<br />APPROVALS DATE rD/stG.COMMENTS o\rl{ln lull-rrtt DErx xaTrcN
<br />I ha&,.8'rn @da F.t, of Firytht6a.qrtodrconnrtt LtlE t^ 6lb*a ltEdls-.ro3lj
<br />Euila ud PrcfGt @n C!d.): ,{rt Chy or coudy whit FquiE r p(,in lo .d8i!c1 .ll4. ioFo\t ddolilh.' ry.b uv
<br />nlcusFn'lonl -' Eqli6 rh. Trltd ft, s.! FEi to d ,r@tr l[.h.da.ht6q Ftrd
<br />ro rh. Foviiod of dE Comr.ddr LiH..<l L.* (ct4|a q. Cool!*irr win s*rb. 7u0 of Divitior ! or rlt &!i,E ..4
<br />tre&sbD Cod.) sor lt d ilE b da!c. thdtf@ si lt. t-i ror lt..lh.d.ra$bt A!, vblrioi ofse6t 70315 b, -v
<br />elid rd.FEr sli.d: th. qlia lo. dvil pa.lyord 'ncthi Rvc h...h.d &0G {u(D).
<br />-L
<br />. otG of 0E F.Fiy. 6 oy arybld wih *ra6 . lt.b -l. @rFErbi- wiU d, th. rul -l lb dtt^ i @r
<br />ina4d dotu fo..rt(saroaa. &!iB&d lrolAi(Ecodc T|Ec.itndd r Ltc ls.166r Flvt -owoarh.FlFry wto lt r or ittre.oE dr6i. &d $to &6rxt str hielf d lE*lf or tho{a} hir d lE oM 6do}q.
<br />Fovit dduul iEFor€EG@l ilq'.Lddotu &. rL l( horlq.Ilt hilhr d iryoad ir -B w nGld
<br />of@qBn4 ds o\*E t'i!6 rt hE dr hrda of FltB d. E d {. <lid d toild 6 iBls !t Pt?dy n lt. Frreof
<br />-1.
<br />.ffi 6f tlr FlFty. e qctliv.t qtuns wi[ licd.d odadro @'tur dE Fotd (Sa ?Ot'|. &dE
<br />!d Fot.i6 Cod.r TlE co ncrd t Li(te L.*.ba el.rplrlo u oma of poFt, wto boild. or ihPre€ lh6@o
<br />id *no drirlt &. o.i Fojcr. vni . colrrll<r, Ii@.d F t5 !o llt c..rtco. r LiE te)
<br />I mcrmpr undrsdrkr. .ll & I C ror rh$ r.a.n
<br />.\.!lBLl8[!!]Ur]iill9lMIIJB.\IIA!
<br />I l,drl,\ rrlirnr trrrld l\ lr\ ol lilrun on..frh. rLLll,Nnr \lltlir.nhn\
<br />-!
<br />h.E -d $ill6idri!.Cd!i6.r. of cod to sdr-lsG 6r wtd dnFEdo.,. PoviLd ro. btsdlbi lnD of lt.
<br />rdo. cod. 6. rt lde.ocr ofib at &r *nii & Fai a i c(
<br />-l h.E .d rill Dinl.n *qto (6Frdbn i6lreq . nqriEd br serbn 17@ of lt td.r co<rr 6. tt FfuDr. of
<br />rh. *ul fn rhEh rhir !cn, E &.d M j ggt6 amrE(ih rlm orF -d Fl() numba e.
<br />,.,o - .{/€Y, YoL /( /ar./rk / Al ,'rrl s
<br />= we1 b/int)D/gs ?o/2
<br />-l
<br />.diry thrr i. rh. Ffolfu. of rlE erl t . wni.h rhn Fmil t i${.4 I dull Dt arpLy ey lE&n i. ..y re
<br />b 610 b@e stidr ro tll wlr6'6ipd.tio! hsof C.liaomir rd rstt lhr irI.lhuld be.R sti€t to th
<br />e o secdio. PDvtb6 of Salbc !7@ o[ Et&.Co&,I CdL 6nt*ilt @,tly wih lld Fotin'B
<br />w^f,lrlNc: F.iE ro ff m,t4 6nCdri, o€t i ubvtuL itd irl sbjcr a cirrrF !o oilnd pal-t -d
<br />.ivil fc r9 ro oE hD.H ilDrd &llr. lJl@,OOO). i. .d.liioo b rlx cor of @r4q!dbn. &E8- . Fod<bd tu li.
<br />\.rrid' ri)16 ol {lr I ilrn
<br />1
<br />DICIIIAIII}!I16.h,.rm unda F lly oI pajuy t61 I o li.aE d u.da Fsvirhi oI Ch.fld e (on1ljwing qith Sclbn 7000r .I Dirthn I
<br />of rlE E6iB rn Pro6.b6 co&. .d i, ltae n o tul aoB !n.ft(l
<br />aV,'P4
<br />gN[ra!g:loul!!Dl!&.AcE!q
<br />I ha!t? dEh sda F.ry orFicy d: lha i. @duriE bdir rsr, fo. dE Fft.!!t. ot tt wt nr llin6i pdui a
<br />i.&rGd {sc. ,09r, civ. c. ).
<br />I fiddly .ftE si& Fdy ol Fi'ry oG of llE folt'wi,a &lrnn6:
<br />Daelhbn Pmh!-arb6rot Norifi..ri,a F.dd.l R.8uLrba (TilL,l0, Pd6)
<br />-R.q.iEd
<br />tdt6orNodf.ri,
<br />-l
<br />srirylE $E ftdddt.3fikE tlatdila &lq EErd E 6l +trlt b {!i Fi!1
<br />-lcqriryihrIt.,adlln+dkai6tilrrcOr$.&cinfoiiridb.qEl.I{rclo@n9lyvli.!Cnv.ldCo'ltvnLE. dsr.r. t 6 rltit ro bild&a Glddion. nd lE!b,.rltdir. rqari€ of tti City -d Codylo.da l{on t
<br />rlovc E btud r.oDdy fd irlkt@ FrF* ,:;":;:;"L_:TJtr
<br />,^r-*r*r, I Lt,,,l,. Cob-
<br />*. ilo/utr
<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rough Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Range
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL L/il/t 'A?o 9.:d,O/,V
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.