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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE <br />Site-Work <br />Underground b.,)t- lb-D.-{oh ,'{c) <br />Pole Bases ( <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL 7-rB -re o <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />OWNf-R BUILDER DEL(-AR TION <br />! h6.4 amm undd pd,lty of pdju.y l hd , s .xmpl trom lhc Conl&lo! l-icdc l rw for lh. lollowin* rN'n ( Ss 70ll ! 5 <br />B{riBs dn Proa6ion ( o&)r A.} C(y o, Crud, whth ..itur6 . F$n ro o6rud, .l'c. ihFor.. {btulnh or (Fn e\ <br />,.r.rd. Fi, h tu Kuft., rho rdtura rh. {'tl{d aor kh rEml lo 6k r ii*n d nd6!E rhd rt ot $. i! li(tu1 p(ed <br />ro rhl FovnrcB otd. CoilBroi. l.i.d.!d L,w l( lrprd 9, comhftins silh S.dion 7IIr0 of Div6irn I ofih. Burin6 &d <br />ProLsions (ird.) orrh h. or !h. i!.r.f,pr rhd.fror ed thc bsn tu th. llLr.d crdplion. an, viol.lion of S.clion 70:r I 5 by any <br />lpplic! for r eubid!llE lo !cirilrdBllyofnot mErhe fi!. hund.d d.lhs {1500) <br />l. a n*G of rh. FoFdy, or m, an br€ snh ste6 6 rlEi. mt o,rFs.lFn. *ill & di Eut ,n $. ffE . B{ <br />i.ra&d orolT.r.d for $t (Sd.7044, Buris ud Prcfdid C.dGr Tn. Co r.crois Lt.@ tr* do6.d Aplylo u oqns ol <br />ll'. FDFry f,lF hil& ( n I'.vG rhd6l! rd *ltr dq r.n K* hiro.lfor h.*lf or llmIsfi fiis or hq o*n oplo)6. <br />FoliLd thd r(h inFo\d1ds e ml ndi.d or oltu 6r rl lf. fio*6s. ln hiHiis nql]\6id ! ild *rhin c !a <br />.lof,pldiotr E OaE &rBa $'ill l*. dE hrid! oaF!\i{ rhr ll d d'. dni E l hild d iftqu! rh. FtFy 61 0E F,FE oa <br />L so$n6 ofrfi. Fopstr. m colnrulins *nh li(asd cor{,&r!6lo 6ddd <br />'lE F.j.{i (S( 704.4. Bui.s <br />&rl EDtri{ CoiL, 'I h. ftmdorr l-i..@ tr\! &'6 mr .ppl:_ ro o os E ot FoFly s ho b{ildr or hpd\6 rh6on, <br />ed rtE Fdrxt! ftr ru.h Foj.rlt *'nh !Contrlqlr lio*d llmdr bilECodrrroir Lt.e L.a) <br />I m q.nrpl und6S(tun \1"f 1'l)|t-L-tf <br />I h.rcby afi nn undr p.ell' olpqju'r. oncof lh. (,lk,q <br />I hlrr rd $ill runri.. Csri6.a. of Colg'r ro S.lf-l!w. for srt6 onFuiiotr ! FDriLd for by Sdion lu00 orlh. <br />l,bor Co& for rlE Ffolrlle. of llE *ml for * hkh llE Fnn ir isrcd <br />I hlE lnd EiU roinrrin v.rt6' comFlBdi,n iNurme 6 r.quir.d b.v 5<16. 1700 ollh. L.bor Cod.. Io, lh. Flor,m. of <br />rlE $vt tor *ntn lha Fn, ir isrd M, \sld snFlibn iclrlre .air tn pokt.urba !. <br />I cdify rh,r i. ih. Fformm. ofrh. "ori for shxh rhc F nd ir isu.4 I $!ll ml dnploy lny rng'n i0 tny me.6 <br />kr B to ltbjdr ro rh. *oitd' compaslirn Lm ofcrli.fohi.. ud 6src rhd ia l lhoold h<om. 3objdl lo tlE <br />"ortd' io. p.ornhB ol Scdn,n I700 of lnc L.tor Cde I ndl fonhs'llh conrly e ith thor F.r itioN.. <br />w RNIN(; l;.ilur€ ro sr. tr!.16'comFlinn a\ds. tr unlrwtul. .fij 3h!ll srbFl M orployc ro onnsl FuhB 4l <br />.n,l fin.s ur l(, onc htrndr.J rhou$nJ do <br />s(rirn :1076 0lrh. Lh)r cod., inrdd rnd <br />I t6Eby rrrm lndq FRly ot Fju' l- lhn I m licsrcj undd <br />of fi. auire rn! Pmr6i,B Co<lc. rrl f,) la@ i! h tull <br />cqx trllclroll,llDlxc-ac};!(I <br />I lEd'! .rm undcr FElt) o I rEjun lh.l lhd. a ! o'drucln, l lins ss*t fo. rh.FfolM. otrlE trork for *hth lhi! Fnir ! <br />iaru.d (SG !007. crr (-) <br />I .ftld'r \rm. <br />AfILICAILTE(IIAAIIO! <br />I h6rby lrm undd pQalty of pqjury onc ol th. rollo$ina ddlurl hn3 <br />Dnnokbn P6mils-Arb6ld Notificd nrn r'.ddl Rcsuld ions {TnL !0. Pan6) <br />R.qun d llEof &tilrnbn <br />lcalilvrhal rhcfcis!lrcaulari.N r.!!!ing eslnl(x rEnor sl ,r. nor at)l)li(ibl. to rhis Dx,lN <br />I cd rI\ rtd I ha\ . !.ari rl$lh. th. .tov. hforrdion 6 (otr<l I +rc lo ompl, $ih nl Cn) trn (-ou.t! <br />.ntm.n(6 dd srar. ti$srcbr lE.t y.lthoro. rcF6q(a'!6 oarht Cnt.nd (-ouil, ro ml6 lpon Ilr <br />rluc m trn'.,ip()l.ny tur \x rr-z-lT4"s. <br />.z,a <br />ID/SIG. I COMMENTS <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I I <br />I <br />Communications Cable <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />II <br />I <br />"",, rr-L:17 <br />,lpplicinl or t*s( si*n.rtr(. -/_