<br />I t3l!t .firtn uttda paly ol FJcy th I a qotPr nm l[. CoGtrdr' Li@ l^ for rh. blloeits lEi (36l0ll t
<br />&!hd .,xl Pro&6ion Cod.): Any City or Courry whth,qun6 . Fhi ro olstud. .i6. inprot &troliih or rlFt Dy
<br />lrrumls Fi,rlo it! i!.u.!.c .lo qlic rlE 4pli.xl trr kh Fair lo fiL ! tisi.d sro6t fia lE or dE i. Iicau.d Frstln
<br />ro rlE Frvirird of $. Co rxrd'r Lica!.d Lrw (Cht6q 9. Cordci't wnh S*rbn ,@0 of Dilirb! I ol0E Buin6 ud
<br />PDfdbd codc) or du lE 6 iE t 6.q llldtioD trd rlt hcb b, dr.tlrld acqrbr &, vbb n orsdrbn r0l Lt by ey
<br />qlid 6. . FDa etiait rh. .pplird lo t .ivil of oor mE rhd fi!. h,idrd &lld (35@1.
<br />-L
<br />6 ffi oltlE Foldry. d o, aqbt6 eih w.36 a $.ir slc @6r6.tb!. ei! & dE rqt.n rll ildG a Fl
<br />inc'd.d oolttcd 6r!t (56.70{4. BEil6 Dd ft!&rlioE Codc Th. Codr{ror'i Li.!* Irw tb6tur.p?lyro mo$Gof
<br />rh.plIFV wtF tr&L d inp.!6 dE6r nd *t!o &6 uh wt hielf or tsaltor tbD!8h hs d hs oM oploy...
<br />FoviLd thr (t n"F!€Er. c tbr iroi.d d otu 6r rl. l(, holt*, lt hril]iB G niqlEcn b mld wirtii m )t
<br />otoEplairo. tlE O*E &ilds vO h€ r'l hda of Flvilt $.lE c tE dd 'd hild d iqoE dr FlFrt h. lt F F..of
<br />l. N or ns of rh. trop-l). er .r.lN!.ly conrrnl,ns * [h hc.6.d conr,n1o6 nr codtuli ilr For.(i ls< 7t}l,r, Iunn6
<br />..d l\\risrn (bd. Ih. Conr*(n . l,E6s. l-a$ d'6 nor ilnlr" u r o\ na of prop.ny sho h{ildr rr impfu 16 rhca,n,
<br />lnd trho conhcre lor $ch FoJd! \ h. Coflc-kdi) ncoEd I,urmi nr rh. ( I rfts hs)
<br />I m cr@I'l lnl. SErhi
<br />l)r!. ()in6
<br />lllabr,f,llallla\urart&(I Arl.llQ!
<br />, hoc[r rllirmu s lEnrlr] ol lEtur,Ntrl! J(ln'arkm
<br />-l
<br />tra -d $ll otIri, r Caituc of CoE d to SdfiE@ fo. Bta'@qcdioc. Flttd.d tlr L, scrih !m ofth.
<br />t^ft. Cod.. &r dE r6fo.@ of t 6t &. *tti {r DaDi 3 irr.d
<br />I lw. rd -ill min ir odpdE rbn iM., B n{uiEd by SErbr !700 of rlE Lrhor Cod.. fo. th. Ffollrft.of'!I'".-*WrWiY
<br />^-*^*-qogz
<br />"w'illllljd..di6 Ed Flq nubbd re;alfu
<br />I dirylhd i!rt Ffolrl4. oltlr *ort td *tah ltir Fbn it it!r.d.I irll Er anploy &yFe. i.e,6,E
<br />n a ro h<oe et*n ro rlE *.lta oiqdibn Ls ofcdit'n6, .d .arE du if I rl'ould bd(m $ti4r lo 0E
<br />sit6' @rpqExio. FDvbb6 of S<1b. 3700 ol lh. l.!or Cod., Lrll. foah*th @rdy wnh dE* FlvithN
<br />cnil ftE rp to c hn H rhu-,d doll!! (
<br />! Hr.fitu r.& F.t, of Fl.y lh l6 U.d r.& Fwt.. ofcldq I (.o@it viri s.(.ir 7qp) of Dnih I
<br />of tb Bci- !d &D&-,r C.d., d ay lic i h tuI ft.E d dE l
<br />7
<br />I hd.b, .ffd !i& Fdy of Fr{rt Or lhd. ir . ..!lr$rbr la*,i!a .scEy br U€ Ffoffi of 0E Nrt 6r sti.t lhir Fhi ir
<br />'!su.J (s( ror)7. ('$ (- )
<br />I cmld s Ni[c
<br />lr l(r's AtLl(
<br />.rpn rt',rrr nii ur*rlroir
<br />I hadlr allmr untk Fnah) orFJuD oEof llE aollonrns &Lhr.tkN
<br />I)chol'ton ltdm r' rh6tx Notit-'.dio. F.rldal R+ul{hrnr i I l. t0, Ird6)
<br />R.q(trdl ldl6 oaNorfi (dli'n
<br />-l
<br />cify thr lh. r.dd.l ..a!ldbB ,lsrdnc !&16 ifurd & ml ro Oi
<br />/-,it,r. r u.,*,t qt *o -a compi \nh all( irt ind( oud\
<br />oditEft6 6'j Srd. L.$r ELnra ro hildins
<br />.brc n6norcJ prumny for t6p<{N
<br />'r{/rl/d
<br />'VDIV',
<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />lnsulation
<br />A
<br />Rough Ductwork .,. Xv1 H,T 'V/z/:t I )ld;-,
<br />b*-rnbo vl /') -(./
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Range
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL tLl tLlp 1a ,urat gl
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />+
<br />/3
<br />I I
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I