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1408 N Main St - URM Report
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1408 N Main St
1408 N Main St - URM Report
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7/26/2021 9:21:18 AM
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7/26/2021 9:21:15 AM
URM Report
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1408 N Main St
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LEGAL NOTICE <br />Legal orner Great tlestern Savlngs & Loan <br />Address 8484 lJllshire Blvd, Beverly Hllls' CA 90211 <br />Regard'lng the bullding locrted !t <br />0range County Assessor's Parcel Number 0s- 164- 11 <br />The <br />date <br />nent <br />not'lfall <br />the <br />al I <br />p1 'la <br />date <br />gran <br />may <br />l{unl <br />The orner or person ln apparent charge or contro'l oflnltlal order rnd detennlnatJon rlthJn one hundred el <br />thls order. pursuant to the procedure'lshed by <br />Code. Any such appea'l sha'l'l be declded by the hearln <br />days after the date rhen the tppell ls flled. <br />Dtrcctor of Bulldlng Safrty <br />, <br />raqu I red rlterrtlons mrst comence rlthln one hundred elghty (180) days from the <br />tl'ie pcrmlt 'ls lssued. The bulldlng rrust be corrected to neet the n'lnlmum requlre- <br />s of the Ordlnance not llter than t[ree (3) years frm the date of serv'fce of this <br />ce. tf the orner or other person ln charge and contro'l of the subject bullding <br />s to conply rlth the order rlthln lny of the perlods rs prescrlbed by the Ordinance, <br />Director'oi Bulldlng Safety ls requlied to order the entlre bulldlng vrcated untll <br />requlred analyses and stnrctural alter.tlons have been completed. llhenever cor- <br />nci rlth this-order has not been accompllshed rlthln nJnety (90) days after the <br />the bulldlng h.s been ordered vacated, or such addltlona'l tlme rs.may have been <br />ted by the Board (see sectlon g-2C,04 (e) of the enclosed 0rdlnance), the Dlrector <br />order- demo'l ltlon df such bullding ln accordance rlth Chapter 17 of the Santa Ana <br />clpal Code. <br />the bu'lld'l ng may r <br />ghty (180) days of <br />Chapter 3 of the S <br />g offlcer no I ater <br />go1. September 29, 1980 <br />lnd descrlbed !s: <br />Inspectlon and rev'lex lndlcates thlt the subiect bul1d'lng Js of a design and type of un- <br />relirforced construct'lon, cont.lnlng ralls rlth less than the requlred relnforcement, that -fa'lls rlthln the scope of 0rdlnanci NS-I518. Thls ordinance amends the Santa Ana }lunlclpal <br />Code by addlng Artlcle Xl, conslstlng of ner sectlons 8-2000 through 8-?007 lnc]uslve, to <br />Chaptei;8. provldlng for carthquake hazlrd reductlon ln exlstlng bul'ldlngs. <br />Under tle provlslons of thls 0rdlnance, the o|rner ls requ'lred to provlde a structural ana'l - <br />ysls by-a llcensed structural cng'lneer, clvll englneer, or lrchltect. Th'ls structural <br />rnalysls shall be submltted to the Department of Bullding Safety for revler wlthln two <br />hundred seventy (270) days from the date of thJs not'lce, <br />If the bulldlng ls found to be deflclent under the strndards establlshed by the 0rdlnance, <br />plans and calculrtlons necessarJ, for correctlve work are to be submitted together-wlth <br />the structural analysis. The oryner sha1 I cause the bul'ldln9 to be structurally !ltered <br />so as to conform to the standards of the ord'lnance or cause lt to be deinolished, Pem'lts <br />requlred to acconpllsh the necessary structural alteratlons sha'l I be obtained not 'later <br />than one (l) year frm the date of service of thls notice. <br />ppea l the Dl rector's <br />he service of <br />ta Ana ltunicl <br />han sl xty (60 <br />t <br />tnt a'lp <br />) <br />Concurrently rlth thls notlce, the Dlrector of Bulldln <br />of the County Recorder ! cert'lflcltr stltlng thtt the <br />scope of the Slntr Ana l,lunlclpal Code. Artlc]e XI of C <br />Rlductlon ln Erlstlng Bul)dlngs.' The certlflcate 3h! <br />bcen notlflcd rnd ordered to gtrtctura1 ly analyze the <br />strengthen or dcnro'l lsh lt rhere compllance llth Artlcl <br />If thc butld'lng ls Glthcr danollshcd, found not to be rlthln the scope of the 0rdlnance' <br />or ls ltu nd to be structurrl)y caprble of rcslstlng nlnlmrm se'lsmlc forces requtred by <br />thc 0rdlnance, the Dlrcctor oi Bulldlng Safcty shall flle rlth thc County Recorder, ! -ccrtlflcrtc tcnnlnatlng the rtltus of thc subJect bulldlng rs b.lng rlShln the scope or <br />thc Santa Ana l{unlclpal Code. Artlc]c Il of Chaptcr 8. <br />Ihenever the corrcctlons rcqulrcd by thls order have bcen completed, the Dlrector shr'l I <br />fllc r ccrtlflcatc rlth the County hccorder that tll requtrrd corrlctlons have been made. <br />Ic are cncloslng r copy of the Ordtnrnce for your usr, lf you shou'ld have rny questlons 'plrasc contrct ahls offlcc !t (714) 834-{186. <br />g Safety shall fl'le r'lth the 0fflce <br />subJect buildlng ls rlthln the <br />hapter I, iE!rthqurke H!zardll also 3t.te thlt the orvner hls <br />bulld'ln9 lnd to structurrllY <br />e II ls not cxhlblted. <br />I <br />o <br />1408 North Mai n Street
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