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APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Lite Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab i Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundinq i UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />J ).-G1 t0Q <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Solfit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough 7-B-e.JI-5H ndu) <br />Service Meter I I <br />FINAL Ll Ur IB aL6raTf <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />OWNER OUILDER DELCANATION <br />I hcrchy nllnnt u (Il. rhy of pcrjury rhnr I ur cr.mpr tn,m rhc CoitkroA Licisc lxw i,tr rhc l',lt,winA rraq (SLr 70.115 <br />l,u\inc\\ trftr l,tur.s\tun C(xlcr Atry Ciry or Counry *h(h r.qufts r Fxnir lo mnsldd. !lr.r. improk, dcmlish or rcnIn y <br />{nrctrR. nrirn' ils is\urncc, rl$ r.quircs lh. lptlicant ln suchFflnn to filcasiSEd shtenf,nl lhal lror shc i! liensd puhuonl <br />n, rh( nn,!nn,n\ oI rh Conra.nn i l-i..n*d ljq (Chaflcr 9. ci,mmrcing wirh SEctioh ?(Xt) of Divi\n'n .l of rhc Bulincs and <br />llolc\{otrs(inn)or rhnr h.or rh. ir u(cmnr rhcr.lio$und rh. hrsis tur rh. dllc8cd cx.n]J,l$n. Any vhldrion .l Sd i6 7r)l I 5 by rny <br />rppliranr lnrrp.mrir {'l,Jc.a rhc uppli.snr t, rcirillrMhyolnoi nrr. rhln fiE hundEddollxr\(!5({r <br />-1, <br />os owmr of rlE prnFny. m ny.q,loyas wnh wa8!s &s tl'il bk conFndion. sill &, d. wk aid dr nrElE k r, <br />i.rorlxl or orcrcd aor st iS(.7044. SEim$ Md Pror.ssions C.dcr TIE Conlrrcitr r LicctrE Liw dft. tror {,nly ln rn o*mr of <br />tlE ImFny stE t.ildr d i.FrEr llEEn. .rn rho &a uh wlt himr.lf 6r h.elf or thrcueh hii or h.r own cnploy..i. <br />[oviicd rhi rkh irymErd! m mt i*s'&J d oltu for q!. lt tnkE, rtr hiildinS or irthEftnr ir sU eithin om ,.{ <br />of coq,l1ion. llr ol,ftr Buil&r w h.EtlEhln.ofpr.vhgthnlEmslEdidmlhildGitrlrlEtlEFtElyfordEnorlIxof <br />_1. !\ (wE. ot tL F)rEnr. 0m crclusiEly cor r&r hr wirh lkcnEn conrEr6 to @n(Mr rh. Inortr (Ss 70,14. ButimK <br />rd Air6ir Cdh: T1r Cont&rol s h* dB mr rpply ru e o{n.r of ,roFny wth builds or imf,mwr rh.ron. <br />.nd *ln .u'Elr for rsh pmFlr *nh. Conrdo(tl li.nsd |lUB6r b E Co'ilre1o. i Laue b*) <br />-l drcxcnu lnds 5d1i <br />laaf,Els:tqlltEtarlQN <br />DEII.Af,AIAN <br />I rliirm !n&r p.mhyorFFryo ol r rolLrin8 d(hErbN: <br />I hrk rnl sill flinrin r Cdif..k drcotr*nr ro S.lf lGlE fq wqt6 6n!rMio.. as Fovikd fo. by SFrbn l7m or rll. <br />Litrr C{xL. i,, rli Ffdltl!6 of rlt wl fq ,nth rli Fnn i! i3ru.d <br /> lor{En ioninur.B..!s ErllirdhySdhnlrmolrltt tFr Cod.. ror rlr F,rolrrm oa <br />l,x tr(rl n,*hah'ht lErnir ir tral MyrMkdr o naio. insurrc dntr !,n Fliy numtt. m <br />-l <br />c.nify lt r in llE rErro.mN oI rlE *ort ftr *hth lhis Fm i! nqEl I nrll ml .flphy lny Fmn in .ny MB <br />$ * ro b.t E sbFt b rlE *dl6 orFdbn h*r sf Crlitomir rn *ft rhd if I rlbuld tlrom rubFr ro rh <br />elt6 oqf,Nri{ pr,{\hnl6t sdbn ]Tm of dr L-hd c.d.. l rtElL fdh*ilh srrplr wnh rhx porisb6.. <br />wALNlNC l;.rtu.. h (e wtrk(\, onlEnqrnn smlc-ir unLrtul. rd lll.ll 3uhFd s cqrhys lo flniml Frls .,n <br />ch-rl nn.r u,' t,.E h!.nrcd lhousd dolldl l3l ,ldirion ro th. c.{ ol.o,qENlhn. d.n <br />Sdrr,n tlrr6 nl rtr lihtr C.rL ,tud ril dt**, ?-//6Zi ^* <br />I lrrhy rmrn udLr Jituhv of p.rluy rh:r I mr [Nn{n un!6 F$i\an ofchlrrd 9 onmmi.8 w h S&1rn 7{X$r ofD,risb.1 <br />* <br />I h(mt'y rlrirr u,ricr FMltyof lErjury rhar rns. ix r on{Mhn l.ding .3cEr,or rtE FfotuN of rh. wrk fur rtah rhr Ftni n <br />n$<n (sft l097.civ c ) <br />AIILII]IILDEII.A8AII{IN <br />! H', lfm undd Fn.lly of Fiury oE ol llE wing .L.&rl ions <br />txmlnbn P..oir$AetBto. t{orili.,a.n R&nl R.gahrin! (TnL 40, Pan6) <br />R.rllird lrrr6 or fi.,r ifk.ri.. <br />-l <br />c.nify <br />'hd <br />rh. redcnl EluLlions Eg.din8 rstE$os Emv.l @ mt !0pltlbL lo lhh prcj.a1 <br />_l cdiry rhlr , hoE Erd rht rprli.rrion &!d srat. rh.r rh. !bov. infomrior is cnNt.IrsE to otr{,ly wirh rI Cnyr l Counry <br />,i,ltrrtrEr.\ rnl Srnc ljq\ rlntnt ri <br />uh'v. nPn(k Ed pn,Fd, for nr <br />,\ppln nl trr,\!rnl si[ h'n <br />iv.s ofrht Cjly."d Counryro.nrs !Ii'n rrE:2/e <br />I <br />ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR BECORD <br />of llE BuriBr ]n Pmf6*rE Cod.. rn my ltcn€ k i, frrll foE ud .,Ial. <br />Sub-Panels