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h-SNIA <br />NA,ffi <br />NEIGHBORHOOD REVIEW <br />Project Description <br />To assist in the evaluation of the Neighborhood Review application, provide a summary <br />of the scope of the proposed site and building improvements. <br />l. Provide a detailed description of the proposed improvement project. Clarify if project <br />includes demolition, new construction, repair, or replacement of the exterior building or other <br />site architectural features. Specify building use, dimensions and height of physical <br />improvements, square footage, and type of construction materials. <br />L Kela12 Drt,q+Q^ 9t-€-P = Lai r-."'t tL(1{,'tv} ti r€ <br />ltf n F<rLtLA I to sna'-l 6-'-1 g a1 Cc'c' etL' tJft (tzz/)+rzr <br />BAS7 + 9i>a Cf r>4tt't,'11-,''e:.> S--F=t J-ir>f <br />Ntrvil [,t-oo ] ' <br />,2 . Ve 1,; ft Dit-- 4a-=b L^-kL 't-ft-t L- t 7-'4 6' 44';-i9ie <br />+ n Ge-rtE L O s9 1-o €r-4 =iu rr-z-/ €'( ' <br />3. sgcoPe +i a'-oPei C 5 -'t()- <br />tf&r+ Lr-ooD -F u''Ac-ZZ <br />Lt' rt-,- > l-4- c- -i-'* u " P',1'-t = 4o> \-Lc'oc-> <br />fi7;'; i sirtc ter,t t uep lAu > r.'t-; t As ^reTD€' <br />+.'" <br />'iu'fl'; e be''' * e-€ D s7-ec'c- ct t'l tu. '€Lo t-'c e 94 <br />' --t-' =lt-/:co L'') rtl g'-4""->ft-r2-6 B'';;2' *+ l/4+-tzrt;(/J; <br />Il. Provide additional background that may be helpful in the review of the project by City staff <br />and the respective Neighborhood Review Architectural Review Committee. <br />r cnr'lar NR Pmjccl Re\rcu g lJ <br />Planning and Building Agency <br />Planning Division <br />20 Civic Center Plaza <br />P.O. Box 1988 (M-20) <br />Santa Ana, CA 92702 <br />(714) 647-s804 <br /> <br />NETGHB'RH,.D REVTE* *r' 2ol g - I - rf?