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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUIT,DIiR l}f, ITAI'ATION <br />I h6.h .rm unld Fslr) of Fjory rhd I m q.mF n tu th. Conrdm l (.e b* aor rh. f.llo$in8 ra)n ls(.70r I 5 <br />llusinBr drd Phr6ion ( odc) Any Cily or Coudy *hth r.quic . Ddmir ro $Nru.1. !hq. ulgmE dq@lilh or t+.r e! <br />nrudue Fnr to "r itiuuq !l. ratun6 !h. q,'}lkd for iuch Fmir lo nb ! suncd stdmdl lhd hl or th. i lrcG.d plNsl <br />k' rh. provilioB ot tlE Contrrlu ! Lics!.d L.v {ct,pl< 9. CoddinB snh Sdhn 7m0 of DnBon lr of rh. BBinRi tnn <br />Porsionr ( o&) or rhrr h... srE it dmrr rhr.n.m md rh. b.ris for rh. all.s.d .rmpl ioo Any violalio. of Sdion 70ll 5 b) any <br /> for a Fmh $blfi! llE l9plksnl to . .n il p.Elir_ o f mr mrc rh& 6\. hudd'd dolld ( t50o) <br />l. 6 o*E orrh. FoFlt. o, mt anplotG *nh r.s6 a $k smFEiion. * (hlrtwi aitlEsd@irn, <br />inta,ldi or olred for{ 7044. Burind &d hotcsirN Cod. Th. co r.d.i! LicoE ljw &6 mi +tly b u o*F of <br />tti FFr, slb b.ildor osu6 Ece.J u'hl {,(E trh trst hu*lfN h.*lror rtmu*t hi! or hq o*n mpkDG, <br />prolil.d rh.r ruch inFDEGfi e m! iniai.d o. ordld tu. sL l[ hoEs. llE hlJdi.u o' inlF.vaEd ir $]] *ilhh ok )s <br />of.orr)ldbtr ,E ()vE Eila ri[ lEk lh. hddr otFow'S rhr lE m {r dil ml build d trlp.ln th. prDIEq ror $. rrrFr of <br />l, s omdof th€ Fon61y, @.tclE'v.lycofl@riry *Ih codrdoB io Nns1rud llE FlF {sd Tot.l.IIGIK <br />xrl Aolsi{ co& Ih. Conrdois l,icdc l,$ &}B Nt q,Fly lo 6 osnd nf FoPdy who burld! ot inprov6lhdmn, <br />ud *ho co.,rdclr lor such Fj.d! *hh r cbddo(r ltoE n rul:@l to rlE Co,rrrloat l.a.@ L$, <br />lan crcn,pl utrd6 sdrnn, <br />Drr. O*n. <br />$oRil'xs'a-ontlr''tsA-r(rN <br />DE(IAAATq! <br />I lE-! rm nlndd F!h} or FJ!!- orc oI !h. follo*Tt d..ldaltunsl <br />I h.\. !i will rohrrin i( qlificarcof Co.grlo S.lttNurc lor $0116- !1,mpsrdion. s Eovid.{ fot bySdtion:i700 oarh. <br />Iioi cod., fm rh. FfollM. of lh. *nl fo, * hah <br />'tE Frn 6 isu.<l <br />I har. !trd will *0116 .6mr.@rh. inliJjft.. s r.qu&d tL{ Sdl$n :1700 of th.lrbnr Cod., for th. Frotlffic of <br />tfris pqm ! eql. My s{rk6 comFehon rsurm(. cMrs eri pol'(y numbd E.: <br />3*,\r.*,,,,,-, /u?f/r??b/,YE <br />l..nrfy rhd in rhc FfolMcoafic worl lor which rfib pomit ir isu.( I rh,llno! mPlot oy F$n in &} @F <br />$ s to lEom sbal ro th. *!*d NnFsnion lru! of Cllrfom( md !8G rhd rf I nDUE tdotu $hr..' ro llE <br />$rl(6' conrssrnn pmvt N ot s.dio. 1700 ol rh. ribor cod., I slull. fonhuith rcmply wilh lho* pi.1Lioa <br />\IARNING lsiluc to tt@ rdld' onpddhn cors.*. i lnhutul. lld 3h.ll trubJ.d d mplors to omiMl FEh'c od <br />civ'l finc! up ld o( hundr.d rhoMd.lolld (tl00,0ml in ddilion b lh..o{ of.on+.,qliotr. d.,tr+6.r Foln.d f.t lh. <br />I hftby irtrm und( Fdly oaFjury lh.l I o [GN.d udq FornFn ol(lqrd 9 (.tffii.* u'nh S€lrn 7000) of Ditrm 1 <br />df lh. li6IB dd PmfsioN Co&, an m' [c6r is h full fo,cc !,ri.lIel <br />vrrE'?r / <br />(()is I Il ( I t()N l,uNt)t\(; A(;t.,N( \ <br />I h*by 6llm un<ld Fulry ol pqjlry thd tlE! i! s orEnr:riotr ladill3 .stry foi iE Ffctlr. of tlE *st tu *t-h thi Ffli b <br />kuql (36 1097. Civ. C.) <br />afrtlcallDlrcldaalra! <br />I h.!tr arlm u*Lr F,ah, ot Fjurv oe o f rlr folhsrr d< l&rh6 <br />lh:mlnion Pmils-A3b-(,! Notifislion l.ddal Rqularions (1 1.40. Pan6) <br />R.q!tr.d L.fiaofNdrtudbn <br />I cdrry rhar th. i.dsal r.sll,honr alsdinr dh.:ros rdror al m not oprlic.bk b th6 pNr.o <br />I c.n,fy rhar I h^c'.ndrhi.a srslc lha lh. rll'vc infon dion ir coB1. Ilgc ro Nnpl,$th.I Cnl iftl (\'unh <br />dl$Enmrion.d flopdy <br />X,r-,-n*-,r*- <br />\mire n,m(prrnr,: <br />dtudii( dxl hd.t, erlrrt. rcFsndtr6 ofrhi3 ( nysd Counl, to o16 uF,n rhc <br />,Ka.t*bn*-,, 2:Jr/' <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall I <br />Framing K/rR ln --414f) <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywa ll <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handrcap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Frnal Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />\ <br />FINAL (/G '/tu 7.'lvt ?kv8 <br />Certificate of Occupancy ' <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />\ <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I I <br />I <br />I <br />iI <br />T <br />I <br />I <br />I