<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />fllQaldPre-lnsulalion 1-x{-B:
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rough Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Range
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL )-z-te tfyq)
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />I tdt!,.fto '!tdd
<br />pa.lry of Ffuy d. I a a.op. 60r rlE Coder' LiE t b. lb blb*iE E?j!.(S...',J!1.!
<br />E6i!d ,.1 Proino CodG): A!, Ciry o. Cqny rttt Equis r Fir ro .od!4 .lr, ia.!E tul& d lq.i dy
<br />,l,dE!. Firto irr brE..roEqli-rt di{ hr$.lt FDi to fil.rar.d flad lhhord!ilk.d Fl&d
<br />b 6. FwirbB of tb Cod-lr'r Li@.d trw (Ct+ra 9. cffiir! vin scii. ?m of Dndb! ! .l rb h.$d.rd
<br />Piokba c.d.) d ! In d dE i qq4l {E!i!o.d th. b.a hr lh. dli.d qaFin. Ary vi,hi, ofsGlbo 70!l 5 br oy
<br />elid 6r. Fri rl,j.d: rt @liqn io.o{lldtyofdl llEllln ittlu!.hd&[.t(lvD.
<br />-1.
<br />s osE olrlr FoFrn 6 &y .qbt6 wirh w.s6 s Ori !L omFlrioc wil & dE rqr rd tlr !firc b mt
<br />ilrad.d 6 ofrdld f6 rL (S6,70a,1. &!iE Dd PrDfisios coil] TIE conrtrd r Li(ue Lry &6 d arty lo 4 ow of
<br />rhcpilFty wlb h, io. in'Flq (GE,!.d *tE do6a.nw hirulf or lE*llor lEtru3h li! B h6 oM 6Pbys
<br />Flvid.d rhn s.l' irFlvoEn! e Br irs*Ld d ollr.d 6r -l.. l( lD\rff, $c bufi,,A d irF$acd L eld vilhii oc rt
<br />ofonplrbo rlE osG Bdld6 $1! IEEllE h!&, orFlai.s d.lEdrb. dn !d hild or inpl.E th. FoFry tu ilE Flrbcor
<br />l. 6 o*E ofrlE FlFry, o dlsiwly @fr-ti.e wnh [cor.d dtl'-t6 ro @rED<r lh. roja (SE. 71X4. &!i6
<br />.rd PrDl6in C.&: Tt Co rxld ! Lt.e Lw &6 nd 4!plr lo D oMc ofFtFry whd boiklt o, $qqn
<br />.!d xtE or.'tl. br uh Frdr *ih . CotrrE cl.) Ld!.d Fr{.r h rh. Conr(B r Le)
<br />I 6 qdrr u!d6 SdriD
<br />-a.rtCf..UitE!.ularallo!|lrdlArla!
<br />D[CL8ADo!
<br />I tc!b, rfi'm @& pc[ll, of Fiu., oE or E fouosi'E del-.bEl
<br />-l
<br />t& lil qill did.ii t Cdri6cr! of Cod to Sdilur h. sra c.dy.nidit.. a ForLLd br b, Sati6 l?@ ofllE
<br />r$a coda tj. tf. Fe.!!e of lt est tn sti.i dE paEn i i.u.d
<br />I h.v. aod will m,in!.in s1trl6i .omFnsrion iNurm... s retu n.d hJ- Sd tun tTlr ot th. ljhoi (i&. for r h. pdn,msn.. .r'
<br />rhc $orl lor shi.h thir tEinr n is!.d My s..lft comp@irn iNu,M(c (m6 .nj Fll(y nuhbo r:
<br />(.- \ai?(E €o*l
<br />,..,..,,.* . ftgt, ts--,7 -t8
<br />-l.fiiryd-
<br />b ilE Dafolrc ollE F* rc wtth tlrt ocan ar !.r.(l I fif @t q45y ey F$r i! &y re
<br />E - ro h@r $tFr ro rb wto oqdrir tM ofc.li6tEi.. nd trE lh. if t abdd beor $ti!! ro dt
<br />6*d' odfdiE FBiid of S.dir. 17@ ofdE L$o. C.dq I irll 6(h,$ orEly *tb dc Foriri(6..
<br />iucr r dtpbF to oilild porit r.t
<br />civil 6E up ro oG h!.(H llb{d &llrn (1100.000). i! lddnb. ro ion &dg6 u Fovi<lcd for rlE
<br />sdb.1076 of rh.lrt r(oiq inr66 !d
<br />I lESrlrED '-& Ddly otFiry tL l &t li.d id.b Fvib! ofct+la I {6lncir tit S.db! r@) oroivirih !
<br />of rb trdE.n rm&.dd C.d.. d or ltc i h tu! 6c !d.ft.(
<br />rr<Nc(r.r\ 4,6,
<br />,,.,. ,.31 -(8
<br />C -(o -74{?or
<br />ga?arG /nZ.
<br />coltsTRtrTloN LENnl|tG lcrl(1'
<br />I ha!t,.IIm urdq Frlly of Fjury thr ttd b. cldrudih Ldios.sdy 6t 0E Ffolrrlle of lt srt 6r *tin ftir Fdn .
<br />Bu.{rs( 1097. (,v ( )
<br />I h.*.v rFm ! nd6 F.h' .f Fjuy oE ot rh. follo{ins {trle.riB
<br />Ddehirn P6mn!.Art'c(o. Norifut.n F.dd (l'irl..r0, Pd6)
<br />R.qukn rlG Dlr,Joriftdm
<br />-l
<br />cqrit |L {. id...l rirti'c ,.id4 ..!.ea !@vrl t! !d +li.ta b rb EDj.d.
<br />-l€riryrhIh!odrt
<br /> b. iccrird.I irElooqtrth.! Ci,-lCodyndi.6 !d $r. h r*t to hItdnr 6irt!6oq d t!*, ditE iFlEliq of ltb Cild Codr ro dE Fon effiXf^rytu/ * s+t/'-
<br />II
<br />IVXE
<br />Dr,- }5'3'rt
<br />I
<br />I
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