi t in tull lorc. !i.lTa1
<br />QliIAllCIIl)N-l,EluNC.ACE&(r
<br />I h6cu !,I",n undd rnllty ol Friuav rh.Ih6. !r a coElndnn Ld'n8 ieft) aor rh. Fr.lrr1m. oI rlE s!* ltu { hah rhi! Fmn is
<br />n$.d(s( ll0s7,cir (')
<br />Itdrtt) lrm u.d.r tH,hy.f Fjurvon.or$. rollNlnf d(lar.rons
<br />tkRrhton l,mirs'Ath.1$ N.lin.dkrn r.d(01 Rcrul.lkrni ( I'rt.l0, I'dnb)
<br />R.quiiaj Ldl6 of Nd'fi .dion
<br />I .dift rhd rhr f.J6.l r q.ullr ion! r.!td'n! GtEhr rfro\ .l d. nol !fi,l(trbk ro lh6 ttojd
<br />I c61'ry rh I h.v? i.n &n n'l.rhd th..h\. mnEriim i! con.d IaucioconplyIill3llCirt.nd(.unr!
<br />.rdinrft6 dd Srn.l..triEliilll b hildlIr ,rl lulh.rn r.rrMr ir6 . f lhis ( ny dd Cou.r, ro drd uln.lrr
<br />t
<br />t;n . nnrnftd Fne.n ! Ior
<br />Mpp mnt or ,\B t slsr.ttrr.
<br />[".*,--..rn*,,4,tca.l l^" oo
<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/VenVl nsulation
<br />Roof Sheathing
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framina
<br />lnsulation/E ne rg y
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Enqineer Final Report
<br />FIood Zone Certif .
<br />FINAL 9-2.t - t? .I).5-lo 39
<br />Certificate of Occupancy
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc