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G.P Zone <br />0 <br />RE <br />GR <br />9 <br />Q Ch t. <br />K ATI )N <br />L-FERATIO I 10!R- 3*°3dVOT <br />1 1- 1 4 .1 1 U <br />i '0 1 <br />25A gognw=n -re../x <br />A 1,1 9-1 1 23MASTERID SU IRA BE,- :*S 1 Ft1. gil <br />1 2 1 1 Or(?a <br />10' X 15'BEAUTY KIOE W 1 t. &0 1 <br />PLANNER ,BATE SPACE # 9050 LEVELE,1 <br />2 luLib--8 <br />1- 1 <br />0 2 55 4,Q. <br />TRANSFERRED BY DATE 114WESTFIELD MAINPLACE 2 rm <br />O2 ity of Santa ma ... <br />PLANN:jNT INSPECT(Oy/kEQUIRED:2 2 e 14 W i -30:1 - Oiljf-Z , <br />m·nt law FIWZ!NONF A I ty z I .2/) =J<UtE <br />1 3 r 4 1 1 1 2- 12 U' 3 2 Ni <br />,P,R@JECT DESCRIPTION (714) _ BUILDING DATA SYMBOLS 05 ACCESSIBILIftY C®MALIANCES- I- 12 9 2.0,1,3*ALIEORNIA BUILDING CODELU1 E w 2 4.KIOSI€SPECIFIC EXCERPTw .1 z z g* SIBE} 30000 9INSTALLATION OF A U.L. LISTp IN· <br />Ff*AA®CATED·c'ABN@KEYS-rEILPTURe CAO.DRESS:!;5.WESIFIELDHMAINPLACE *NORTH ARROW BifED OETHE [;5}ART2ENT (DOJSTICE:€3010 1,!ILBIJ"Ul BASED ON THE 2©3 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE®800 NORTH MAIN STREET ADA REGUALATiON PLJBLISHED-SEFTEMEBER 1 520 LDSUBJECT TO iTEMS CHECKE ) AND CONDITIONgANTA ANA, CA 92705 CENTER LINE O <br />BELOA':.(714) 547-7800 (DIMENSION LINE)SECTION 402 <br />ACCESSIBILITY COMPLIANCES (A.D.A)COVERED MALL AND OPEN MALL BUILDINGS./N- ELEVATIONCt.'iNTERIOR TI ONLY CONSTRUCTION TYPE lIB FULLY SPRINKLED N57- ELEVATION NUMBERj <br />/1 IVO EE>(112[23(DR Al.TERATI ji'4'13115.iC)DIFICATIONS INEXISTINGSIDEOFIVIALL SHEET NUMBER SECTION 4.1.6 (3)(a)(i)(li)402.6.2 Klotks. Kiosks and similar structures (temporary <br />ACCESSIBLE BUILDINGS or permanent) located wilhin the mall of a covered mall <br />bullding or within the perimeter line of an open mallHd-CEd,@RANGROUP: M *.-SECTION <br />Di2vOINCGEd419E* REQUIRED --1*jil- SECTION NUMBER (3) Special Technical Provisions for Alterations to Existing Buildings building shall meet the following requirements:SHEET NUMBER and Facilities: <br />NUMBER OF STORIES: 2 1. Con,bustible kiosks or other structures shall not beU b UMIVH I LANDSCAPE PU •IS -©= DETAIL <br />AO.0 COVER SHEET / GENERAL NOTES ACCESSIBILITY NOTES:A:D.A. COMPLIANCE 2008 EDITION DETAIL NUMBER (a) Ramps: Curb ramps and interior or exterior ramps to be located within a covered or open mall unless conslructed <br />SHEETNUMBER constructed on sites or in existing buildings or facilities of any of the following materials. <br />0@= gE==rAo.1 (BEHEHOL/WONS: ,ARPLIC8BLE CODES: THE 2013 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA where space li Initations prohibit the use of a 1:12 slope <br />BUILDING CODE (CBC) ADOPTS THE 2012 or less may have slopes and rises as follows.1.1. Fire-retardant-treated wood complying with <br />p -402=MJGINILYuM&811$116-I-diOSR.OCAT:Ie"INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (!BC) AND THE SHEET NWMBER Section 2303.2. <br />(i) A slope between 1:10 and 1: 12 is allowed/for a <br />4 MAR 5 1 2014 <br />r 1- Ang <br />10. 1 <br />8520 WELLSFORD PLACE <br />SANTA FE SPRINGS, Cia 90670 <br />PHON9: 562 696 1100 FAX: 562 696 1411 <br />1).ign. 01 .11!apla!ions )hi,·An on ihi. di.,winy are <br />11:e / 11:cily· 01 ·N AK·Mt)JR.·1-lil·.INAN. INC. <br />ami cannot he reproduced. ie-oule,al. offered fur <br />bale or whett ['or Jiy,|:ly will,01]1 Ihe written <br />penni,·inn of :hi, .itilic. A!! wnples. models. <br />drawing.. .:11.·clfi(.11ui: ..,d copic. ihen·of <br />fumish,·d I,v Ihis ciesigi Ii'11,·,2 are Ils piupe,[ic,. <br />1- <br />D <br />CO _ <br />O LU <br />LU <br />> -1 <br /><0 <br />LU 01 <br />A (0 * <br />ep :11 1 ¢ <br />2 <br />ci PLBe 1 EFIMErirdaaRING (ELE <br />A2:0 FINI$H PLAN VIEW MECH GR <br />A21 - A2A EXTERIOR ELEVATION 10/601 ERMrr#,..A2.5 STYLLING STATION ' <br />(Ccld3RC>llf?ievvep,oc <br />C 01+STR. rFT)!§· <br />SIGNAGE 9'0 C*„ C. . <br />A310 IRON HOLDER DETAIL <br />-0{* ZONE be <br />ELEL I KIUAL MEAN t <br />==AWA53==ARE=l..Illk; Ul Lub· -· <br />LC)£39 ZMMALGEBBF. REQ'D YES ) <br />122-fl C 1 . <br />1 - - - -i =%2pKL-i AMPS <br />k 40 / Ew J <br />2012 CALIFORNIA AMENDMENTS <br />THE 2013 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA -4. ANISH MATERIAL <br />ELECTRICAL CODE (CEC) ADOPTS THE <br />2011 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (NEC) AND <br />THE 2012.CALIFORNIA AMENDMENTS.EVISION <br />THE 2013 EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA - HARDWARE GROUPMECHANICAL CODE (CMC) AND THE 2012 SEE SPECS. <br />-GAMEORNIAAMENOMENTS <br />i•·\ 7=7, /7a 11 r, 7ir-T'r;=: Ar ren -n Gb - EQUIF'MENT GROUP <br />THE 2010 ED.!I!®N OFi!·1:k!Et€4L1EORNI -SEE SPECS. <br />PLUMBING CODE (CPC) ADOPTS THE 2012 r-1 AL]GBMENT SYMBOL <br />UNIFOWM,;RL,pIVIBI,4G-,Se[DE·. (WECTAND,TINE2201-2249.\D'nalft]R'A (14C.ALIFORNIA'AMENDI<,'IQN-i:§. b W'Lle 97 iyi'·JG El U)16, u UVU'dI NOTE: SOME OF THE. \BOVE SYMBOLS MAY <br />THE 2010 EDITION OFTHE CALIFORNIA ENERGY 1 NOT HAVE BEEN USED FOR THIS PROJECT. <br />EFFIcepAT*E[}PERE]olf@ AEKE R[Ell]EKFIED [FOR ELE©TRB©A[L, P[LUED[@0%8-& [SE©&.FIC:-. - =.- - <br />1 This set of pians and SE=Cir.0720,es mUS*03 kepiELKE@TRIEAL SYMBOLSa n*-,1-G: An -- la-- MiR,V,An,0 i.*f"ora ni'irjitssio{11)·Un Dle}LEX RECEPTICLEat all times and it is unleriful to mat* any etpriess or <br />City 01 Santa Ana. QUA[' RECEPTICLE <br />The acceptance of this plan and specialtions *1]UL NSIForION BOX <br />M held m Dermit nor ba an approval ollie vie' " n of any <br />maximum rise of 6 inches. <br />(ii) A slope betwer. n 1:8 and 1:10 is allowed for a <br />maximum rise of 3 inches. A slope steeper than <br />1:8 is not allowed. <br />SECIION 7:2(1)(2)(i) Cli)(ili) <br />SALES AND SERVICE COUNTER <br />(1) In department stores and miscellaneous retail stores where <br />counters have cash registers and are provided for sales or <br />distribution of goods or services to the public, at least one of each <br />type shall have a portion of the counter which is at least 36 in <br />(915,nm) in length with a Inaximum height of 36 in (915 mm) above <br />the finish floor. It shall be on an accessible route complying with 4.3 <br />The accessible counters must be dispersed thloughout the building <br />or facility In alterations where it is technically infeasible to provide <br />an accessible countei, an auxiliary counter meoling these <br />requirements may be provided. <br />(2) At tickoNng counters. teller stations in a bank. registration <br />counters in hotels and motels, box office ticket counters, and other <br />counlors that may not have a cash register but at which goods or <br />services are sold gr distributed, either: <br />(i) a portion of the main counter which h. a rhinimum of 36 in <br />(91'5 mfn) in lerigth shall be provided with a maximum height <br />of 36 in '(915 mm); or <br />1,2. Foam plastics having a:maximum heat <br />release rhte not greater than 100 kW ( 105 <br />Btu/h) when tested in accordance with the <br />exhibit booth protocol in UL 1975 or when <br />tested in accordance with NFPA 289 using <br />the 20 kW ignition source. <br />1.3. Aluminum composite material (ACM) meeting <br />the leqlfirements of Class A interior finish <br />in accordance with Chapter 8 when:tested <br />as an assembly in the maximum thickness <br />intended. <br />2. Kiosks or similar, structures located within the mall <br />shall bc p,ovidod with approved automatic sprinkler <br />system and detection devices. <br />3. The horizontal separalion between kiosks or groupings <br />thereof and other structures wilhin the mall <br />shall be not less than 20 feet (6096 min). <br />4. Each kiosk or similar structure or groupings thereof <br />shall have an area not greater than 300 square fedt <br />(28 m2). <br />SECTION 2303.2 <br />FIRE-RETARDANT-TREATED WOOD <br />Er) Ill <br />r- 0 <br />X< <br />0- <br />O 0 <br />D <br />U) <br />SIDEMARK <br />WESTFIELD MAINPLACE <br />2800 NORTH MAIN STREET <br />SANTA ANA, CA 92705 <br />714-547-7800 <br />ESIDEN-nAL DEV. FEE YES UNQ.1 ,B YES §4Sllle,rovisions 69 AMY City Ordinance or Stat Law.1 CLI: 1· MUINt UU I Lt I <br /> 101400: IXTFUST t>esigm,Reviei/*<-/FE¥6FHONE FLOOR OUTLET <br />Approved Accepted By,0810. 1-4 +Approved as Noted - f1 DATAT COMMUNICATIONCITY OF SANTA AN <br />O Resubmit A.C. P)WER FLOOR ACCESS <br />These drawings have been reviewed for qqelpl esion pC- SploYintent only. All actual field conditions are 'teN@F@diffeed - , RRFA :ER BOX <br />verified by the Tenanrs Architect and/or Contractor.- 1 enantis responsible for complying with all government regulations.SINGLE TOGGLE SWITCH <br />Construction drawings are due in this office 21 days from <br />receipt of this appi DOUBLE TOGGLE SWITCH <br />1€ 6¢7 r <br />(ii) an auxiliary counter with; a maximum height 0,36 in (915 <br />mm) in close proximity to the rhain counter shall bc provided. <br />or <br />(iii) equivalent facilitation shall be provided (e.g., at a hotel <br />registrationycounter, equivalent facilitation might consist oft <br />(1) provisionfof a folding shelf attached to the main <br />counter on which an individual with disabilities can <br />write, and <br />(2) use of the space on the side of the.counter or at the <br />conclerge desk, for handing materials back and forth). <br />Fire,retardant-treated wood is any wood product which, when <br />impregnated with chemicals by a pressure process or other <br />means during manufacture, shall have, when tested in accordance <br />with ASTM E 84 or UL 723, a listedbfiame spread index of 25 or less <br />and show no evidence of significant progressive combustion when <br />the test is continued for an additional 20-minute period. Additionally, <br />the Ilanie front shall nol progress more tha,3101/2 fect beyond the <br />centerline of the burners at any time dunng the test. <br />JOD#19710 <br />DATE 03/15/14 <br />SUE AS NOTED <br />DRAWN BY:MJ <br />BY:DATE: <br />REVISIONS <br />@ <br />RK <br />WNAX;aftm**EEMAN. INCA <br />SANTA FE SPRINGS. CA. 562-696-1400 <br />1 1 L.E.[.TAPE <br />Brra L.ED. TOEKICK LIGHTS <br />E324804 PAGE <br />LISTED <br />C== -1 SHOWCASE L.E.D.WIRED CABINET SECTIONS1 <br />r L-8 1 I l <br />C 99