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S+tacafic Coodttional lltay.r Rtqulrrm.ot(r) <br />r}rr daclcg+rtr*r.. shrfl niLll a Hydm mcchanrcal Grr{rec lntrrcapto, (l-lGl), rn atr rdance <br />*r$ ttrc UFr-' ,|\j \trlh th{r Orrqro Counly H6alth Crru Ag6nc Gqulromcnl! <br />FOR l"lcl lnct.l[ah\)n. <br />I Tlr€ HGI ls ,tsttlH p,trsuont tio Bll manuloclurBr rBquiramenls including lbw control ctoyi-s and <br />paur\c{ stroco fw mrintacatft acao$s. <br />i Thn HGI rs nurnletnd pxrsuant to a! msnufucturBrs rocommendoirolrE nck ding. br, oot hited to <br />s Llnd+l $!a orcumttEnc€9 w{l the setllod sol{ds aod/or,loatng lelg. oils and grGass (FOG) <br />ccntarned ro the HGI erceed 259t ot tho hydrauhc depth ol th€ dsvico.n l}le hill cootents ol th€ unrlls) are removed prr)/ lo seltlsd golds and/or noafng FOG reachrng <br />15\ ol the hydraulc depth ol the devte. o. at maxrmum, on s quarlerly bag'B (wh6n in use). A lqg s r'rarntained of gil llGl servffe and mainlenance activitEs: <br />Notrce :nd Condilional W.ivsr Amondmrnt Noticc <br />--:r Crty n!a\ a:r]llid lhrs Notlce ard/or Ccnditronal Waryer at any time. Cc.npliflEo wilh th6 r€quir€merilg <br />crr:.srned ln Noix-..e a:!d Coici{lKrnal War,-er does rlot rel€ve tho FSE o, ils ouilaliOo b cdtdy wilh theFats Orls and Greasr Cootol Regulatrcns any apg.ticabb p{olrEdmcfit raoubtbfia, r8dtdi or <br />'r$cir:ements undet krc€|. Slate a:rd l-eJcral laws mcludrng any such ,eguhtixr6, Afand-d+ rcqritetnenE of <br />ra$s i\.!t rnat- become effecti!'e dunng tte terrn of this Conditional Waiver. l.loar-dnpfiance *ith gny letm of <br />;o.]jrt|or of ttrs Nal se and Co']drtlonii WarYer conititutes a vrolalion of ths Fats. oitg and Graa8€ Conkol <br />RtrOJle:.;!: a'rd r:av resijlt r''t re!.oca:.on cl lhe Condrttonal Waiver <br />aTJco.r f,\:.'*..\t/lg 1 <br />Dale <br />! <br />Pfl ''rl Narne ( FSE Owne:'/Fefrresenl3trve)Sqn Name (F O#ner/R@resentali\re ) <br />E\ sg-,ng FSE;rwre: aSfees lo al, le'r:rs 3ns cgndlrcns c! thts Nol€e and Conditirnal Wai\€r <br />i SA53 PE <br />Water Resources Manager <br />l'rrgc 2 ot 2