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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNE,R AUII,DER DEI-('AR TIoN <br />I ha.ry imm undd toahy ot pEjury lh,l I n cicmf^ l$n rh. Conliacio6 l,tr@ tlq foi rn. tullo$h8 rae. (s( Torl 5 <br />Eurs rnd ercl*Fn (id.) An' (-iry o. (nudy *hth r.qurd ! Fnir to Ndtucl. rltq. improre dnrcliih or q6tr u) <br />sddu. F& r. tu L$trcq it$ r.qutrd th. !fi,licer for ruch llmir ro 61. . sirn.d {ddar rh.r h. or !h. b li(ftri poirod ,b rh. F.vBkrB oatlE Contrlor'3 l,'co!.n ((tl4r6 e, (-ommi.B $irh s(ri,. 70m ol DnLh. t ofth. aurinG .ndr. <br />tt{rfdhB cod.l or lh!| lt or sh. n .x.nt rhdcnom 6d lhc lBn for r h. allq.d cx ptrn AnyvnlarFnors..lntr70.1I5bJ-anr, <br />tppli(a ntr srEmn $bjarrrh. ro..(ilFnrht ormtnoEthd fir. hundr.d 6Ud ( l!00) <br />l. ii orn6 otlhc treFly. orhydployd silhw.t66 rh.i $LohFdnn. *il6 E *sl.rj tlE rdE i mr <br />ddrld m ord.d lor sL ( s6 7tx,l. BBilB ud PrDrsh$ Co&. TIE Codrrtorr I ic.e l,u, &,6 mt apply to d ourr of <br />rh. l,trFry who hirl(b or iml'or6 th6on. .d *no d(6 trh *!rI hrelf .r hterr 6. rhou8h hr or rE o*r al9lor6, <br />ForiLd rhd ech imFnt€'d. ftr{ -rdd.d o,lirld ft, et lf, 11116!. tlE t! jrry or if,s.ord is $ld $ithin orc E <br />ofcompldiol th. Owhd adud *il h!\! rh. tDrdq orl'lri.s rhi lE or rlE di, d tlild.. drrnE E FqEr] tu ln. rrrFe.l <br />l. so*cofrhc I'op6r, M.rclu$.lv coddn|! *iih hcqs.d.olraroE h codtuci rlE Frd! tSft 70,{-{.IlG'rc <br />lnd Pmfrsm Cnd. Ih.Conh.r.r. t.'...r.Lds d.6 nol.rplt to M osnd ot proFny *ho build!o. impror6thcon. <br />ed Iho odEr! fd rxn *'nh r Codrdonr lkdB n p(l.@r ro lh. (ndr&loi. Lictu tr*) <br />I m.!dpr undd SdrFn <br />l).r. O.nd <br />\roR( ts kYiroi,iPli!iA tldN <br />DICIJAAIIOI <br />I hd.hy rmrn u.d6 rEa, ofth. n'lh*rns d(lararions <br />I har. dld *ill tuiorain ! C.n inor. ol ( inhr to S.lfJ nrur. nr sorld' comr.Bd io.. s Folidd tu by s(rNn ] ,(n .r r h. <br />htr, Cod.. for llE Ffollrlm! ot <br />'h. <br />rort fm c hi(h lhr Fnn i! e.J <br />I h.r. .d will ni'.ra'n uod6'comFdin iNr!ft.. s r.qurai b! Sdhn l?0oof rh. l,lrr (-od., lor rt Ffomm. of <br />th. qort aorrhKhthsporn n qal Mywork6 onp.retion iNurMc. cMi6 ddrrlicynumhs {. <br />I.difr rhd i,lh. Fli!tu. orlhc s'nrt fo, shthlhirpdnil is isu.d,I shallnor @Floy M, F$n Elny mMn6 <br />e d to tEom rohd trr !h. wrd .omrtM.n h$r oa Crlrfom'!. md rsr rhn rt l llFuld ut' ro ttE <br />unrl6' cohFdio. FovthB of Sdtn I7ur of rh. Lrtrrr Cqjq I idl. fonh* h conply *ith rhr* provB'o6 <br />IIARNINC F rlurc kr $u. *sI6' comFun6n mvd.ra. ir unh$tu|. dd dl sbj.< m dphF ro crD$l FEti6 rrd <br />cnil fr6 trp ro on. tu.&c<l rhousnd &116 (t100.0(x)1, in ,ldnhn lo lh. co{ of comFMIion, drm5s.! s provid.d for Ih. <br />(' sd .lronEy'3 aG <br />I <br />I h6.ra ,lrlm und.r Fuh) otFjlr) llld I u I .I( h!Dl6 e (.l)m,H.in8 *nh sdion 7uD) otl)nisbn 1 <br />of rhr,jusin.leand Pnrfsionr codc. anj m, l(6k <br />X <br />I FMnr of Fju,r. rhn <br />'l'd. <br />i..o'dru.rion l6dhs rstry aor rh. rEfot:lre. olrlE "ork tor f,tich thi! Fnn t <br />klucd Isd lo9?, civ c.)t d(i Nlft <br />APPLI(' II' OFCI AIATIOIT <br />I hd6! .&n unrb ot Fj6 orc of rh. follo*ins d( hriton! <br />Dc'mliliof, Pdnits-tubdlN Norific$on r'.rld!l R.{llshons('l l.{0. P 6) <br />R<ruir.d t,.116 of Nnifi cdion <br />I.drir 1l rrl'.rrJ.ral'q:ula1(,n\'.BrdtrrtEslrnosr.r,\ila,cnor,rl)nl(.1,1.r)rhF|[,|(..r <br />I .d iry rhar I hr\ . rad thi, rpplkdrion d sr.r. rhrl th. AtEvc inforn lion 6 t alrc to ronpl, sitn all Cny dd Cou.ty <br />ordwncG ed sr.r. L$s rcldil! <br />'o <br />ltuildi.s codrvdntr rxj luttFryc EFs{rr 6 ottht Cn} ud ( ouDtr lo -16 urFn llE <br />abo\.,Hiion.n pturd\, t$ un c.lnr DUI$B <br />,{ppll.rnl orAtdl shnrrlr. tr f/l/ /11 <br />,,",. r /t e /t IOfil4r. <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenUlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulqtion/Energy <br />!rlA,vatt <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handrcap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />E ngineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL /0/t//41 <br />Certificate of Occu pancy <br />lptes, Remarks, Etc. .I <br />lr <br />I <br />I I <br />I I <br />I