<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Li ght Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Sa fety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilin gs (Hard & Soffit Rough
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)
<br />Meter Release
<br />Rough
<br />/n\
<br />FINAL 7-" )'1 kiuJl(l
<br />Notes Remarks Etc
<br />I hatty .lIm !n& Flliy ot Fiury rli I m ddF nlm rlt Co,r,r.r6 Li.e tfl 6r th. t. o*rs '6a (56.70] l.J
<br />BuiB rd ftolGion Cod.) Ary Ciry or Coulry wbth EqunE r Fni ro @tdru( .ns. iop.or.. .labLrr or nt r -,
<br />nru.rEc Frrh n! 6ll.e, lto 'quG rlt +plir'r lorshF h fiL.3isi.d ri6d de h.o, JE i! li.aj.d F,rn
<br />b fi. FnttioB of rlE ConErrd r Lent d L.w (Ch.Fa 9, Comtring whh Srrhn ,m0 of Divirbn I of llE BolitB bd
<br />PrDfdioN Cod.) or lhrt hc or !h. L q6pr th..tw &d th. h.!ir for rlE .ll.s.d 6dFion. Any viohlbn olserio. ?0! L5 b, oy
<br />appli.or lor ! Fnnil rubjeG tb. ipplicur lo . .ivil p@hy ot nol mr. lho fiv. nundrcd dollN (ltoo)
<br />I
<br />l, 6 ow of rlE Fop6ry, or my mpbJ6 wnh w.g6 B rlEn $L odFldioE snl &r rlt *st.d dE niarc ir mr
<br />ilnoxLd or olts.d for $L (SG.7Or.l. ABiE..nd ProfdiE Cod.:]lE co r.dd s I-i.& ll* do6 m' +ply ro u o$E of
<br />llEFpsq $ho hritf c irqoE dE@.rd s'n dcsn q* hilulf or lE*ltorrhNusntn drd o*n.nprot6,
<br />ForiLdrhd rh "uF..\dRdn.!l.dcoE.d6rsL lL hor-u, tn llildla G nForsr.n it -H wiho ok ]d
<br />of.dl+lad\ iE (xG &dld6 sd hN tlE h,ndt ofFovi'E ll! lE tr rlE 6d d hild d fl!.D!. {E FoFy 6. dE F4o- of
<br />-1.
<br />s osrE oa rhc F.Fry, @ dcluiv.ly ..ntrrd.s virh hcq6cd .onrreloB ro coMi( itE F!j.d (S<. 7044. Alirs
<br />md Prtrtosin ( od.: Th. Conlruclor'r Li!.n!. llw &6 not dpplyro M own6 ofprop.ny who build! or inprov6 tha@n,
<br />dd who unr6d.16r $.h Foi..r! sirh ! ( onrano(r) licslqj pu6@r b rh. antrudol! LicN lls)
<br />-l
<br />e crnF uid s..rio
<br />]LTT85E8STq!IIEdTAI9X
<br />I hd.-bt rmm !.&, Fnift, ofFjur, .B ol th. folh$ bg dcl,rdioc
<br />_l hd\r dd s
<br />'
<br />ll minrain i Cdifi..r. of ( hnsr t' s.lt leE ror *or lar .o,np.nslion, a F,vitl.J nn b Sdion 11700 of th.
<br />Iriir Gdq for rhc Faoroc. o a lhc $ort ror n hich rh. pmn is issu.d
<br />I h.!. .nrl will m.i.t.iD wort.tr conFurhn iEulmq s r.qliEd b, Srlion ! 700 or$. Llbor ( od.. Io, tbc Ffojlj@. of
<br />Fnn is is6l My ua,tdt drFsp. iMc. c6E rn polk' numbq &.
<br />r'l? -^>Z^4 C)\l----r------- --r-e-
<br />-l
<br />ccnifythd in lhcl]qfotrMc. of lh.qort foruhtnlhisFmi n N!cd,I rh.ll not dploy uy p6$n in my msE
<br />$ 6 $ h<om. ruhjdl to th. s!d6 comF.lrlion l.*'r oacalrfooi!. Md agE rhd if I sholld h..om rutlat lo llE
<br />"6rt6' comFstio. poyitioB oas.nion 3 700 of rh. Lrbor Coda I d!ll. fodh*nh compl, *ilt rh.r pmvilioB..
<br />WARNINC f-dtuc t. sw. *!lt6'on{Eaircn ovs.*.
<br />.tril fin6 ut lo oe hun d lho!5d &,ll& tll0r.).000), r
<br />{b<1 d 6pl0F ro ainin l pdElis .nd
<br />.l.oftFclriotr &n 86 G Fo\ild for rlE
<br />sdrFi 10',6 o, rh. l,tnr Cod.-
<br />L
<br />I hd.by alfm undd pddry of pdju.y rh!| I an licd*d und6 provnrc. ofch.prd 9 (.onnoci.s wnh Sdbn ?m0) ofDivilion l
<br />or th. B6in6 $d PmfsioN Co&. ad my li(ru n h tull forc..d.fiar
<br />toctr.,,lt-i
<br />."" \l-26 !l{r1S++-C f[
<br />ljL1.flllllJlalllll]l,\1i-llrln(I
<br />I 6y illm u,!d6 p6l!1ly ol pGjuy lhd lh6. i' . o'!3tuctio, lddi,B .sacy for tu p6fon11.re of rhc hrl 6r *tth thn Fnn a
<br />i*ucd (SE. 1097. Civ. C.)
<br />altl.lcatf[tiglaa]]Jr!
<br />I r'rys.trmr uBia rE.t, of Fjury ot ot tr. ,olbq uu &.1& ion.
<br />DcnEliron P6nil]-tub6tG NorilEdion lj6].ti Reohions (Tirl..0, ld6)
<br />-Rcqutr.n
<br />ldldof Notificalion
<br />I cdily rhll rh. lirtErl r.subtioN Esrd'n3 abdto. movll s. ml ,oplr.hlc ro thl5 piojal
<br />l.dii lhd I h,\. r.ad rhis rht lh. abor. rfoldi'. 6 ..Fdl I lera ro corlPly qnh .U Cnr Dd Counir
<br />odiffiG.,i sr.r. lr*r r.kql
<br />rbo\! @lFn<d FoF!, ld
<br />r,ermire nr mc ( prrnr r: Ss._t \q
<br />l'**l*'*r'"^'\i'V;ffLYfta^lF2.
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Service Meter
<br />zt:R
<br />-",_l_.L
<br />,.*5