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.Tetra ® LED Systems MATERIAL ESTIMATE Drwg #.:15209-01 <br />1, CUSTOMER INFORMATION ***SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TETRA®White MAX WA(65K1 <br />ESTIMATE FOR ONE SIDE OF SIGN ONLY Product *** <br />11 THE, GRAPHICS BELOW ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY ord ihould not 1,2 used:for commerckil quotation or bid without validation. Tne malerioi estimates fgr Tetro ® LED)Systems MAIERIAL LIST <br />ore F„:.pri • inon. our e ngiliee, itig standard. ond informcilion prcvided pol i ailii, g to #)131. lel, e, 1·,tighi. con dept 3. foce moterio I. on i ,]ny special instructions provided by the customer.LED GEWHMXWA5 316 Mod 127 Ft <br />Missing informouo. will cause delays in delivery of estimate 05 Well as affect producl sc·leclion. quantilids. oppli, cition. on:,1 illon linotion.f Module :2) LED MODULE PLACEMENT AND QUANTITY IS AN APPROXIMATION ONLY. The sign monufailurer muit verilg module place,nent and ensure even illuminotion. <br />31 Find moterial quor,lilies for estimation purposes find ccnstructio.1 core the respcnsibility of the s'gn OEM.GEPS12-60 3 EaPower <br />40 All signs should be restnd oscomplete units lir,cluding correct letra®power supply) before installation foraceeptable.color, illumino .i, - 7- - ; - 4. -"r c.GEPS12-20 0 Ea <br />5}For detailed information ond instructions refer to the applicable Tetia@ ploducl found under Signage,at WWW.LED.COM Supply <br />Can Depth Power Supply Location |Illumination Total Amps [Primary}Total Wotts'(System)Total Area Energy Useoge Connector 191600041 76 Ea <br />5" REMOTE FACE / BACKLIT 2.6 Amps 151.68 Watts 35.67 Sq' Et 4.25 Watts/Sq Ft Supply Wire 9409 140 Ft <br />Endi Cap GETMEC1 38 Ea <br />MATERIAL BREAKDOWN <br />WHITE{65K)Modules 1/5 <br />U 26.0 <br />N 20.0 <br />1 140 <br />1 <br />T 15.0 <br />E 19.0 <br />D 23:0 <br />H 36.0 <br />E 0.0 <br />A 21.0 1 <br />L 14.0 <br />T 15.0 <br />H 23.0 <br />C 15.0 <br />A 21.0 1 <br />R 16.0 <br />E: 19.0 <br />-"7 _ 9 3 -7- f=p =r <br />42" @'U'053?i r <br />n <br />TECH SUPPORT: 888-694-3533 /'·216-266-24-1.9 DrownBUL KD Rev <br />Tetra ® LED Systems Lighting Solutions EMAIL: TETRADRAWINGS@GE.COM Checked By:Rb Drwg #:15209 - 01 <br />EAST CLEVELAND. OH 44112 E-FAX: 216 -359 - 007.5 Date:10/1/10 PAGE 1 OF 1