<br />I
<br />eecx
<br />I
<br />TOTALq 7.72
<br />lndustrial 'Commeroal
<br />Res. Hotels, Motels, Apt. Sq ndly
<br />IResidential
<br />03 )**z-
<br />Gar. or Carports Sq Fl Tl I 02 &rt
<br />Receptacles 50
<br />7,- lJkf h- E
<br />a-.4.,,,7' iitr'!)o, o
<br />/a,r.tznl*>
<br />Taza,'
<br />f*^i, u,o,s ?2C ZO
<br />.f,m, **^
<br />3J ts
<br />CITYUlZ,
<br />3z t a fa."f*
<br />Switches 50
<br />Fixtures 50
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Each I 20.00 2o. oo
<br />Approved Factory Wired Unit
<br />LiSt (5.00 Jo.oo
<br />Busways, special raceways, under floor
<br />duct, trolley or plug-in busways ea. 110' or
<br />lraction thereof
<br />5.00
<br />Fire Sionalino Svstem. Mrnrmum lee
<br />Outle[rs66Rt 6r heat sensor I 10.00
<br />.50 f,a
<br />Lighting Standards with One Lamp
<br />Each Add'l ftxture on same standard
<br />5.00
<br />1.00
<br />Owrrer BuilderDeclaratiol
<br />Maintenance Permit (annual)50.00
<br />Service Meters
<br />Up to 400 amps, per meter
<br />Over 400 amps, per meter
<br />Over 1200 amps, per meter
<br />I 15.00
<br />35.00
<br />75.00
<br />/S.oo
<br />Signs and high potential gas tube lighting 15.00
<br />Swimming pools, ,ountains, spas 35.00
<br />molor control center or6ub)Switchboard.,@
<br />Each
<br />/15.00 /5, oa
<br />Temporary construction meter service
<br />pole
<br />Eaci distribution pole
<br />2s.00
<br />5.00
<br />-*6porary construction lighting
<br />500 lamps or less
<br />Over 500 lamps
<br />2.OO
<br />4.00
<br />Time clock or photo electric cell 3.00
<br />POWER APPARATUS: Generators,
<br />' motors, transformers, rectifiers, industrial
<br />heating, cooking, or baking equipment
<br />and other apparalus as follows:
<br />Up to and including 1 HP, KW KVA
<br />Over 1 and not over 10 HP, KW KVA, Over '10 and not over 50 HR KW KVA
<br />Over 50 and not over 100 HP, KW KVA
<br />Over '100 and nol over 500 HP KW KVA
<br />Over 500 HP, KW KVA
<br />2.OO
<br />5.00
<br />10.00
<br />20.00
<br />30.00
<br />40.00
<br />Cont.actor Us€ Only
<br />i!#,ie(. z.az
<br />I hereby alfrm that I am lcenscd rnder the provrsrons ol Chapter 9, Drvrsron 3 of lhe Busrness and
<br />I hereby al, rrm lhal I have a cerlrrrcate ol consenl to selt rnsu re, or a cer lrl rcale ol Wor ke r's Compen-
<br />salron lnsrrrance Cert.frodcopyrsiled wrlh the Crly burldrng rnspectrondepartmenl
<br />I certrly that rn the perlormance ol th6 work for which
<br />ll, atter makrng lhrs Cerlrlrcate of Exemplron, vou should become sublect lo lhe Worker's Compen
<br />salon provrsrons ol lhe Labor Code. you musl lorlhwrth comply with such provrsons or thrs permrl
<br />shall be deemed rsvoked
<br />) 7to
<br />permrl is rssued
<br />Q14)/f,
<br />':",:wm
<br />STATI ,/II''L ?]zr
<br />, (t,ry ot/
<br />lt:w::::^":",
<br />IDate(StgBy
<br />ntDate {Stg
<br />and tn lu ll
<br />IL )Class c
<br />Contraclor
<br />Laws of Callo.nra
<br />nol employ any
<br />Workers Compensation
<br />theas lo become
<br />Applcant (Srg
<br />Notics To
<br />' ,,*r*(zrrt)
<br />€f,6' ,Et)
<br />5o. 5f..4a4/-
<br />444-,
<br />Subtotal ffi
<br />10.00
<br />/) -
<br />VEHIFIED BY (S'g )PERMIT ISSUED BY lsrg )f,rc ta ZlrA
<br />Date
<br />FEE
<br />DATE
<br />T,-lr-
<br />tt/oE,tw 5:55PH +1S U+z.mJrey
<br />i ol crl uer lhopon
<br />,^"il Z t Agent.i1
<br />Penalty Fee (when applicable)
<br />lssuance Fee
<br />Violation Fee
<br />Plan Check (Adjustment)
<br />Plan Check 65o/o of subtotal
<br />Pc#Receipt No.
<br />(50 00)
<br />A fiinimumz}.O})
<br />(minimum $35.00)
<br />PERMIT NO.
<br />Erphstion
<br />Thrs permrl shall expIe by Imrlatron and become null and vord rl the work authorEed by thrs permrt rs
<br />nol commenced wrthrn 180 days lrom lhe date ol lhrs permrl or rl s,ork aulhoilzed by lhrs permrl rs
<br />suspended or abandcned al any lrme alter the work rs commenced for a perod ol lS0 days A new
<br />oermrl shall be obtarned Irrst belore such work can be recommenced
<br />PERMIT No
<br />IACCOUNT rlr,4l3)
<br />Applicant's Oeclaration
<br />L.llr'r,.il I r/,,',lrl ,t/t .rl,', r,i Lir ll,rlrr,.,r[)(,.,r.rr,]'r',r1,i,, {,r..,1 rtr..,.lrL
<br />,,'r!u'l i l! r,lr,rr, ,l l,rl, r.\'r, rlrli l)r,'ir,i.,)r,lrrl r.Iil,,r,L'lr,ll,,
<br />r
<br />206 W. 4rh Sr.
<br />@grIzo
<br />ooamaa
<br />s
<br />I
<br />il
<br />I
<br />Distribution: 1. lnspector Copy 2. File Copy 3. Finance Copy 4. Applicant Copy
<br />,.,51'*11 r/4
<br />2o;-