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rfeuonaNDUM <br />1s; REX SWANSON. DEPUTY CIfi i{ANAGER <br />PHIL FREELAND, DIRECTOR <br />From:P i{NI D EV ELOPI'IENT SERVI <br />Date JTJLY 20, I 4 <br />Subject:INFOR}IATION ON BOWERS MUSEUM _ SEISMIC SAFEf,Y IMPROVEMLNTS <br />Bovers Museum has not compleced plans to bring che museun inlo compliance <br />with the seismic safety ordlnance. Ue have been told that the plans are <br />forchcomingl however, werve yet to see theD. As you knov, permits Eust be <br />obtained by July 29, 1984 or ve vill be required to issue a final Notice <br />and Order to vacate the buildj-n8 in.Au8ust. Since lre have taken such an <br />aggressive post.ure rith other property ovners in the city, ue cannot t.reat <br />our oen any differently. <br />o sending a copy of t.his memr to PeEe Lee and will contact. him person- <br />y. I vill have Joe llazzeo work dith them closely so that '/e Hil.l not <br />in a corner with this issue. I wanted you to be anare of the problem. <br />Ia <br />alI <br />get <br />l\cr,"o Dt"$N'I <br />IL <br />PF/c1 <br />cc: Pete Lee <br />' tas 41 <br />4-lj't"l tJaa*h <br />Ifu? \,te g. <br />Ul t1 <br />t o *i=< <br />oe-