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I <br />GREASE INTERCEPTOR MEMORANDUM <br />To:Robert Cisneros - Planning & Building Date: June 2. 2021 <br />From: Irene Yoo - Assistant Water Engineer <br />Location: 600 W. SANTA ANA BLVD. SUITE 103 (LAGOON JUICE & COCKTAIL ) <br />The above referenced food service establishment (FSE) mLrst comply with the FOG Control Program <br />Rules and Regulations as identified in Ordinance N5-2921 and as fbllows: <br />No improvements are required at this time. This FSE qualifies for at least one of the following <br />condition(s): <br />The proposed FSE FOG discharges are projected to be negligible and w'ill not likely cause a significant <br />impact to the sewer system, on <br />The proposed remodeling work does not increase the current amount of FOG generated, or: <br />The proposed remodeling work does not require: l) under the slab plumbing in the kitchen area, 2) an <br />increase in the net public seating area, 3) an increase in the size of the kitchen area, or 4) any change in <br />the size or type of food preparation ecluipment, or <br />This is an existing FSE involving a change of ownership that will not result in an increase of FOC <br />discharged to the sewer system. <br />Special comments/conditions: <br />The Developer/owner ackrrowledges that no tenant improvements that include change of plumbing in <br />the kitchen area. change of kitchen equipments. expansion of dining area, and or change in type of <br />operations or use. are being performed at this time. The developer/owner has been notified that any <br />improvements, that include that which is mentioned above" will result in the revocation of this waiverto <br />install a grease interceptor. <br />Clc Water Resources Division <br />Planning & Building Agency <br />OC Health Care Agency <br />Public Works Agency (Development) <br />EEC Environmental <br />Applicant <br />Y\WaterOperanons,,Engineenns\Developmenl\FocProgranr\FsEs\25|\Menrcrmdunr-ComplereWaiver-600W SdtaAnaBlvd Suirel0l(Lag@nJurce&Cockrail)docx