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LEGAL NOTICE <br />To: Persons in apparent charge or control <br />of unrei nforced masonry buildings <br />Hal i -Spechts Lighti ng <br />1408 North Main Street <br />Santa Ana, Cal i fornia 92700 <br />1408 North Main <br />Date July 28, l98l <br />and descri bed as:Reqardi nq the building located <br />Oringe C6unty Assessor' s Parcel <br />atNumber AP# 005-164-1 t <br />0n February 19, 1980, the City Councll of the Citv of Santa Ana adopted 0rdinance No. NS-1518. <br />ir',ir-o.iinin.e, entiItea-"ii.inqriii Haiard Re<luciion in.Existing_Bui1dings", added-Article <br />xi,-.o.iiliirg'of Sections-a-iodo b 8-2007, to chapter 8 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code. <br />SEISMIC ORDINANCE ADDEO TO MUNICIPAL CODE <br />DETERMINATION O F RISK CLASSIFICATION <br />SEISMIC O RDINANCE REQUIREMENTS <br />A field engineering survey and rev i ew ^conduc ted by the City indicates that the subiect build- <br />i.i'ii-oi i olrign'u"a tyie-or unretnforced.constiuction, iontaining walls with Iess than the <br />required reinforcement, ;[i.h f;lls withln the scope of 0rdinance NS-1518' Pursuant to the <br />;;;;;;;".-i;"-irii..i'uiiiiaing-l'ai been deslgnatei by the cltv to fall withln the class II <br />(n iqh rtst) category. <br />pursuant to ordinance No. NS-1518, the owner of the.subject building has the responsibil ity <br />; b;i;g the building into conformance wlth the ordinance' <br />required to provide a structural analysis <br />r architect. This structural anaiysis <br />ing Safety for review wilhin two hundred <br />*iiiien -notification, oi order, to both <br />arent charge or control of the building. <br />lnder the Provisions of this ordi <br />bv a I icensed structural engineer <br />s-hall be submitted to the CitY's <br />seventy (270) daYs from the date <br />the building's owner and to anY P <br />,c <br />Dep <br />the <br />ers <br />nan ce, the owner isivil engineer, o <br />artment of Bui'ld <br />Ci ty has sent a <br />on who is in aPP <br />AccordingtotheCity.srecords,awrittenorderhaspreviouslybeensenttothebuilding,s;;;;;:' ililri., inicitv;i-.ei6tJs ao not indicate that you, ls a person who mav be in ap- <br />Darent charqe or control'oi in.-rrUj..t building, has beeir sent a copy of the required notlce <br />5r itrat is now the purpose of this notice' <br />If the building is found to be deficient underrthe standards established <br />nirn* "na calcilations necessa.y for correctivi work are to be submitted <br />liiiiitri:i-..iiyiii. -rr'. ownir"snall cause the buildins to be structural <br />;;;;;;';;;;;;il;Aurds-oi the ordlnance or cause lt to be demollshed' <br />accomolish the necessary itruituiat alterations shall be obtained not lat <br />i.orn [n. date of service of the notice to the owner' <br />by the ordi nance, <br />together with the <br />Iy altered so as to <br />Peml ts requl red to. <br />er than one (1) Year <br />The reouired alterations must cormence within one hundred <br />""*it-it issued. The building must be corrected to meet <br />;;i;;r;; noi tiie. than three-(3) vears I.q !!',e date or <br />otnu.-o"-otnar person in charge or.control of the subiect <br />.iii.i'-iu'iti-.ny oi tt" time [erlods prescribed bv-lhe ord <br />iriiai.o-luitiv'is requlred to order the entire building v <br />;;l';ifi.i;;;i'aii".iiions have been completed'- In additi <br />;'i;;;iil;.;, it,e cltv't Director of Building Safetv is p <br />ordinance so as to assure cornpliance' <br />RIGHT OF APPEAL <br />eighty (180) days from the date the <br />the minimum requirements of the <br />service of this notice. If the <br />building fails to comply with the <br />inance,-the Ci tY' s Director of <br />acated until all required analyses <br />on. ln cases of non-compliance with <br />"oviOed <br />with other remedies by the <br />'I dino safetv,s initial order (including his determination of class- <br />;ii;ir;);;i u" ippeit"a bv the owner or anv.person ln apparent <br />;;i;iil'to-ionq as'such ap'peal is filed within one hundred eightv <br />i'ih""dii".i"rlr-inilii-[5ii.. o. order on such owner and person in <br />of the bui l di ng. <br />The Citv's Director of <br />i f i cati-on of the subiec <br />B <br />t <br />e <br />days after servi ce <br />nt charge or contro <br />b <br />b <br />o <br />1 <br />ut <br />char <br />(r80 <br />appa <br />I <br />e or control of th <br />re <br />ec or0 I ng e v <br />or your information. If you should have any <br />-4186.t,le are enclosing a copy of 0rdinance No' NS-l5l <br />;;.;;i.;;: [i.ui. coniict this orrice at (714) <br />8f <br />834 <br />U <br />I o