<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />To rquerng
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh)
<br />Meter Release
<br />Rough
<br />Service Meter
<br />FINAL cl-E t I Zc2'7
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />I 1E.6, .,lm udd Frty of pdiuy thr I m astq nln rlE Cdrr.d6' tj.6E Liy for dE fr'llori.g l6n (S< 7Ol | ,
<br />B6ir6! ud Pmtosion Co&): Any ( iry or Counry which r.qund , pqf,n lo @.nto.t, .ltE. 6Fov.. d.noltb or rqn e)
<br />srud(e Ft,ro tu a'.ieq.ho Eq$c rhc.ppit,l lo..u.h pdni l. fiL.3iSn d n.o6l thr lEor rl'. ir li€&d F n n
<br />ro rlE Fo\irbN or dE Codtui l-E4!q, l:v (Cll.plg 9, Comdins *nh kir. 70m of Divitio. I of llE trllitEs rd
<br />Prot siorr Co&) d rhd lE o. .lE B a@F rh66on Md thc b..ir for rh. rlkg.d .r@Fio.. An, violdion of Sdion 701 I 5 b, &,
<br />.pplk&t for . Fmn $bjclr rh. Trltul to . .ivil Frlly of Nl mr. lho fivc hutdcd {tolLn 11500)
<br />-1.
<br />a om( of lh. FoFry, or ry ddora wrh p!e6 a rhcn sk @nFEdion, wil <lo 'll *dt dn lh rrud@ i! ml
<br />iddi.d or ord.d for 5h (56 7044. B6i6 ud PrDfdiod co&: TIE Conftlq ! l,ko* l.v rtG 6i r{'ply to & otr oa
<br />rh. FoFty *rb hiiLl d !!t 06 dE![ rn *lb dq En udrt hierf o, lE!.laor tllDuah ni! q hd oE arrpklJ€
<br />Fovid.d rh.r sh inFlvond! etDl tna'd.d motu 6. sl l[ no6E rtE hriutr o. irprsffi ir sld vdb w ]a
<br />of .oq,hio( th O*h6 Buildq wil h.w tlE hrnb oaFDrirB thr h. or JE dd mt hild or itrpmv. lh. FoFty 6r rh. FqF* oa
<br />_1. s .wns oarh. FoFty, m dcldiv.ly .onr.ding *nh k.ru.d .ont&1ou to coNrrud llE r.j{r (Sc. 7044, t]llnd
<br />.d hokin CorL: Th. Conr.crd ! Li..u h*'d6 rcr +ply ro o o*nd of FoFrt *ho ll(ild!.r inpmrBllEon.
<br />md *tb ofrr$ lor 3Gh Foixlr *nh r Coffiqr) l.ccd p{,!d to rh. Codncrd t l-t@ ljw).
<br />I s .rd/ un!6 Sd
<br />D.l.: Ortr.r:
<br />woR(te\' ( rr[i PFi,sATroN
<br />[ECI.6TAII9!
<br />I hd.tr .mrm udd Fmht of pajury nrc oirh. tulo$lB rhclsd,.N
<br />-l
<br />h.!G.n sill oidri.. cdtitsd. olcoMr ro S.lf-l@ tu wlat' omp.n {aot\ ! Frid.d fo bys<1it.l?m of rIE
<br />l:txr Cod.. aor 0. Ffdtll'G oaoE s fd $ttb lh. F6i it e.d
<br />_lh!\.,,r1sill 'dain
<br />wo d .omFdb. imq s r.q!n d by Salbn 1r0O of lll l,bor Co&, lor lh. Ffolrlj.e ol
<br />lh. *!rl fG rrrih rhi Frn i. isr.d My *uld 6mp@!.hn iBulu.6ir rn polia nunb- G.
<br />Poli.y N!rbrr_Evi6
<br />,&dify th.l . rL Ff"* ol tlE worl tq rhtt rlii Fnr ir is!.4 I ibll st <!plo, ry p<DD ir D, ffi
<br />e a lo b.<!@ sbicr ro rhc v6d6 s,Ioqldion !.s of crlifomi.. Dd rgE thd if I nblB lEotu Etitl lo l,t
<br />md(d' @Epasli.n provirioN 6fs<iioa l70o of 0E t$or Coda I tull. aonhwilh conply wnn ll[* Pdvhio6
<br />l,vARNlNC: !!ilut. ro sE lrrt6 .odF!d6n mrdrsc ir unla*tu|. .,rd sh.ll tubFl o aploF
<br />'o
<br />mi l F hB ed
<br />civll fin6 up lo oE hundtqj lhound doud (5100,000). in r&h'on lo rh. cor of comFdriod. d!h.s6 s Provn.d ior llE
<br />scrion 1016 oflh.l,!, codq itn6d .rd rddry ! f6
<br />a>t c M
<br />u!r..)lu}!.!.^-la\Ir8.
<br />I h@by.frrn uodo poalty of pajur_ rh{ I @ li.aE d Edd FDviliof, of Ch.F6 e (eMtrirs with Sclio. ?@0) of Diliion l
<br />of llE B6ilEs d PDfdbd Cod.. .d my l-ae it o tull foN id cltdl
<br />g 7.a1 F,qoostrAa,"",^",., W tbb/Au l)e2 -1" tfrl-ft4
<br />(a!$all1lotrLt litaclcEl(}
<br />I hcr.by afifln unds rHahy o f p6jur )- lh,l lhd. Lr a.oorrtolln. ktul'ns ago.r aor rh. Pdaontrln.. oflh. work fu stlcn lhB p6fr,1 s
<br />isu.d ("...- !097. ('iv C )
<br />IhodrriEundd pquly ofF.rjur! or ofrE rob*in* &(ls ba
<br />D.mlhio. P6hs-A3bdor Nolificdion t.ds.l R.3ul,! iors (TnL {, Pd6)
<br />RaluiEn Ldra of Norifrdin
<br />-l
<br />c6r ify thd rhc f€ddal rcrulorioN ,.sedins ab6k8 E.ovrl s. not q4,li.abl. r. rhis tnid
<br />-l
<br />.dri8 rhi I hsr ,ad rhn edadkt. dld nn. thd {r .ts!. ,nrotuio. . coEd I r8c ro onpb unh lll Cir y .,td Cou.ry
<br />o'd'aanc6 ind Srar. l."qs r.l"tu n' b!'ld68.onnn'd hn b,iorh.rt r.pr6dr.rn6 o f rhi5 City tud Counry ro atd !rb. 'ti.hx. trErional DrorEry lor iBrElbn
<br />AppllcDr o. A*6r sh..ruft
<br />r*,,- ".."rr.i"o, l7)A o lliua,^,,,a/6//,n
<br />I
<br />/t A)
<br />l.dd- ! Atlts