<br />I h@try 6mm undd r.f,dty oa p6ju.,! rhd I en .rcmll 6on th. Cornrelod l-i.m. l rw for lh. lolkNiry r6si ( sd 70 r l 5
<br />lhsins .d Proash. (irL) An' ( irr o, Cou'rr. shEh r.q!6 . Fsn ro .oBrud. rtls. iE rov., rlmolirh ot Ep.n u\
<br />irumft. Iru h ns inu&.. ,lo rlqun6 $. tflikm! for 3u.h Fmn ro 6t t !€n d !166r lh, lE or stE ii licd!.d pleei
<br />h rh. F$Lr$s of th. (-ontuto.s l-!c6sd l,$ (Ch.rl6 q. ( onmdins \hh Sdin. 7r{x) of DtrLFo :r oI lh. Burin6r a.d
<br />Prof*ions (td.) orlhd n. or shc ts rrcmpl rhd.fion @d lh. bdir lor rhc n[8.d.tmptiotr Any viohlFi ols..'ion 70]l 5 bf.ny
<br />,{rhcer f.r ! Fuil tubr(t th. 441i...r io . .'vrl pauht of nor mrc tto lir. hur}.d &Ud ( l50ol
<br />l. s .$rdof rh.IrorEly. d mydrrlo!6 *irh u.s6 s rh@ sk 6mFdFr. sill dr llEld rd UEtur i! mr
<br />rrd{,Gd orolls.d for dl.{se.704.1, Bui.d md Prol6ionr (-od. ftc Conlricloa3 l,i(te Llw do6 nol +ply lo u o*ir or
<br />rh. p.otm, who hit& m itqm!6lhde !d vlr, <tE *h xr* him.ll ot h.*lt or llmurh his .r hd o$n dploy6.
<br />rtuviLd rh, $ch ihForffi e Ln indrd.l c olH frr sL lf.lB*nd. r,E tliBnt M itsdaEr it $ld *ihh k
<br />'aofcurphn rlEol*r ttiBs rin h.rt tlE h(b! olF.r!* rhr E JEdildtrdtri"qD\tln.F,td!6.lllFFEot
<br />l, s o* nd ofrh. I'.rdr, m cornrdins s'nh licdr.d co. Er.6 !o 6dtud tlt Foj.<l (S( ?04,1. &,rs
<br />.d Pntse Co& It. Conrrror! l.r.@ lrv d.- mi .Cf l, ro d o$nd orFoFly tr ho brir& oi mrm\6 'h66n.dd uh. .o'nret fd sh F.ids $nh ! Conr-o(, ltdsal p{Eu,n l. llt Co'rab'r Lk.r t!*)
<br />I e.r.mfl undd sdrion
<br />lr.t. o'rd
<br />lvoRl(f, Rs' ( of, lPENsArmN
<br />DESJ.BdII{!!
<br />I hsq\ lmm u.dn Frhr olp6juD_ on. oath. folhsiry ddlMilion!
<br />I hrr. !n *'ill cdria..r. or( o@n ro s.lf-leE 6. qnt6' onFBinr. 6 F.riLd aor by S€hn 17(x, orrhc
<br />l,btr Co&, f.r lh. FfollM. otlh. *o.t fs *tah rh. Fn( n isu€d
<br />I har. .nd sill mlinuin * oitd .omFMion iNurR.. G rc{lircd b, ion l70o nf rh. t bor Gd.. for lhc Ftbrr1@. .f
<br />rh. *ut for uhah rh! Fmn ir isd My sortd omp.dhn 'Mc c.tG &i lrlr)_ numb.r r.
<br />,""'- 'Ao<o
<br />,,,*,^-.* -/Tr6f llLip3')01-tJ 'zot/
<br />I.dri! rhlr
<br />'n
<br />rh. Ff.l11ltr. orrlr uort lm shich lnir p.rsi! 'r isu.d I !t.llmi mpLt u} tEM. it ey nuk
<br />$ s ro b..omc subJet to rh. {0*6' conpnBa'oi lr$i of Cdifomi( md r{R lh.l if I 3h.uld h..omc !ti<t lo th.
<br />woltd.ohntEslionpmvBiodorS.dion:r70oofrh.trhorC.&,Ish.ll.fonhs'ilhcomplywithllhrF.liiioN
<br />WARNII\G lilu. ro s@ *vld otrrFErhn .ovsD*. . unlru tuI, !i lnnl 3ut'td d orphF ro .mml Frhi6 Md
<br />cril n.6 uD r. oR hun&cd thoud &'llc Itl0O.000). 'n.ddn6. b ih. td of .omFNrion. d&!s6 a F.\il.d f.r 'h.Sdion 11076.fri. titv (-.dq inr6.i ed rrroB \ fc
<br />I h*rr amrm und6 Flhyof p<jury lhn I d li.d!.d undd Fovirion ol(-htpla q (conn6.i.s *'nh s.d.n 70Oo) nf l)ivisio. r
<br />6f rh. BGin* tl PmfdhBcod., dxl my liceE i! in tullfo,c.&ld.lIdr
<br />,'-*"a,^. 'C3?
<br />',,". o?-15-zotZ
<br />I hdtly !flirm lndd Fhh, of Fjury thrt lhqc n ! $nslrucl ion lddins ardcy ltr rh. pdfomdc. ol lhc sor! for whi.h rhis pdftil n
<br />i!u.d lS( lll)97. Civ ( )
<br />I hd+.Itu ui(kp6!htof Fiury omof ih. folL*rB rklj.tnns
<br />D.nolirion Pmit-Arbcsror Norific io. F.darl hriod (Tnt. 40. Pd6)
<br />R.qut.d lnl6 of f(,'fraFn
<br />-l .qlify rhn $. f.dd.l r.Bullt ioB rqrdins sl6or rm\ rl r. ml E plrrbL ro rhir F.l.(
<br />$,,^t,,nn, ^*,^,n!.pplicrnrn
<br />en nar. rhn rhc !bov. inaoMio. i cordr I lBrE k,.ohply *irh cntmd('ounry
<br />ndmm6 .rd Srd. L&! Elrins ro biui.s cois!.r b.r &'d lFrtr, ruthorn. qrsrins ol rhn Cny .d ( ounit
<br />'o
<br />el6 uFr lL
<br />.tn\. nhrnncd FoFn) f dEpchn FrD.s _ J ,
<br />App,h. o,^rd,sh..,uE *-.q.r'4'-,# -,.'m-15-U1{
<br />Pmh.ri.rp.rno: * fu,ao l"m{o/
<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation
<br />Roof Sheathinq
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framing
<br />ln s u lation/E nerg y
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif
<br />-6\
<br />FINAL toh+/t z Nl{-1s
<br />Certificate of Occupancy
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />-+
<br />,,,,,. t0Q-15'zol ?
<br />,r.B.Nujrr - 4/977<,-**,1 Cllcx
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I