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Piease exPiain: <br />2i. Does your business sellautonrobiles or motorcycles? Yes D trto E <br />if yes, Please exPiain: <br />22. Dces <br />Yes <br />yo <br />L_i <br />ur business service or repair vehicles or install equipment and accessories into vehicies? <br />t'to E <br />if yes. please exPlain: <br />23. I acknowledge that I have requesteo and receil'ed ali zoning an <br />requirementi per.,raining to nny business and occupancy application. <br />d Santa Ana i'v4uniciPal CoCe <br />(initiai) <br />i DECLARE UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THAT THE FOREGOING STATEMENTS ARE TRUE AND <br />CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Ai'iD BELIEF' <br />Srgnaiu re Da:e <br />Frinl i'iame <br />Ti1le <br />infcrmation <br />S:Planning\Cle;icaFCounter Forms\ <br />Cof3 Quesl,onna re CU27-1,E <br />The Flanlring Divlsicn's Public Counter is operr for walk-up customers from 8:00 a.m. tc 4:00 p'm', tvlonday <br />througn Friday, "r""riWednesday'10:30a.m.:o <br />4:CC p.rn' The Planning Divrsion is located within City <br />Haii - Ross Annex, 20 Civic Centlr plaza, First Floor. Additionally, you nnay call us at (714) 647-5804 <br />shouid you i'equire any generai infci'mation" <br />The plannir,g Division reviews Ce,iificate cf OccuDa:lcy reqJesls'ior change of acidress, new businesses, <br />c,- expansions to ensure that the propcsed use is coisistent with the estabiisheci zoning regulaticns. of <br />Santa Ana. please check with the Flanning Dlvrsion's Public Counter prior to signing a lease or committing <br />ycur business tc a certain location to detei'mine the feasibitity. <br />lf a nonconfoi"ming use is disconiinr-ieC, or if a ;ronconfcrming building is vacant, unused or unoccupied for <br />a pei.iod cf 12 ccnsecuti,re rncnths, any subsequent use must conform in every respect to the provisions of <br />the lr4unicipai ZoninE coJ", and a nonconforminE buiiding may not thereafter be used or occupied until it <br />confoi'ms irr every respect to the provisions of the Code' <br /> .rhe foliowing uses wili require fuither documentation or an extended review and may or <br />niay not be perrnitteo: iffice uses within an industriai zone; rnedicat, restaurant, laundrornat, trade <br />or technicai schools, and automotive repair and service uses within spaces that were not previously <br />used for such purF,oses; a building that does not meet the parkinE demand for the proposgd use; <br />or a use which generates a higher parking demand or adherence to development standards than <br />the previcus uses. <br />You may need tO provicie floor ptans, site plans, or document the prior use before obtaining a <br />Certificate of Occupancy to Oeteimine the giandparented rights of a nonconforming use' or a use <br />which has additional Code requirements'