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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DELCARATION <br />I .Itrn utrda Fuh, or F'Jur rh!. I o d@F from th. CoturtoB' I a(e lre for rrE follotrnt rNn lla 111 t <br />BBinB rd Piof6ion (sj.): Any (-iry or (-oul!y $hrn r.qutr6 i pdni ro .oeM. dia. in ro\e d.mlBn , EFn u\ <br />slrucror( Fior h ils isoec., sllo t.qniG rh. 6ppli.d for so.h tEnn to 61. ! signcd sldlmdt I hd h. or 3h. i! licd*I tuRUMr <br />ro th. FovilioN of$. c6nrrr.roi3 h* ((-lu[,l6 9- Cdh'nfti.s rirh sdion 7000 ol l)ivlion I of lh. trunns rnd <br />Prcf*rm(-od.lorlhdlEornEua. 9l thd.6om sd !h. b6ir lor th..lh.d (@Fni tuy \rLtior ors.cliJ. r0:rMt in) <br />tpphcanl tor d p<n suhjelr rhc ippl'cul lo r.ivilp€nlhyoftu fiv. hu.&.<, dnll$ (S500) <br />l. s o$c offi. FotEly, d n) cnplorc a hn f,.s6 E drn $L onFEercn, * &llEsql.dlltttidci! n <br />id.rri.d q oltnd for .,& (Sc.70.14. &BilB od PinfBirB Cod.: 'I'lr Codraroi! LkdB tiw dE b' .p?ly b u oun6 o f <br />lh. rirpdq who ttril& or trnFoE rtEbE !.d sho do6 i6h h,l hinrlf or hca.lf or lhrou3h hit or hB oM snploy.6, <br />pfuv,&rl thri ruch imFrEdr ft mr iddn d o' ofiEci fq st l( hsE. rlE hlildu!. or ingbrtu ii a,ld *ithin M.,6 <br />orNtrDLrior rlE ()$G t\ilb *ill r.r! tlE h&16 ofForfu $r lE or J. drl ml hnx d EFor. dE FoFry li, rlE lr,rre of <br />I.6o*E orrh.FFiy. @.rctundy.o 6.rrs \nh hc.rql cDflrdoB ro codtud ilr F.jcl lS( 71x.1, &!N <br />,'d h!ftse (od.: Tn. ( onldor't l,kdc lr*' &c mt drplr to e own6 of FDp.ny *ho b{ild! o, idpto!6 rnqon. <br />ud *ho coirr.cl3 for !u.h p..j<li*irnr ( onldo(r) !ic<*aj pun@r !orhc Contud.c! Lic* ku) <br />I d.xdFt undd S<ron <br />D.l. O*ndl <br />woru(rlts. c(ritPi_rt.sA n(rN <br />D}:SJAAIIAI <br />I rrm u.&r Fdrt of Flur_ om oI fi. follo*rs drl,rdrkJ6 <br />Ih.!retwillroi.teiCdrif..ofcon5tloS.lf'lnMtGs.rtdsf,Fldirn.aFviictlorbyScrbnl7(x)ot$. <br />L,tor Code tu rlE FIM. oI thc *!rl fc *tich rh. Fnn i s*{ <br />I hre. ard will mai" world .omFMhn iBu.itu., s rqun d by Srt ion 1700 of th. t bor Cod., lor I h. psfi,muc. of <br />lh. *MI fo. whth tnn Fmn 6 eEI My sr.t6- .o,rFdion iBurM..eE ad Flrl. numb.r &: <br />l.c.tily thst in rh. pdnrnecc ot th. worl lM which rhispsmir is bu.d.I Ell nolonploy&y F$. inlnymannd <br />e 3lo b<!tr $b6l to rh. E,t6 &nFsnhn h*! of Cllifomn. ud trd lha if I 3h\uld *qdt r. <br />'lEuo'16' orFBrion ForirEG ol sl<1n. r7m of$c c.d.. Ldl. lonh*nh.orpry vnh r <br />WA|NINC l6nur. ro sr. $oil6 comrasr6n N!dg. ir trnlasful. Dd shlll 3uhrcl u <br />ciril fin6 ur ro o.. hun&al lhouetrd &116 (1100.$0). in addnion ro lh..o( ofc n. ds${.s a provid.n lor rh. <br />Sdrru 1016 olrh. tjEtr (i,$. hlad ad dklq--t <br />A- L8. Z."l <br />ptllttSArlo! <br />I hcby .mm !.dd p6.lty o t Fjur' rhd I m ncoEol und6 FDrsion orclilprs I ((omn@iry wnh sdhn 7(lo0) oa Dtr ision I <br />of lh. Bcirs md ProlsioE Cod., ad my lkcM it in aull lo!c. Erd cr6l <br />3 - ZS^2,.'\.?,,-*.\ <br />calsralcll0dtEuDtNril{iElt] <br />I [ddy .fm undd Fuxy ol Frury thi rhs! ii . @dndio. ladina rSdy for $. Ffollrl4. of lh. uo* flr *tich rhb pdtnn ir <br />isu.rl (se 1097. civ. c ) <br />afftl(aNfD[cl.Sarlll! <br />I hddr .trm ui&r F.!tl ol Frur) oE of rh. Iollo* irs &.L,, irns <br />Dcmolnion Pamnl^sbdos Notiliftlon Fcdaal RqluldioN (TnL40, Pdo) <br />Lcquitui tdr(otl$tifi.dnn <br />lcdifrrhsr rh. r.suld it,N EBedrns sh6nx rdnoval d. nor appl(ihl. Io rhisuoj6l <br />I cdi& $d I h.r. rat rhir .DrltdFn !n i!'. 'ht !h. rbr. in n !r cord I alra r..!art\ s'rhnll(-'r! aRl(tu.i! <br />ordinrn(BMd sr . tjssGldiu r. t{ildirr condrudirn. oxl horiz. r.Ftgna '16 o f lhn (.n'} dd ( ou.r! ro nr6 ul[. rlE <br />rlx\r nnin[rtllI.Nnr ntr nlc.rifn <br />^ppli.tnl <br />or,riol stnrirr. <br />b o-:D T S.\..-.o.,..r-- <br />g-eg ccrl <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lns u lation/Energ y <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL 6-2ts -t7.)"Uth ,fvv) <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />l <br />I <br />I <br />I