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SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNTTR BUII,DF.a I'EITARATION <br />, h6.q rmm undq Frlry oa pGlory ihd I m .rnp &nn rhc Comrr.r.ts' Liw t^ for rh. foltr*iq ren (S( 7011 5 <br />Bu6s .,n ProLshn Co{t ) Ary Cny or Cod, ehi.h .alliB. Fnil lo odrud. !116, irFo\c &mli.h or tqrr ey <br />ntudc. rlt ro ii! Bw. rho r.quir6 rh. +?ltdr for tut p6nn lo fik ! sisrd nnffir rh,l tt a licds.n tlnd <br />ro rlE FnvirioB of ,E (-oirEioas L.* (\rd 9, Gndftine snh Sdirn 7000 of lrtthn r ot llr tlBin6 .d <br />PrDrsnc(n&)orthnlEmslEtsmplllEr.fron!,rltlEtc!tuth.dbcdddrplidAnyriohnnoasd.n701I5rtmy <br />,rrlicln 16r. Fnh th. rPlt.d ro..'r'lFuhrof mr frr.rh6li\. hu(n d&116(t500l <br />l, {r otr F of rlt FoFdy. or m, oplorc anh f,+6 a rhar $L omFMion. $ill do rh *st arl iE ru1r. B an <br />rddrhl or o,I6.d for sk {Sa 7ol.a. B6iB ud ttofcrhB ( od.: llE Gnrracrois I (@ t,u dE mr q,pl) tu in o$k.l <br />rhcFrrEn! trlN b{i&orin rov6 rh.en. lld *ho &E lRh $r hi6r.lf or hd*lf or rhreoah hE .r hs .r n orl.t6- <br />rnov .rl rhl $.h inprorffiti ft { ddrlai or ofli'qi fttr $L ll lN*.r. rh. hildins 6r inFoffir i $ld $ irhii on. ra <br />oi c.illki(n rh. ()sr6 Buil(k will har rh. htrd.. of prtrin* rhd h. or st€ d'd rcr hilj or urprov. lh. Fnpsr, for <br />'h. ttulIr)c of <br />L d ostr6 .l rh. In)r.ny. rn .xcl$ conk..! ins slh I'.drd .onka.ro6 b .o.ntud rh. t'o]R1 (sd 7(xl. ll$in6\ <br />dxi ltirBir ( odc: ThcConl.aclors l-icds.l,s do6 nol.prb lo mo*n6otrop.nyrvho buil&o npnnc rhda)n, <br />lnd wh) oddi for .h Fojds \ irh r ('onrfr.(s) l'.@r.d puB@d h rh. ( onk.dors Li.a* l,* | <br />I m.rm,, undd sdhn <br />taf,trtf,i(afltlltarla! <br />DASAAAUA! <br />I hd.l,! .mr6 und.r Faht olp<iu^ oft ofrh.'tr Ds &Ll[.rFB <br />I hr\. rd \ ill D'nru r Cdlia*dc of Coler h S.lf.l@E fu qorlsr' cohFtsten. a Fn id lor hy Sd$. l7iJ0 of lrk <br />ldnr (ii., fo. lh. Ftolllrec ol lh. trolt for u hah th. Fnit i! isud <br />I h.r. lnd $ ill s ork6 .onp<Mrn'n Ntrinc.. 6 r.qut.d b) srl ion l70o of rh. I ltxlr ( o&, I <br />'h. <br />pdn)rron...a <br />rh. *o,k ny *hEh lhs Fmn ir ieal My uorkd comlroslnn iNurMcc cm( rd pohcy nuihf t.: <br />I c.nify rhd in fi. tsfoffi. of rh. wo for shi.h thi! ,'dni( ir i!s!.d. 1 +rll not 6ploy lny Fsn in lny 'ruF5 B ro t-otu .utirr ro rhc wrt6 s,qEldior Lu! of Cilifomi!, rnd isc thn it I Cbuld b.q,ft ohlr.r ro rh. <br />{0.16 d\dFsri,n filrnioB olscrion:u00 ofth. l.hor Code I rlEll roflhsnh snply trirh rtns rorilsc$ARNINC F.ilm h $e wrt6 6mFuir. ord's. n uih$tu|. Md d!,ll snbi< m mploln ro Eihidl FElk rd <br />.iil lin6 up r. oE hr.d.d thoMrn dold (1100,000), in &ld Fn ro rh< ..n of conFNrnr.. .Ln46 ar rr.rid.d ror th. <br />Sdbn !076 of rlE li.r code hr6d.rd dion y'r f6t( M,q""l NLr('. lrq ('oNrn{cTon <br />|rrttr8Allat <br />I dlm un&r Fruly of Fjurt lhrl I 6 lic6*d unda Fo\ 6pn of Chaes 9 ( coll1j6cinx siih sdriin 70rrc, .l Dn tnrn 1 <br />of rh.lturtrc &d Pmt*io6 Cod.. dn my !.ar i! i. flll foK.,,].fld. <br />.-,^-(J At^" 3,o'esad <br />caxsrBtJlf,lt8.LElDllclc.Ercr <br />I hdlr'y lllm un<16 !.nolry of pqjury lhr. thsc n . s'dN(ri)i ldldiis !*try fr'r rh. pdfolr@.. ol rh. *orl 6. $tah rnir lEinn it <br />i$.d (sc 1007.4n c ) <br />AITII(AELIIIO,A8AfIA! <br />I hodl' !trm uds Fr.l'' o f Fjort oE of rlE folL$ i.s d..l&d h <br />t).d,hnrn Pm'ts-Arb6los Norificarnr, F.dal R.suhrDNIl l..l0. P!n6) <br />R.quu.d I cllqolNolifidFn <br />l.or'trl'!tud'n*dh.ahs,ctrn,vrl .norlptl'.ahlehrhisI() <br />I cd ify rhd I h.1. .6d lhb .pplication ed thd rhc rt$r. inlomar i.n is (oEd I 4r ro comlly s irh all ( ir y dnd (nunry <br />odinancd Md Sr.'.lr*. El,'ing !o tnildi.g .oldrud io.. ed hd.ty rurhritu r.rr6d'.ln 6 oflhi! ('ny Md ('ounl! l. dl6 uri nlhc <br />ff::-'"ffi::*;'Mie*,/4 <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVl nsulation <br />Shear Wall <br />lnsulation/Ene <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Mason ry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Qeputy Final Report <br />En ineer Final Re rt <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />t\ / <br />FINAL x LL L{V I Wll <br />Certificate of Occu pancy I <br />Notes Remarks Etc <br />BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />Roof Sheathinq /) \" ,r lLsL x i <br />Framinq