<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evap Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work I
<br />Pre-lnsulation qliln .4&//
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rough Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Range
<br />Other (
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Ducl
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.I
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL t//r/td.
<br />ol,G-Bli116Ir<b.rior
<br />I rmm urdd FMhy of p.lury rllt I .d .r.ip forn E ConmcroB LenE Lr* 16r rh. followns roon (s 70! | .5 BBira-'
<br />!d Prcft.tion Cod.): Any Cir, o! Coc.ty {hich r.quid r Fmn lo 6tu1n4r. .Ia. inFlw. &mlirh o, Eprir u, it .bu*., rlro Equi. rlx.lplird for uh Foi ro 6lc. ti8o.<ltr.r@n drI lE o. dE i lkrd.d F rud b rlt FDvnir6 of rL
<br />Codoclq . Lcred t8lct F6 9, Comffida r.i Sdbr ?@o olD'v.5n , ol r a6nE..d nofo.6 Cod.t o, Uit h. a
<br />rlE ir ddpr rnfttDE !n E h.rir 6r llE.Lrcd 6c6r.b!.Any vbLlbr ofsdtiin 701LJ b,6y.r9lid tu r Fhh Dbj.f,E E.!!lk !o. civil,c hy o t br oE lha 6v. hun&.n dolln (15@).
<br />L B olG of d. ptrary. or 6y dployd silh r.a6 u lh.t BL .onp.dion. *Il .!. rh. wo,r .,n rh. tr*t(. ir @t inrcltcil
<br />orolld.d lor d. ( S- 7o.., B6G..rn Pro6.r6Bco& I1 coddd.LmLr*d€.olrrplrtororcofdrFlFiy
<br />*tohlil&orin r.\6 rh66^.!il ut d.- ch ro* hllEll d lErElld rLDUah hir o. hd d! @Db,€. Flri.Ld rh.l EhirrFol6d E d or 6r rk. I[ lEscc. tlE bcildEr o. ibrovffit ir eld yihi! or yd olcoipldi@ E
<br />O*E-Auild6 will Urc lh. bud@ of F.viri rh.l ta o lE br build or inpio!. for rlE ,urDor. of d.)
<br />_1. ! (,lc of r FlFty, D acloitclt @r.ail'. rib li..Ed oiiffi r. 6rc da Foi{r ( Sc. 7044. EuiE. .nd
<br />PrenaD. Co& IE Conr.dor'. Lc L* ilG dr @t ro & DG of FoFr, eho b{ild. d ioro6 ilEd , .nd yho
<br />6fr.$ ior $dt trorcr. wri . co ero(rt Fm,.n lo $. Corn tdoir Lgfu L.w )
<br />I m.r.mpr undd S<ri.n lrrf ( r. rh1,.,(rn
<br />I . mm urdd p.Mhy oarEjury oB of th. foll,osin3 dcLnli.N
<br />_l Dd wi! ui!r.i.. Cdif.n. of Con@r ro S.lf-l@ f.r wl6 6dparr.r r p@&., fo, b, SdFn rrm of dE
<br />t b6 CoiL. 6,0E F6.oe of dE *di b hi.h ib Fbi ir ird
<br />I wrllmnuh s'ldr' onp.urrcn,, r r.quftd b, S.d.. rrmof rh. L.h., Co{q for rh. Ddfo,mn.. oarh.
<br />*orl lor whEh$tr pdo ,3 'tru.d Mt *0116 con .n bn mru,tn.. {.is lnd poh.yNdbd a.l
<br />Poh.! Ntrn$.r [!ptr.!
<br />(tr6r.unrn nor hc (o'npld.d il'lh.nsn tfor{)
<br />i& -,O,1, i,t p.t-- orlE,qt 6. rftl tri F6i i ill.( I ri.ll d (rdor.!, Ftor b&yu.dED!robc.a hbjd b 6. at-'dscrd rs of c.ri&.n;.!d.aD rbr trl tbc5 hoD slr6 !o tt.6ta'
<br /> Fwiia ofscri. !?O ofn l.ld Cod.,I.hL! bdatn co@t fin rb. Fwni(r..
<br />-,. \^.(r?,zort *-"." OQ-cltm*
<br />WAIIII,IG f.ilEro se ulo'@nFEdh 6!r.. ! @lrtuL..d trrl &brd o ot5F t tuid F.n- tn.ivi
<br />tu . e b oa Ld Od&il &[:| (110.@)ir rddibr to Oc.or of @r"dioq d.q6. Flvn d 5rrt S.abo]076 ol
<br />tli Lb.r codc 'd..i .ri .ttdryr t
<br />LlcllllD-cotrrEa(IaB&0Eclj8Al&!
<br />I hd!O,.lTm urd6,o.ryofFr'r, tt I6liro.d uldqFEiorofcltDra9(s@l6Ei.r vni Setio. ?000)of Divirb! 3 of
<br />tlE &tiE ud * Co&. e.t Dy li.@ ir i! i foc Dd .f.!.
<br />13 ,.*"^*_3.9-1uL
<br />l&E\rel 4-}6E rcllll:*4.rr.zata
<br />calllal(]ro!.ltlDllcrct!(r
<br />I hdtr .lrm u,n6 Fdly of Fiury th.r rhdr n . co6rnEriD Lndi,s .scy 6. rlE psflldrc. ol rh. *Gl for *hih rti! FEi b
<br />irs!.d(s( 1097.Civ ( )
<br />D.mliion tmitJ.Albc.rol Norii.lbn Fcddll (Thl.40. P&r 6)
<br />R.quild lnlqof NoifE rbn
<br />_l aniry $r lh. E lltriE ca!rli!8 .!an6 llBrtl e d .ptlr..Uc ro dtir Foirr
<br />Ela.dr,& rh' I h.v. Md rh6 .polrnEn ud !rhtlri..boE irforurhn i. sn .r. I rrc b @nply slt rrlCit, rxt coudy
<br />ornilEE .nd Srd. lrs. Ebr'.8 lo tuildin8 coolndioi. .!d ba.!y .rnno.iz r.r.*d.ri6 of rii Cit, .!d Coudy lo an6 uDon lt.
<br />.!o* d.d.i.d popdr' fr dtpdrbo psrpor4
<br />*,:l^-"^i",, -gtl@-Pmu,d tr(pm,) c&3rg_sa$6r&4'rnl-
<br />'kBp.cto. &c 03.31.06 --..
<br />\-4a zlt't
<br />4{,e1grY