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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS O*nlf BUILITER DEITCAn TION ' <br />I lE!t,.ltEE uti6 r6.ty of Fiu., thr ! e aad to6 $. C.drcm Lio@ try hr lh rolbvn'a Ep6(sd.70!l.J <br />&riB -d Frotdh co<L): A.y Ci, c Cordy rti.t ,oqorq . FEi lo @drd- tr'. i,ryort d@lirt d iqri -y,r'xru!, Fir ro lt i.l.r .lE ..qris dr {dirn fo. rd FEn !o 6L . .ad riad rttl h. d t a li.i!.d Flur - <br />ro rlE Folib of 0E Coorsrc.t Li<u.d ti* (Ourt6 l. Co@int eirh s<rbn ,0oo ol Divnbo I of rh. ac.itB ;d <br />F!&siod Co&) 6 tl'd lt d dr i aqr'{ r[d6!E -d ll. bi for lh. dri.d da4(ilD Aly vbldio! otscri,.70l1.5 br.,y <br />rylid 6..F6r Bucr.rb .plt rlo. ilpdrrof mr dEd& treh{H&lld(lJ6l. <br />l. e owE of lt FlFry, 6 hy @plo,6 wnh s.g6 .. Ih6 sk odFldioa wi! & dE 6l ,!d dE rhd@ . rbi <br />ina.!.d o&.d lbr..L (sc.7oaa, Bsi6 &d Ptofiioo Cod.: IE Co,rrdd! Lt.e L.*.trq mr +ply b h ogd of <br />0EFqdry wto bilt d iE !E ridEo. rn D &q rdr wr llirlr lEidfdtltludii.dkomqnploF... <br />Fovi.Ld rh Et iIFDE drd irE Ld doftld 6r rl.. lt io@. rt r'it n irFrllE i -ld win' * )d <br />of .orPHi,o. llE O*c Blilk wiu lrr dE hnb, of Fqiig dr lE d d. <!d ot h,i! r nryDE IE FFry ftr iE F,FE ol <br />l. BorcofdEFlFy. dd.t iEV dfidiE lib lt@.d 66-1610 6dt.l dEFn.!(Sc.7044, <br />.n hDAir Co&: It. Co'ftiolr LkG& l8 rloa d Sly ro i orE orFofdr, sto build. d iE rcE $aa.. <br />&d who @iErr! br Bh Foj.d. wtb . Co, ltc!.d putr!,r! m rlE Cotrlr-ld.' Lic4 L.*) <br /> .B.A?.C b.t lc <br />Ir.L: OtEi <br />rq85E8!:sAMII!SarO! <br />DIC!.A8AIIO! <br />I lElby .rtm uldd Fdt, of Fiury c oarlE 6tb*iB &Lri6: <br />-l <br />hlc -d {ill uid.b t C6lifEn. of Cod6l lo Sdf-I@ h. wrd qtFrrb.. a Flvi.Ld for b, Sci6 3700 ollfi. <br />trt . cod( 6rrbF6.lrEof rbst fti stibtbFait i iE .t <br />I i!€ .tn *iU wort6 .otrpcrir irl:Irc . EniiEd b, Salbc ,1700 otdE trtD, Co&. 6. tlE Ffo|rrut of <br />rh. wrt tor whict rhL Fhn ir isd My srld odFirioi inll!ft. ffiir ..d Flky lubq c <br />I \t,tr.\ <br />I c€lit rhd ii E Ff.lrDac oarlE (, whi[ fii. Fni n is!d- ! tlEU rxll @ploy uy FD. in &] n'-e <br />- -ro b@nt iucr ro rb. wtd @lFa.riD L*r ofc.li6r.n -d ryE $. if I dDdd bclr rri.r ro dt <br />Nrta' orFdbi Fvi'id of sdiD l700of rlE t td cod.. I dr[ &irh*ih or4ly sitt rhE Fviir. <br />F.ilr. to Bc Era'@.pq!.b! ovat.. i 6L*tu1 -d ild! ubFr - ot?loF to ciiii.l pdlb d <br />ro oa hudr.d rt @id <br />L66{-r1[croq,frf,rafrI,NL.ta u.ds FDvsion or ryFa e (Nn:llrds wnh s6i6 7om) orDtr6h.lIlE by irm uid6 Fuly ot Fjury rlla I 6 <br />of rlE B6iE dd Preli.i6 co&. -d 6y ltq4 ir i' tull lor -d .fliil. <br />o <br />t tattr .tr ! r.dE F.ty of Fjury lL tlft i r coieuclir tn \ 5.6. F&.@ of 0E Er br dil di FEI - <br />d (Sc. 1097. Ctv. C.). <br />lrfi rc vtDfcr riaam!{ <br />I hc*y.ftnu..Lr F! yof Fj'uyoE of d! touoviry &lrrioB: <br />Daolib! ?@il&4.b..6 tlo{i6.riE Fdcrl i.slbbo OrI. 40, Pfi6) <br />R.q!i!d l6raof Ndi6.rbn <br />! .dify rhd rh. fid6.1 rcsuldioN Eerdiir !td6 lqm!.] e. Nr rpdiobh lo <br />'hi! <br />proF <br />I dit rh. I lEv. rqd rhir b..n rn. rnr ln. thoE iltuiri ir oiat l.srd ro o!'pl, *.h.llCiy.ld Cod, <br />sdiecB !n $1. us EhitE hildir8 on nErhtr !d horly lrnhori4 a!r6qr.ir6 olrlt Cny dd ('oury ro da <br />'4on dE <br />lbovc Mlion d FoFl' tor --.7'?ieofi <br />UNDER GROUNO <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Piping <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Waler Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing tDl,'ilt "; t (-.?(Plu za <br />Final Gas Test 'tlt ,fir 5-x "uat*'6Meter Release <br />FINAL <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />ol. in .ddii,D ro tlE orr of <br />b ?zo <br />I <br />I <br />I) <br />I <br />3/h /k ,'E 'L,&ru<1