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STICX POSTAGE STAIIPS TO INTICLE TO COVEN FINSI CI"ASS POSIAGE. <br />CEnTltlEo ttflt rEE, ltlo CHIBBES Foi ALY SELECIEo oPtlotlAL SERVICES. (1.r hoflll <br />1. ll you wanl lhis receipl poslmarked, stick thg oummed slub on the l€tl porlion 0l lhe address srde 0l <br />lh6 anicle, llryh! tia rlcrht altachad, and pres€nt lhe arlicl€ al a posl ollice seNice window or <br />hand itl0 your ruralcarrier (no exlra charg8) <br />2. ll you do nol want this receipl poslnurked. slick lhe oummed slub on lhe lefl ponDn ol lhe address <br />gde ol lh€ anicb. dale. delach and rolain lhe r8c2rpt. and mail lhe anrcle <br />3. llyou want a relurn r0copt, wlile tho cortlied'mail numDg and your name and address on a reluro <br />recerpt card, form 381l and allach lo lhe konl ot lhe arlEle by means ol lhe gummed ends rl space <br />p€rmits. otherwrs€, allk to back ol arlicle. Endorse lronl ol arlrcle RETUn[ RECEIPI REoUESTE0 <br />adlacenl to lhe number. <br />'1. <br />5. <br />6. <br />ll you vianl delivery restricl8d l0lhe address€e, or lo an aulhorzed agenl 0l lhe a6dressee. <br />€ndorse RESTRICTEo DEUVERY on lhe tronl ol the arliclB <br />Enter lo€s lor lhe servicgs rgquesl8d in lhe appropriale spaces on lhe lronl ol lhrs recerpt ll relurn <br />rcceipt rs requesled, check lhe applicable blocks rn <br />Save lhis receipl and pres€nt il il you make inqurry ,