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2017-07-01 09:19 5025 <br />MAYOF <br />MrOuelA, Puldo <br />MAYOR PRO TEM <br />MicllelO Ma(ii.2 <br />COUNCILMEMBERS <br />P. oavd Benrvidcs <br />Vicanlo Sanrlicnto <br />Jose Solorh <br />SalTin€ <br />Juan Villegat <br />8303938146 >>P 1/3 <br />ACTING CTTY MANAGES <br />Ger ardo Mouo <br />CITY ATTONNEY <br />Sonio R Carvalho <br />CLERK OF THE COUNCIL <br />Mana D Hutzer <br />*q <br />*-CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PIINNING & BUITDING AGETICY <br />20 Crvl( Cenrer Pla2a <br />P.O, 8or I988 . Sanrr An1, 6dils.6,3 92762 <br />rrr^/yw.5aDta-art.orglpba <br />Dear Propeny Owner <br />NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER <br />An application for a bulHing psrmit has besn submined in yor./r name listing yours€ll as thB buildar ot the propenyrmproyeme <br />u with an +q2!-ggilcglAqtoqwbdomenr f,nd tnforp?tion v6rification Form to make you awa/e ot8nd posrlble risk you may rncur by travrng tntipEhlGfGi'inlo anre-s as the owner_Builder. <br />Wo will not i6sue a building permlt unlil you have read, rniliatad your und€rstanding of sach provision, 6ignEd, and relurnedthis totm lo us al our ofticial actdress indicaled. an agenr or rne'o*nii liinot eru.rr" rnis notice untess you, lho propenyowner. obtain th6 p/ior approvat o, lh€ permitting autiority. <br />Wa are provrding yo <br />your responsibititi€s <br />WNER'NO M FI TION OF NFOR <br />OIRECTIONS:Read dnd tnitlol oech sldlament below lo slgnlly you undcrctsnd or vorlly lh!s tntomrtton, <br />SANTA ANA CITY COIJNCIL <br />SJr:-f lundirstand a t,equenl praclice of unllcensed persons is to have lhe propeny owner obtain an ,,owner-Buitdgr. <br />buildrn! permit lhat erron€ou6ly impties lhat th€ prope,tyo*r"r,. pioviOrng nrs'or ier 6w" f"ioi aro ,"r.i"t personaly. Las an owner-Buitdsr, may b6 hetd ri?bre and subjeci lo ierious r,niniiJ riit ,;;"y;.Ar;;:;ti,.ij Ll; ji., unticensedporson 8nd his or her emptoy€es whilE working on my propBrly. My homeownor.s insurance rnay Dot provide coverago lorlhose injunes. lam witlully acling as an Owner-Buitdei ano am awarJot tte r;m,rs oi ,y inirra-n'ce lJvJrage ro,,nyrri"s roworkers on rny prop6ny. <br />99i -' undersland building permirs are not reqlrred lo be signed by propony owners unr6ss lhey are responsible ,orthe construclion and are nor hiring a ricensed coniracror ro assJme ttrt respon!ibitity. <br />S 6 -3, tunderstand as an "Owner-Builder' I am th€ r€sponsible pany ol rocord on the psrmit, I uoderstand that I rnayplotecl myself lrom polentiat tinanciat n6k by hirrng a ricensed Coniraa'or a^a frarrrl ir,i Irrii f i"-j in i,ri, nu n"rn.rnsleao o, my own. <br />5 6. 4, lundersland corllraclors are required by law to be licensed and bonoed in calitornia and to tist their tjcenserlumbers ofi permrls and conlracls. <br />JS, -l I undersland il lemploy or otherwis€ engage any persons, olhsr than catifornia licenssd conlradors, and thelolal valu6 o, my construction rs at teast five hund;e; ooftiri (SSOO), inctuding labor ano ,n.renit, fr.y-Orionsidered a.l"employer" under slale and ted6ral law. <br />5--6-6. trna"ot"nd il lam consideed an .emptoyer., unde/ s(ate and Federal law. I must register with the State andf€dsral.governmenl, wllhhold payroll.tares, provide workers; compensaton d)sabitity ,nsuran"e] lno <br />"ont <br />itlre rounomplo.ymenl compensatron o, each "employee.' I also undersland ;y tatture tc, dbioe uy rt eie ri*s ,"liuo;ecr .e ,oserrous linancial risk. <br />S 6 z lunoersrand under calilornia.contradors' State License Law, an own8r-Builder who builds singtsjamjtyresidenlial$ructurEs eanhot legally build rh6m with lhe inlent ro otfer lhem lor s;baunG;s ;lf-"o*-ii pi,io-eo uv <br />E <br />4!d'&€r{lEioa-fi3 <br />Urf^ t1a tAa6,Vltd:/ <br />E6n&*i!llqll.ja1!.g!rr!!iu!@!&!t!!,91!r <br />7 0&.?.d oF.r o.r ,!ir19log!t S€,Ii,lfri <br />waiit 5 trrro itta!r!!&(l!:r!,dl!(! r,n!lElBi-o.rE.d! rllrl,lrrll|lttrrjlr