lndustria\fCommercialResrdential NO.EACH TOTAL
<br />Res. Hotels, Motels, Apt. Sq. Ft..03
<br />Gar. or Carports Sq Ft .02
<br />Receptacles ?50 v'
<br />"j% snrm
<br />Sirotou)er /tt
<br />Fnn< ul ec)
<br />/hesa
<br />FG V..)er.
<br />PI]ON Eoc. 53/L-o// o
<br />Roap
<br />4Xla"<
<br />J5),}'"'$u7p
<br />Switches 50
<br />Fixtures 5y .50
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Each
<br />20 00
<br />A1'
<br />Approved Factory Wired Unit
<br />List 5.00
<br />Busways, special raceways, under floor
<br />duct, trolley or plug-in busways ea. 1 10' or
<br />fraction thereof
<br />5.00
<br />Fire Signaling System. Minimum fee
<br />Outlet, smoke or heat sensor
<br />10.00
<br />.50
<br />Lighti
<br />Each
<br />ing Standards with One Lamp
<br />Add'l frxture on same standard
<br />5.00
<br />1.00
<br />Owner-Bulldcr Dochration
<br />I hereby alfrrm lhat I am exempl from lhe Contraclor's Lrcense Law lor the lollowrng reason {Sec
<br />7031 5, Busrness and Professrons Code: Any crly or county whrch requrres a parmrt to construct
<br />aller, rmprove, demolish, or reparr any structure, pilor lo its rssuance, also requfes lhe applrcant lor
<br />such permrt to frle a srgned slatemenl thal he rs lrcensed pursuanl to the provrsrons ol the Conlrac
<br />to.'s LEense Law (Chapter 9 lcommencrng wrlh Secnon 70001 ol Drvrs'on 3 of the Eusrness and
<br />ProlessonsCode)orthalhersexempllherelromandlhebasrslorlheallegedexemptron Anvvrola
<br />lron ot Sectron 7031 5 bv any applcant for a permrl subiecis the apphcant to a crvrl penally ol not
<br />more lhan five hundred dollars lS50Or
<br />E Section 7044A l, as owner ol the properly, or my employees wrth wages as ther sole com
<br />oengtron, wrll do lhe work. and lhe struclure rs nol rnteoded or ollered lor sale.
<br />n Sectron 7044B l, as owner ol the property, am exclusrvely conlractrng wrth |cens€d coo
<br />tractors loconstruct the prolecl
<br />Date-- Owner tsrg l-
<br />---
<br />Maintenance Permit (annual)50.00
<br />Service Meters
<br />Up to 400 amps, per meler
<br />Over 400 amps, per meter
<br />Over '1200 amps, per meter
<br />/15.00
<br />35.00
<br />75.00
<br />/,t'
<br />Signs and high potential gas tube lighting 15.00
<br />Swimming pools, fountains, spas -.t 35 00
<br />Switchboard, motor control center
<br />panels
<br />Each /
<br />15.00 /.f -
<br />Temporary construclion meter service
<br />pole
<br />Each distribution pole
<br />25.00
<br />5.00
<br />Ht rur/Nqro^)
<br />ii;{ll:,:,lf ':' 1,il,, :';: 1,1,:',t': : Jt',1,,,.*ffi*,
<br />,,,11-72?)^?k3. .,
<br />l?gSt O etwittt fucfin,""ror use onry
<br />'J'luo'}\ r-t n Tz, a7T: {-), \zt!-. -E/OE.
<br />Brncd Ttvo-
<br />.fsL -98t,
<br />Ti'b,r
<br />i+rd?ot
<br />W
<br />ct/Esn
<br />gl:'
<br />*
<br />CITY ''^Pbav7
<br />provrsrons of Chapter 9. Drvrsron 'oia Itigc-/o
<br />Crty Lrcens.
<br />Temporary construction lighting
<br />500 lamps or less
<br />Over 500 lamps
<br />00
<br />00
<br />2.
<br />4.
<br />Time clock or photo electric cell t 300 3.Oo
<br />POWER APPARATUS : Generators,
<br />motors, transtormers, rectif iers, industrial
<br />heating, cooking, or baking equipment
<br />and other apparatus as follows:
<br />Up to and including 1 HP, KW, KVA
<br />Over 1 and not over 10 HP, KW KVA
<br />Over 10 and nol over 50 HP, KW KVA
<br />Over 50 and not over 100 HP, KW, KVA
<br />Over 100 and nol over 500 HP KW KVA
<br />Over 500 HP, KW KVA
<br />2.OO
<br />5.00
<br />10.00
<br />20.00
<br />30.00
<br />40.00
<br />I cerlrfy that rn the perlormance ol the work lor whrch thrs
<br />person ln any manoer so as lo become sublecl to the Wor
<br />Notice To Applicant:
<br />rs rssued, I not employ any
<br />Workers Compensation Dec(Jration
<br />to *ll-rn
<br />Applrcant (Sr9 |
<br />or a ceilrtrcate ol Worker's Compen-
<br />-s Compensatron Laws ol CaIfornra
<br />Subtotal 6y-*
<br />Penalty Fee (when applicable)
<br />Violation Fee (50.00)
<br />Plan Check 650/o of subtotal '//- 66 (minimum 20.00)
<br />Receipt No.Pc#3 Date
<br />Plan Check (Adiustment)
<br />lgsuance Fee 10.00
<br />TOTAL PERMIT FEE (minimum $35.00)qL/.tn
<br />Explration
<br />Thrs permrt shall expre by [mrlalron and become null and vord rf the work authoflzed by thrs permrl rs
<br />nol commenced wrthrn l80 days lrom the date ol thrs permr, or rl s,ork authonzed by thrs perm[ rs
<br />suspendedorabandcnedalanytrmeatterlheworkrscommencedloraperrodollS0days Anew
<br />permrt shall be oblarned f[sl belore such work cao be recommenced
<br />Applicant's Declaration
<br />,r.,.lLA-Y Applcant oi Agenl (Sig
<br />DA,E /hZ-fZ PERMIT NO.237 29
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<br />el,tJY)
<br />t74.m
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<br />LL/W/89 3:55Pt{ 413
<br />PERI\,1IT NO
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<br />e hbusr Pao-- O
<br />BuDG.5
<br />206 W. 4th St.
<br />667 -2738
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<br />Cr.
<br />Distribution: 1. lnspector Copy 2. File Copy 3. Finance Copy 4. Applicant Copy c s.613
<br />hB
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