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EXPEDITED PERTilIT PROCESS FOR SMALL-SCALE PV SYSTEMS <br />MICRO-INVERTER <br />The informarion in this guideline is intended to help local jurisdictions and contracbB identify when Pv s)6rem insrallarions <br />are simple, needing only a basic review and when an installation is more complex. It is likely that 50 %-75 % of all residenrial <br />systems will comply with these simple criteria. For projecrs that fail ro meet rhe simple criteria, resolurion sreps have been <br />suggested to provide as a path to permit approval. <br />Requi/ed Infonn^tion for Pennit: <br />l. Site plan showing location of major components on rhe properry. This drawing need not be exacrly to scale, bur ir <br />should represent relative location of componen!s at sire (see supplied example sire plan). Pv arrays on dwellings <br />with a 3'perimeter space at ridge and sides may not need separate nre service review. <br />2. Elecrrical diagram showing PV array conngurarion, wiring system, overcurrent protection, invenet disconnects, <br />required signs, and ac connecrion ro building (see supplied standard electrical diagram). <br />3. Specihcation shee$ and installarion manuals (if available) for all manufactured componenrs including, but not <br />limited to. PV modules. inverter(s), combiner box, disconnects, and mounting sysrem. <br />Step 1 : Structural Review of PV Array Mounting System <br />Is the array to be mounted on a dehned, permitted roof structure?Yes E r,lo <br />U No due to non-compliant roo.f or o. ground mount. submit completed worl.sheet Jor the structure WKS I <br />Roof Informatioa: <br />1. Is the roofrng rype lightweight (Yes = composirion. lighrweighr masonry metal. erc .)COMP SHINGLE <br />If No, submit completed worhsheetJor roof snucture WfiS, (No = he6vy masonry, slate, etc...) <br />2. Does the roof have a single roof covering? EVes Eno <br />II No, submit conryleted worhsheetlor roof stucture WNSI. <br />5. Provide method and rype of weatherproonng roof penerrarions (e.g. flashing, caulk) <br />M ounting Sy st ern Infonnation : <br />l. Is the mounting structure an <br />benearh the module frames? <br />en <br />Yes <br />ineered <br />tr No <br />product designed to mount PV modules wirh no more lhan an 18" gap <br />IJ No, provide dztails ol structural attachment certiled by a design professionaL <br />2. For manufacured mounting syslems, frll out information on rhe mounring sysrem below <br />a. Mounting System ManufacrureQ!]!!UQ!N?TOdUCI NAME ANd MOdCI# CLASSIC COMPOSITION MOUNT <br />b. Total Weigh t of PV Modules an6 n211s 907.2 lbs <br />c. Total Number of AtEchment Points 32 <br />d. weight per Atachmenr Poinr (b + c) 28.3s lbs (if grearer rhan 45 lbs, see wKS I ) <br />e. Maximum Spacing Between Athchment Points on a Rail 4lr nches (see product manual for <br />maximum spacing allowed based on maximum design wind speed) <br />f. Toral Surface Area of PV Modules (square feet)270 ft2 <br />g. Distributed Weight of PV Module on Roof (b + D 3.36 lbs/ft'z <br />Il distributed yevht ol the W system is geater than 5 lbstt,, see WI<S I . <br />Step 2: Electrical Review o[ PV System (Calculations lor Electrical Diagram) <br />In order tor a PV system to be considercd for an expedited permit process, the following must apply: <br />l. PV modules, utility-inreractive inverters, and combiner boxes are identihed for use in PV sysrems. <br />2. The PV array is composed of 4 series strings or less per inverter. <br />3. The loral invener capaciry has a continuous ac power ourpur I f,440 Watts or less <br />4. The ac interconneclion point is on the load side of service disconnecring means (690.64(8)). <br />5. One ofthe sEndard electrical diagrams (E I . 1 , E 1 . I a. E I . I b, or E I . I c) can be used ro accurarely represent the PV <br />system. lnteractive PDF diagrams are available at www <br />Fill out the standard electrical d.iagam completely. A guide to the electical diagram is provided to help the applicant <br />understqnd each blank to fll in. Ij the electrtcal q)stem is more complex than the standard electrical diagram can ellectivety <br />communicate. provid.e an alterndtiye diaqram with appropriate detail <br />Z ExpEDrrED PERMIT PRocEss FoR PV SysrEMs - MlcRo-INVERTER <br />TLASHING & CAUI-K