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JOB AOORESS I <br />CITY *7ST <br />3 r <br />EACH FURNACE INCL. DUCTS AND VENTS <br />EACH COMPRESSOR, BOILER, OR HEAT PUMP <br />Heat Pump Compressor less than 5 HP <br />EACH TOTAL <br />oo <br />E lndustrial E Commercial NO. <br />up ro 100,000 BTU <br />Over 100,000 BTU <br />EACH ABSORPTION SYSTEM <br />100,000 BTU to 1 ,000,000 BTU <br />1,000,001 BTU to 2,000,000 BTU <br />5HPto30HP <br />31 to 50 HP <br />15.00 <br />20.00 <br />25.00 <br />30.00 <br />25.00 <br />30.00 <br />25.00 <br />EACH AIR HANDLING UNIT OR VAV BOX <br />Owr 50 HP <br />Air Handling less than 2,000 CFM <br />Ourai-Ou*abr O.draba <br />I her€by arlirm lhst I am oxempt lrom llE Cdtrlclo/3 Liffise Lm d th€ lollcwino roason (S€c <br />TGtl 5. Busin6s 8nd ProlBsions Coda. Any city or county which require3 I p€rmit to construcl. <br />alt6r. imprcve. domoligh. or repair any slruclure, prioi to il3 iSsuance. rl3o requirgg the applicant <br />lor such psmit lo til6 r 3ionsd slatement thel h€ is licons€d puBuant to the provisbns ot lhe <br />Conlractor's Licms€ Law (Chaplor I (commoncing with Section 7m) ot Oivision 3 o, lh€ <br />Eusins 8nd Prol63iof,s Code) or that he is axempt thorotrom rnd lhe b8is lor the allsg€d <br />aramption. Any violslion ot Section 703 1.5 bry any applicsnl lor a p€rmit sbjecls the applicant lo <br />8 civil p€nalty ot nol more than ,ivo hundrod dollars (ts(D): <br />E S*tion 7044A l. I ilns or th€ propeiy. or myemployG wilh wag€ 6 thearsole comp€n- <br />Sation. will (,o tho wort. and ths slrucluro is nol intended or otlded lor sels. <br />E S*tion 70.!18 l. 6 owner ol the prop8rty. am €xcluspoly contrrctang w[h licensod <br />conlracloB Io construct the prortrl <br />Oale Owrer (Sig.) <br />Cml?rto[ t,3c Orly <br />CITY <br />o <br />Repair, All. or Add. to any Heating/Cooling sys. <br />10.00 <br />10.00 <br />2,000 CFM to 10,000 CFM <br />Over|0,000 CFM <br />MISCELLANEOUS <br />Outdoor Dual Packaged or Cooling <br />Floor Furnace <br />Heater; Suspended, Wall or Unit <br />Com'l Dryer Vents <br />Decorative Fireplace (Wood or Gas) <br />Hood with Duct and Fan (Type l) <br />25.00 <br />15.00 <br />15.00 <br />10.00 <br />15.00 <br />15.00 <br />15.00 <br />f n"r"f#fir. ti"t r <br />"m <br />licased under the provisions ot Chaptd 9, Oivisrn <br />o/tz/27 <br />and3,Wrya3 <br />Pro,e$ions <br />til{?"Licsse <br />Conlrsclo. (Sig.) <br />Code. md my licanse is in lull lorce and eftecl. <br />o,r"tTtl8l <br />frz_?.,o" <br />Each Vent Fan Connected to a Duc't 4 15.00 k,ao <br />2a,rlO <br />/or,dl <br />t|ortan Corf .llalbn D.drlbn <br />I heroby atlirm that I hav€ a cartiti€te ol @nsfit lo solf-insur6. or o cgrtilicate ot Wortd's Com- <br />I certify lhal in the gerlormanceol the work lor which thas <br />poBon in any mnnd !o as to bocome subjcl to the Wo.te/s Compen$tion L8rr ol <br />Csliromia <br />t{o$o To Arl9llc0l: <br />lf atter makrng lhrs Cerlitrcate o, Exemption. you shoutd become subist to the Worke/s Comper <br />salron provrsrons of the Labo. Code, you must forlhwrlh comply with such provasrons or thas <br />permrt shall be demed revoked <br />(s'9.) <br />liled with <br />Oale Applicant (Si9 ) <br />br.rilding inspction dopartment. <br />I shall rct employ any <br />by <br />15.00lt) <br />OT <br />this notbut <br />Fan Coil lnstallation <br />Fire Extinguishing System <br />Each Evaporalirre Cooler <br />Hood with Duci and Fan <br />lncidental Gas Piping <br />Fire Damper lnstallation <br />20.00 <br />15.00 <br />15.00 <br />10.00 <br />15.00 <br />Subtotal <br />Fenatty Fee (when applicable) <br />Violation Fee <br />Plan Check 65% of subtotal <br />(50.00) <br />(minimum 20.00) <br />DateReceipt No.Pc# <br />Plan Check (Adjustrnent)/7ru-o <br />lssuance Fee 10.00 <br />TOTAL PERMIT FEE (minimum $35.00)-€- <br />This permit shatl expire by rimitation ""o*i#ru 8nd void i, th€ worr suthdizod by this <br />parmil ts nol commonc€d wlthin 180 dsys trom the dat8 ot this permit or it work suthorizod by this <br />tErmit is suspended or abandonod at any timo arld the work is commgncod for a period ol 160 <br />days A n€w psmit shsll bo obtainod liBt botore 3uch work can bo rgcommanced. <br />r cerrity rhst r have read rhr app,,"",ffi:rffiffi-o inrormarion is correcr. r erae ro <br />comply wilh all city ordinanc€6 and state taws rolating to buitding cmstuciion. and hsroby <br />authorized raprBontation ol this cily lo enler upon the abovlmentioned frcrEty tor inspetion <br />:::fuq App,icsnr n on",,",n@ PERMIT NO.DArE ta-a?- El <br />Bi'A.,?i$, 6!bl Q,,,.,,, "")PERMIT ISSUEO BY (Srg )CL.*20v tq <br />o-ru//448fail //VALIOATION (OFFICE USE <br />(ACCOUNT 111-412) <br />APPLICATION AND (l <br />MECHANICAL PERMIT <br />(TYPEWRITE OR PRINT IN INK) <br />a <br />APPLICANT FILL IN AREA BELOW <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />206 W. 4th Street <br />667-2738 <br />@g-Izo <br />oo <br />f, <br />m <br />U)a <br />(\ <br />Distribution: t. lnspectorcopy 2. FilaCopy 3 FinanceCopy 4. AppticentCopy <br />cs-618 <br />/ <br />40.00 <br />10.00 <br />/ <br />15.00 <br />o