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t SolarM@unt Unirac Code-Compliantbistallation Manual; :!:UNIRAC_ <br />Table 3. pne,30 (psf) Roof Overhang <br />WA+e |805fc;Wind Speec, V (mph) <br />Wh,dArea .* ·- . <br />Zone (50 -'90 100 /20 140 ' - ·2.:!50-,170 <br />2 10 <br />2 20 <br />2 50 <br />2 100 <br />3 10 <br />3 20 <br />3 50 <br />3 100 <br />2 10 <br />2 20 <br />2 50 <br />2 100 <br />3 1,0 <br />3 20 <br />3 50 <br />3 100 <br />2 10 <br />2 20 <br />2 50 <br />2 100 <br />3 10 <br />3 20 <br />3 50 <br />3 100 <br />I .-21.*.1/, <br />120.6 <br />, ribff. ., <br />3 '7234.6..2 :t <br />----,·47.31.·' 1 <br />I ./1.1- l.ob 1 2 -2 <br />fi, : .< <br />-27,:2'-3 -': <br />;,4471·=·- ; <br />45:-7 . <br />0--35-3 <br />-30.9.E. <br />;-'24.7 ?·-. <br />'-·234:d·'W',2 <br />'-P·AiM·' ·19>'4 <br />'-3 622.2.-1 - <br />- r·:6*7 D ). 25 <br />VER)-·.6 = f·?? ' <br />4?41'2-'2 <br />-25.9 <br />-25.5 <br />-24.9 <br />-24.4 <br />-42.7 <br />-33.5 <br />-2'1.4 <br />- 12.2 <br />-33.5 <br />-33.5 <br />-333 <br />-33.5 <br />-56.4 <br />-50.9 <br />-43.6 <br />-38.1 <br />-30.5 <br />-29.6 <br />-28.4 <br />-27.4 <br />-30.5 <br />-29.6 <br />-28.4 <br />-27.4 <br />:. /31 A <br />D-·-29.5.It?. i <br />t" 2.p5]:'6':91 <br />125.9 <br />i.040:'6 <br />.' 2426-if:'6.i, $'·ri <br />3. .:-fi# 2: -D <br />; t:&35:8..2'1 i <br />«'434.3 2 · 9 ! <br />4.-4-33.-t .2.-.· <br />l-.3316:4 j·.-r.-1 <br />2:4·':063·4.34-: .'i <br />i.:4633-1.:FIG <br />-37.3 <br />-36.7 <br />-35.8 <br />-35.1 <br />-61.5 <br />-48.3 <br />-30.8 <br />-17.6 <br />-48.3 <br />-48.3 <br />-48.3 <br />-48.3 <br />-81.2 <br />-73.3 <br />-62.8 <br />-54.9 <br />-42.6 <br />-40.8 <br />-39.5 <br />-43.9 <br />-42.6 <br />-40.8 <br />-39.5 <br />,: 456.6 -: .7 1 <br />63;420..6 21,14 <br />C·.'1456,74-4t 2 5//.7. r·2·k <br />1 '·'34-·1 7- 2 <br />24*fl] <br />4.-.·- .f.64.4... <br />3...=-33.j,?5.... ':-4 11 <br />y.40%5.9.t A,)' & <br />kn*.11'* 1 <br />H:@¥i?kij.·33 <br />79-1-BODW..>321 <br />:- · ···06.4.4 .15,·-AbI·I·-1 <br />-50.8 - ?,58.3 ' ··3 -74.9 <br />-49.9 f ;·:3'51-jf.,....' -73.6 <br />-48.7 ; ;,23,19( 4fi -71.8 <br />-47.8 ,a···-.3-.5.4:9. -bl -70,5 <br />-83.7 r' >96.Dy, 2-9 -123.4 <br />-65.7 F. ..'·3*,41241 -96.8 <br />-41.9 2 48. I 1,31 -6I.8 <br />-23.9 l ..017.40:.:-6 -35.2 <br />65.7 6-,·.- -275.5 - i ':,j -96.9 <br />-65.7 '-'=-'; J N#:59-01 -96.9 <br />-65.7 44=9§.fb<'b -96.9 <br />-65.7 '.i. -45,33·.:j -96.9 <br />-110.6 ;1126:9.-163.0 <br />-9,58 i':· :'4 iU-N'·.j -147.1 <br />-85.5 .998...1. c ..i -126.1 <br />-74.7 ..) f..1285.8 --2. i -110.1 <br />-59.8 3 5 1*£34 -88. I <br />-58.0 Ou*5':·2·'- 3 -85.5 <br />-55.6 ./?Ki,-Ai,J-'3>. -82.0 <br />-53.8 r,378'619'-'7 -79.3Lir "·. <br />-59.8 ?- Ct=18.66.·fa -88.1 <br />-58.0 12.-24634'4 -85.5 <br />-55.6 U.--36318-'24 -82.0 <br />-53.8 §: i'£267'.7,·21 -79.3 <br />Source: ASCE/SEI 7-05, Minimum Design loads for Buildings and Other Sbuctums, Chapter 6, p, 44. <br />Step 5: Determine the Topographic Factor, Kst <br />For the-pappeses-e#*his-eedeeempliance·doetimentrthe - <br />7bpogi·aphic Factor, Kzt, is taken as equal to one (1), meaning, <br />the installation is surrounded by level ground (less than 10% <br />slope). If the installation is not surrounded by level ground, <br />please consult ASCE 7-05, Section 6.5.7 and the local building <br />authority to determine the 1bpographic Factor. <br />SL=p 6, Deternlie Equjure Cuiesury (B, C D) <br />Determine the Exposure Category by-using the·following <br />definitions fbi Surface Bri.lighness Catpgaripq <br />-S'WRFACE-ROWOHNESS-L. lias upeli Le=li,iin vvilli actil- <br />tered obstructions having heights generally less than <br />30 feet. This category includes flat open couittly, <br />grasslands, and all water surfaces iii hurricane prone <br />regions. <br />SURFACE RouGHNESS,D: has flat, unobstructed areas <br />and water surfaces outside hurricane prone iregions. <br />This rafpgrlry inellirlpq qmnnrh mil,1 fl:atc, fmlt flprq, 11·trl <br />unbroken ice. <br />The ASCE/SEI 7-05 defines wind surface roughness <br />categories as follows: <br />SURFACE RouGHNESS B: is urban and suburban areas, <br />wooded ai·eas, or other-trerrain with· numerou.5 closely- <br />spaced obstructions-having-the size of-single-fainily - <br />dwellings. <br />Also see ASCE 7-05 pages 287-291:for further explanation alid <br />explanatory photographs, and confirm your selection with the <br />local building authority. <br />4 <br />F.4 <br />1