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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/slG.COMMENTS OWNEA SUIt'ZT DEl('AR TTON <br />I hdcby rlIFn uldB pd.lly of Frjury 'hd <br />I m ddpl fiom llE ao rrtoB Ltd. tlw for lh. followin* t!&n lse.?01 I ., <br />Baind .,i Pref{ion Co&): tuy Ciry or Cooitt ihi.h r.qon. . Fnn ro olrrud, rX6, inprote d@linr or EFr u, <br />rrud@Fs'o iB brr...ko n+iErlE @lt.n f.rBh F6i ro 6Lrr{,t d rlaE{ ulEdilEilt.Ed FlEr,r <br />ro (E FriliB of dE Coar*rd 3 Li!6.d Lw ((t F- 9. CotlllEEhs wnh S6r.n 70OO ol I ol rlE &Bi.B .nd <br />PDftilioN Codc)or thr lE6rlE t qat$ rh6.6on !i E h6a lor th. rlLscd crdplioi. Ai, riohioi of sdion ?01I t b my <br />lppli.dt aor . Fmt !ubj6l! lh. lppli.dl lo ! .ivil po.liy oa rcr oorc rho fiv. h!.dr.d doU6 (t500) <br />l.- o*€of E FoFy. d E, ddot< {nh *'3€ ! dEir $L onFcdntr wi &ln.sdtrnr,ErMeid <br />dad.d or odn d rq nl (S< 70ar. A6i6 !d Probi(B Cod.: I1i Coir-r6 r txde Le' dE br .rdy t6 { o{@ or <br />rh. FoFry ulb hdl! or EFo6 vfio d6 st srt hirulaor lE*|,or rhuBh ht 6lE ou E ploy€, <br />provid.d rh!' $.h mF@lEBRmr dai.d oolbld tusL ll tn6q, ltE bildng or inp.lqE ir $ld wihin om )r <br />ol.ompun!. tu o'*rd t\Iilld *i! llw tlr hdn ofFlvils lhr lE q th. dd &r hild or inFDE U. Fopdty tu E Frposol <br />l.6o*Eoa E FFrr, @ aclu,v.r,.odr-rds w h liclE d cod,&i6 ro (i.tu tllrFF (sd 7ol,!. tllulB <br />i.d P!!b.i Codc: Tn Co r*loit Li.@. Lw do6 ml l9ply ro a om6 olpmpdry *lF buil& o, hprot6 rh6s'i, <br />ud whn .onrr&1r aor lqh Fbjcrt *ni ! col[iclo(O lico!.d p4er ro rh. conralor! Lkry hu) <br />I o .r6F ulrld s.dbn_ <br />trcf,f,lxst(outEdtarlo! <br />DECIASAIIA! <br />I lE b .mm drl6 Frxy of Fjur, oG or th. f6llo*ds {,..hrnio6 <br />I h.c.n wall dind. Cdi6.d. of Coen lo Sdf-ltm for $$,t6 dtrpdrioi! 6 FDriLd lor by S<rarn 17m of rh. <br />t tor Cod.. fn llE FfqlM. of th. wrt for wni.[ th. Fhil a i.!.4 <br />I ll.r. !.d rill mi.hi. *ork6 conFNri.n iBrRc, a eqlt .l q Salbn l7m of llE Lrbor Co&. for rL Ftffi. of <br />llE *ut la f,htt rhir Fnn i iEld M, * 16 @mFdi,. ilffi. ffir tnFkynu6bd E <br />I cstili lh.r i,llE Ftotuc of ttE rorl fG *hth lhir Fnn ir is!.d. I slEll mr dtploy u) F$n iuy Mc <br />m d b be\ft tubj{rt lo llE mrt4 @mFrdi6n Lrr otc.litooi. d .ec 0d if I ilbuld b..oru Dlrel to rlE <br />Mrtd' snpdslion povaiou olsdhn !?m of rhc I.t . Cod.. I .&ll. fodh*irh smply lirh llsr pmvilioN . <br />WARNINC loluc ro Ee rqi6'mpqdbn o\a.s. ir ul$fuL &d idl sbjcl D alphF lo ointul Frl- un <br />.ril ,ic u, ro * hu.<[.d rhoErd & LR (1100,(ID), in .ddnh. lo rlE clj ot coDFGd'or <t r!.e6 ! Fovid.d for rrE <br />Sclion 1076 oarrr L.bor C.<t . inr6d &d ,ront! 3 ,c <br />I hdrb, .,Im uda Fd!, ol FF} 6I d li.gad dd.. Foriron of ct4r.9 (on,nftiry $nh S.(ior 7000) of Dn's6.:l <br />of rh. Blrind ed Pn'f6ioE CorL, dld my li.@ n in tull forc.,rl.lIer <br />'I"{-z/rZ <br />ca!ga!(ro!.rE!!l!GIcE!cr <br />I horby .llm unda ,ady of Fiuy fir tlE! ir . 6'inarbr la.tiry t8aE, 6r lh. Ffffi olllE *qt fot *tth $a F6. a <br />iq.d (S<. 1097. Cir. C.) <br />AITU(AtrLD!(ASAIIO! <br />I ha6y drm und6 p6.h, of Fjut o.. of rh. aol!.* in! delrdionr: <br />D.mhion PdmiB-A.tEror Noti6.di,. r'.d6.1 R.*uhi,tu {TnL,!0. Pd6) <br />I.q!i,!d Lans of fao.ifi.iir <br />I .dlit thd rhc fcd6.l EslhiioF rqrdin* ahdo' movd e rr .prlic.bL b $h Fnjc.r. <br />I .alif, !r I h. Ed lli +lirbr .n ra. di th. .toE iabi!.i,. ir . rEr. I laE lo oFl, eitl .I Ciy rn Cou! ]qdM6,rd sldc t r! r.!r!u to <br />.tnr. lffiioi.{ FoFry nr iEpa:l <br /> or ,{16l SlSnrlrrr <br />rqd.n€ of thi Ciy lld Cou y ro .ns wo! rt <br />^,, 9/z >/4 <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life S afety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL 9-z*-tt J). Cc*f .C@ <br />Remarks, Etc vt= St <br />Site-Work <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />l <br />I <br />I <br />Notes,