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o <br />T <br />I <br />Projcct nvo. I l-00.l'tl <br />lvl r. (iia Ngulcn <br />l(X)9 N. l]aker Strcet <br />Sirnta.\na. ( alilbrnia 91706 <br />S ub iect Lirnited Geotechnical Observation/'l'esting ol Pr-rol and Spa tlacklill. 2009 <br />N. Baker Slreet. Santa Ana. Calilbrnia <br />In accordance uith lour request and aulhorization. *e have provided Iirnitcd <br />gcgtcchnical ohse rvatiruilcsting based otrly ot.t 1'our calls. 'l hc Iimitctl scopc ol' rrtlrk <br />consists o I' obscrr at ion ltcsting ptior to placem!'nt ol'backllll ol'thc pool and spa locatctl <br />at 10(19 N. []akcr Strcet. Slnta.'\tru. Calrlbrnia. <br />,\ sitc r isit uas done bclirrc rhe pool and spa *as backlillcd. At that titrtc. tuo ltolcs ,rl <br />l0 by l0lcet l.rad been made at thc bottonr of thc pool. Contpaction rras donc l.rr rrhcel- <br />rolling ofa small back-hoe (Bobcat) and watcr was sprayed as nccrssar). lhc llll <br />materials consist of light gray sandy' silt. The laborator)' test results of the reprcscntatil c <br />soil santple olthc llll ntutcrials indicate that thc cxpansion indcx is 19. rrhich lirlls lithirr <br />the verl' lori erpansion potcntial classillcation accordir.rg to C'[](' 'lcst Nlcthocl l{J-2 <br />lluscd ttn thc lalroraton tcst results of the rr-'prescntalir c soil santplc ol'thc Ijll rnaterials. <br />tlre rnarinrunt d11 ,,lcnsity is ll.l pcl and tlte optintutn tnoistttrc contcllt is l2 percctlt. <br />Ilased on our prohing and licld dcnsit\ tcsts. it is our opinion tllat thc llll has hccn placcd <br />in with a minimum oi 90 percent relative compaction based ol'l t.naxilnttnr tlrl dcnsitl <br />pcrformed in accordance rvith the ASTM D-1557. <br />'l'hcrefbrc. it is oLrr opinion that the bacltllll lirr the pool and spa shoultl he sLrl'llcir:rtt lirr' <br />thc intc.nclcd purposcs ol prrol and spa dcntolition. Sitc-spccilic ucotechtlical <br />inrcstigation nccds to bc conducted to cvaluatL'the subsurl'acs soil conditions lirr lirture <br />irrproverrcnts. il'an1'. Il'you havc any qucstions regarding this rcporl. plcasc call trs. Wc <br />appreciatc the opportunit) 1o be of scrvice. <br />S incerely. <br />1'Ol{O INI trRNA'tlONAI- <br />a-- ftz <br />I Iantoro \\1alLritln,,. GL I|6) <br />l'rinc ipa l <br />EXP 3/3T/19 <br />O1r.:) <br />tr <br />6 INDIGO rRVrNE, CA 926r 8 TEL. (949) 559.1582 FAX. (949) 559- 1583 <br />Scptcmbcr I 5, 201 7 <br />TORO <br />INTERNATIONAT <br />GEOTECHNlcAL ENGINEERING