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JOB ADORESS -a0 <br />ING <br />CITY <br />n lndustrial D Commercial NO.EACH TOTAL <br />EACH FURNACE INCL. DUCTS AND VENTS <br />Up to 100,0@ BTU 15.00 <br />Over 100,000 BTU 20.00 <br />EACH ABSORPTION SYSTEM <br />100,000 BTU to 1,000,000 BTU 25.00 <br />1,000,001 BTU to 2,000,000 BTU 30.00 <br />EACH COMPRESSOR, BOILER, OR HEAT PUMP <br />Heat Rrmp Compressor less than 5 HP 25.00 UA <br />5HPto30HP 25.00 <br />31 to 50 HP 30.00 <br />Owr 50 HP 40.00 <br />EACH AIR HANDLING UNIT OR VAV BOX <br />Air less than 2,000 CFM 10.00 <br />Oilrar-Ould.r D.drtbn <br />I hsr€by sltirm that I am exmpt trom lho Contracto/s Licmla Law ,or the tollowing ro8on (Soc. <br />7G)1 5. Busin6r md Prot63sims Code. Any city or @unty which r€quires a p€rmil to conslrucl, <br />aller, imprcve. (bmoligh. or rspair any slruclure, prior to itg i3tuanc6. algo roquirgg th€ rpplicant <br />lor sch pormit to fil6 a signed statment thal hs is licons€d pursuanl to lhe provisions ol lho <br />Contraclor's Licen* Law (Chapter 9 (commancing wilh Seclion 7@0) o, Div6ion 3 ol lhe <br />Busaness and Prol6sions Cods) or that hs is sxmpt lher€lrom 8nd the begB lor ths allegsd <br />oxemplion Any violelion ot S€clion 7031.5 by any epplicant ,or a pormil $biect the applicanl lo <br />I cival pooslty o, not more than rive hundr€d dollers (t500): <br />E S*tion ZOal l. I owner ot lha pr@srly, d myemployes with wag€6I theirsole comp€F <br />setion. will do lhe work. and lhe slructuro is rct intondod or olltred lor sala <br />E S*tion TOil,lB l. 8s owner ol the properly. am exclusivaly contreting with licansed <br />conlracloB lo construcl the pro,ect. <br />Oale Owner (Sig.)2,000 CFM to 10,000 CFM 10.00 <br />Over 10,000 CFM 10.00 <br />MISCELLANEOUS <br />Outdoor Dual Packaged Healing or Cooling 25.00 <br />Floor Furnace 15.00 <br />Heater; Suspended, Wall or Unit 15.00 <br />Com'l Dryer Vents 15.00 <br />Decorati\re Fireplace (Wood or Gas)15.00 <br />Repair, Alt. or Add. to any 10.00 <br />Range Hood with Duct and Fan (Type l)15.00 <br />Each Vent Fan Connected to a Ducl 15.00 ,O-n <br />Fan Coil lnstallation 20.00 fr <br />Fire Extinguishing System 15.00 <br />Each Evaporati\,e Cooler 15.00 <br />lncidental Gas Piping 10.00 <br />Fire lnstallation 15.00 <br />Each OT by <br />this but <br />Hood with Duct and Fan (Type ll) <br />Subtotal <br />funalty Fee (when applicable) <br />Violation Fee (50.00) <br />Plan Check 65% of subtotal 6b (minimum 20.00) <br />'Receipt No.Pc#Date <br />ContrEloo t.b. Only <br />CITY STATE/ZIP?tzla <br />I hereby 8lti,m that I am licensed under th6 provisions ol Chapts g Division 3ol rlf!!g"""no <br />Proldsrons Code. md mv [cens B <br />l,*I0"" ffazr 1 .,n <br />o"" ITD'fi contractor <br />in lull lorce and erlacl.c License <br />(si9 <br /> Coipirlabn Oadraabn <br />I hsgby atli.m tiat I havs a cenaticale o, conEont lo slr-insuro. or a cartilicata o, Worttr's Com- <br />pemallon lnsurtnce Certifigd @py is liled <br />?ii",* tko vdiried By (sie.) <br />with ths Cily inspsclion departmsnt. <br />""" ltZgS? Appric8nr (sis <br />I certrly lhal rn the performanceof the work tor which this I shall not mploy any <br />person in any manner s 6 to be6me sub,ect to the Work6r's Compensation Lils of <br />CalilornE <br />Oate Applicant (Srg ) <br />Nollc. To Applbil: <br />ll after makrng lhrs Ce.lilrcalool Eremptron. you shoutd be@mesubitrt lo theWorke/s Compen- <br />salron provrsrons o, the Labor Code. you must torthwith comply with such provtstons or lhrs <br />permrt shall be deemed revoked <br />Erdrdo.! <br />Th6 permit shell expiro by lamitalion 8nd become nul and void it the work autho([ed by this <br />permit€nolcommencedwithtn 180dayslromlhodateotthi3pormilorilworkauthorizedbythis <br />permit is suspended or abendoned at any limo stt€r the work is commencsd for a poriod of 180 <br />days. A nil permit shall be obtained li6t beloro such work can b€ r6commencod. <br />AFDIcmal O.drdo.t <br />I certit thst I have .oad thB applicstim 8nd st8l6 that th€ above inlormation is corrocl. I agie to <br />@mply wrth all city ordimnG and state lawg rolating to buitding constuclion, and hereby <br />authorized rop.ffilalaon or lhis cily to enld upon the abocmalioned proptrly ltr insp€clion <br />purpos6 <br />:":ikntn App,cant n on"n'r.,@ <br />-Plan Check (Adiustment)7. )( <br />lssuance Fee 10.00 <br />TOTAL PERMIT FEE (minimum $35.00)-€- <br />D^rE / * Ar4 PERMTT No. -_37 41 <br />EHr.,1ifi" flbo Y,,,,,, ",)PERMIT ISSUEO BY (Stg.) -t^-t- sl Ct <br />a// fu prz.d-*,'"- /o 76t-?- fTvALroATroN (oFFrcE USE ONLY) <br />(ACCOUNT fi 1-412)l) <br />APPLICATTON AND . <br />MECHANICAL PERMIT <br />(TYPEWRITE OR PRINT IN INK) <br />a CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />206 W. 4th Street <br />667-2738 <br />APPLICANT FILL IN AREA BELOW <br />hd <br />(Dg-Izo <br />ooI <br />m <br /><t,o <br />L <br />Drstilbutron ! lnspector Copy 2 Frle Copy 3 Frnance Copy 4 Apptrcanl Copy <br />cs-618 <br />N <br />'"Wa//o <br />?t-o-a-t*STATE/ZIPq 2/2-C <br />/ <br />? <br />I <br />'15 00 <br />15.00 <br />?o,,ro <br />rk