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JOB ADDRESS <br />CITY <br />b EACH FURNACE INCL. DUCTS AND VENTS <br />EACH COMPRESSOS, BOILER, OR HEAT PUMP <br />Heat Pump Compressor less than 5 HP <br />Up to 100,000 BTU <br />Ovell00,000 BTU <br />! lndustrial ! Commercial <br />EACH ABSORPTION SYSTEM <br />100,000 BTU to 1,000,000 BTU <br />1,000,001 BTU to 2,000,000 BTU <br />5HPto30HP 25.00 <br />31 to 50 HP 30.00 <br />Over 50 HP 40.00 <br />EACH AlR HANDLING UNIT OR VAV BOX <br />Oill;{ul.d.r O.drtbn <br />I hsreby sltirm that I am exmpt lrom the Contrecto/s Lacenso Law lor tho lollowing reaon (S€c. <br />7@1.5, Businas and Prol83sions Coda. Any city or counly which rsquirs 8 p€rmil to con3trucl, <br />aller. improv6. domolish, or roptir arry Btrucluro. prior to its i$uance, also roquiros tho spplienl <br />for $ch permit to ,il6 a signod strtomont lhal h6 6 licmssd pur3ust to lho provisions ot tha <br />Contraclor's Licslo Law (Chapler I (comancing with S€ction 7@0) ot Oivision 3 ol tho <br />Busin6s and Pror6sions Cod€) or that he i! exompt lhoretrom and the ba3rs for tlre all6g6d <br />exmption. Any vrolslion ot S€clpn 7ctr|1.5 by any applicant lor a permit subi€cts th6 applicenl to <br />8 civil p€nalty ot nol more lhan livo hundr€d (bllsr3 (t500): <br />E S""tion Zolll l, as owner ol the property, or myemployoes with wages B theirBolecompon- <br />sation. will do the work. and lh€ structure is not inlend€d or otlsed tor sale. <br />E S*tion 70448 l, 6 owns ol lhe property, am exclusavely contrrting wnh licms€d <br />@ntracloB to construcl lhe p,oist <br />Date Owner (Sig.) <br />Cont Eton t.l. Only <br />-720 <br />STATE/ZIP ,7/75/ <br />PHONE <br />cr <br />I her€by allirm thel I am lcms€d under the provlsom ol Chapter 9. <br />ProlGsrons Code, ild mv hconso rs(,il("!*.@Lz- c,*" <br />oa'f*.iU-$. contracror <br />andOrvisionPol tFusin6s <br />in full lorce and gtlst. <br />(sig ) <br />Range Hood with Duct and Fan (Type l) <br />I <br />2 <br />n <br />15.00 7o.oo <br />10.00 <br />10.00 <br />10.00 <br />Each Vent Fan Connecled to a Ducl <br />Air less than 2,000 CFM <br />2,000 CFM to 10,000 CFM <br />Over 10,000 CFM <br />MISCELLANEOUS <br />Outdoor Dual Healing or Cooling <br />Floor Furnace <br />Heater: Suspended, Wall or Unit <br />Com'l Dryer Vents <br />Decorati\re Fireplace (Wood or Gas) <br />Repair, Alt. or Add. to any SYS, <br />25.00 <br />15.00 <br />15.00 <br />15.00 <br />15.00 <br />10.00 <br />15.00 <br />20, e'o <br />/arttt <br />tvoilm Coi?.rlalbn Oaclralbn <br />I hereby alllrm that I hav6 a cortiticato ol @nsent to $ll-insurs. or I cerlilicetool Worktr's Com- <br />I certaty that rn the fErlormance ollhe work lor which this <br />person in tny manner $ s to be@me subloct to the Worke/s Comp€nsation Laws ot <br />Califo.nis <br />l{oto To Appll6l: <br />ll attq maktng thts Certiftcale ol Eremptton. you should become subltrt to lhe Worker's Compen- <br />Satron provrsrons Ol lhe Labor COde, yOU musl lorthwtth comply w[h such provrstons Or thrs <br />permrt shall be deemed revoled <br />t <br />Oate Applicant (Sig.) <br />building inspection deparlmant <br />I shall not employ any <br />Hmd with Ducl and Fan fl'ype ll)15.00 <br />(50.00) <br />Fan Coil lnstallation <br />Fire Extinguishing System <br />Each Evaporative Cooler <br />lncidental Gas Piping <br />Fire Damper lnstallation <br />by <br />20.00 <br />15.00 <br />15.00 <br />10.00 <br />15.00 <br />Subtotal <br />Violation Fee <br />Penalty Fee (when applicable) <br />Plan Check 65% ot subtotal rtr 6n (minimum 20.0O) <br />Receipt No.Pc#Date7 <br />Plan Check (Adjustment)6 i{'o <br />lssuance Fee 10.00 <br />TOTAL PERMIT FEE (minimum $35.00)+ <br />Erpkdon <br />This p€rmit shall oxpire by limitation and bo@ma nult end void it the work authorizod by this <br />parmat B nol commenc€d withln 180 days ,rom the dsto ol this permit or i, work 8uthorized by this <br />p€rmil is suspad€d or abendongd al any timo alls tha work is commonc€d ,or a poriod ol 180 <br />days. A nd pdmil shall b€ obtained ti6t berora such work can b€ recommsncsd. <br />AD9{cma'. D.drdcr <br />I certity thal I hsve read this rpplicatim and st8t6 thlt tho aboe inlormstbn is correct. I aoroe to <br />@mply with all city ordinanG and stete laB rglsting to buitding constuc{bn. and heroby <br />authori2ed .oprosentstbn o, thi! city to ents upon tha eboFmmtioned pop€ity t6 iBp6ction <br />lzaq frz**Applicant or Agenl (Sig ) <br />purpos6 <br />Dale o rE / 2- 7fifl PERMTT No. <br />ByA.,li$" 5_1bl b u,^,,,,o ",)PERMIT ISSUEO BY (S'9 ) <br />CL d, <br />Ul fi* f*"U <-4-/or/r TL-:27=nVVALIOATION (OFFICE USE ONLY) <br />(ACCOUNT t11-412) <br />eppr-icAnoN AND e <br />MECHANICAL PERMIT <br />(TYPEWRITE OR PRINT IN INK) <br />o CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />206 W. 4th Street <br />667-2738 <br />4?,* <br />APPLICANT FILL IN AREA BELOW <br />(!q-oza <br />ooI <br />m <br /><n <br />U) <br />\ <br />Oislrabution: t lnspector Copy 2. File Copy 3 Fiobnce Copy 4 Applrcant Copy <br />cs-618 <br />filed <br />(S€ ) <br />NO.EACH TOTAL <br />15.00 <br />20.00 <br />25.00 <br />30.00 <br />/25.00 tlm <br />15.OO <br />\