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*,,SANTA <br />NA <br />AWI <br />tmnilc <br />lfr\itl <br />Planning & Buitding Agency <br />20 Civlc cenr€r ptaza Roi Arine, <br />P.O. Box 1988 (M-19) <br />Santa Ana, CA 92702 <br />(714) 647-s800 <br />Smoke & CO <br />Alarm Affidavit <br />san ta-ana crQ <br />This document moy be found ot... h //vrr,vw. sa n <br />rNSP{2 2013 CRC <br />ta-ana.o ba, <br />(P/ease use a black or blue ink bal,l-point pen) <br />tL-Y <br />\ c\q5 .\q <br />License #:j.Ano <br />State of California requires that smoke and carbon m) <br />buildings. <br />noxide (CO) alarms are installed in residential <br />california Residential Code (cRC) section R314.1and R315.2 states in part that existing dwellings be"retrofitted with smoke ararms and carbon monoxide ararms. cRC section R314.3 and R314.3.3 definethe required locations. <br />^ <br />Both boxes below must be checked: <br />E c"'uon monoxide alarms: Are installed outside of each sleeping area in the immediate vicinity ofbedrooms and arso on each rever of the dwering. Ararms are required in bedrooms with gas-firedappliances (i.e. hot water heater, cooktop, furnace) or a fireplace. <br />El Smore alarms: Are each room used for sreeping, in each harway outside of a sreepingroom, and on each level of the dwelling. <br />Retrofitted detectors may be battery-operated for buildings where no interior alterations areperformed combination smok-e/co alarms must comply ilth a appticable standards and be approvedby the State Fire Marsha (SFM). Battery life must Ue iO'y"ar.. <br />I hereby certify that r am the contractor or the property owner of the above project. r further certifythat smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms have been installed in compliance with the governingcodes and have been tested to be functional. l, also, heJy certify that I will retest the alarms per themanufacturer's instructions. <br />lcheck one actor AP roperty Owner <br />NOTE: Ihrs ificotion is only used lot projects thot offect the EXTERTOR of the structure. Thisprocess is licab le ONLY to projects where dccess to <br />Project Address: <br />Permit Number: <br />Property Owner: <br />Contractor:r <br />Signoture: <br />Dote: <br />lnspedor ts not requircd. <br />the inteiot ol the dwelling by a Sonto Ana <br />I <br />I <br />'9){