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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE rD/srG.COMMENTS owNER AUtLD!:R DUt_( AnAltON <br />I hnch, amnn u.d6 Fnllr, oa tEjury rh l dn ercmrt li(rm rhe G'0traclo6' Licdse Lar ror th. follo\in! rqs'n (S( 70ll 5 <br />Itusin6s and Profesion (id.) Any ( ily or Counry shich r.qur6 a pmir ro corsrrucr. alt6. improrc. dfr.lish or rqatr any <br />rtruclure prnyro its istrMc., also r.qrnd $. dptlicdt for su(h pcn'r ro 6lc a ssn.{ srarqcnr rhd h. or sh. ir licosdl N'itrafl , <br />ro rh. pNvtnJ.s ofih! Co l-icos.d Las (Chapld 9. Conrm.ncinr wirh Sccrion ?000 olDnisionI orlh. D6i0css ond <br />Preressions Codc) or lh.l h.or sh. is €t.hpr rher.6o6 Md rh. hair ror rh. all+.d ridprion Any vi.larnr.olsdrion 70r15 b any <br />al)pli.a lor a pdnir rh. applicant lo acivilpenaltyofnot morethan fir€ hundrcddollars($504). <br />LdosnsollheFopen'.ornryctrDlor6Nnh\as6arh.irsn..ortnsarbn.$illdorh.( or <br />i.16(H or olTd.d tu slc ( s< 704,1, Busm6s and |rof6sions Codc I hc ('onlm.tor's l.icos ! is dos nol .pply to an o\ n6 oi <br />Ih. FmFny * h) hlilds or in!r.v6 rh.@n. od sho (i)6 s!.h \rrk hms.lf .. hcmlf or rhrough hh or hd o$n cmplo!.6. <br />prtn'id.d thar str.h i,npN\ un6 s e mr i[od.d or oflad fttr sl. ll hos 6 -. rhc hildiru or unprovdndr r $ki $ i(h'n r n. _\.r <br />oacompldiotr fi. (xntr Buildf sillha( rhc burd6 orproviry rhd hc or shc did mt trild or impro\c thc pmpaty lorlhc E rpls. of <br />l.soNn6oithcIropsly.{nerclusiv.l)..nta.rinrsirhlr6s.dconnncbBh.onsn'.tth.trejNr(S..7Ol4,Busmcs <br />and P,sfsin (.dc: Th.c{nrraclr's I ic€nsc Larv do6 nol applyro.n o$nd ofpropdy\ho builds or nnpro!6 rhssn. <br />and sho onrads lor such Fudrs wnh a (i.r,cro(s) licflFd pu6u l lo rhe Conlrldois l.(ose I !\r) <br />l.m eronpl undd s(rbn <br />lrrre Orner <br />wonl{Ft{s, c1r\t i[Ns,.rnoN <br />Drcl4&\.ItoN <br />I h€rcby rmrinund.r Fn,l(yolpdiuryon. ollle rolhsins dataralionsr <br />Iha\c dd sillmai ain a Cdrificar. orConrt lo for trorkGs' co,npasalion. as pm\idedaorbyS..lion!700ofrhc <br />tjb.r cod., lu rh. p-fonnamc ofth. {o* for *hich th. pmil is isu.d <br />lJrf and Nill mainlain $ork6 co,npflsalnrn l.stranc., s rcrldrdl hr sdr mn I 700 o I lh. Lahor (tdc. hr lh. Faom.n.e oi <br />rh. $ork tu tr hich lhis pcmil is i$usl. My work6 io. iNurmc. ce iB md p.licy nunhd &.: <br />,","6f" {-, C AN <br />folic\ Nu[br /-7 t/s//0 <br />I ..niayrhat in rhc psrornrancc orlhe \ork for Lvhich this pfl nrn is isstred. I sh.ll nor cmploy an!, person in an, mann6 <br />$ slo h..o,ne $bi(l lo th. \o,{ds conp.nsrio.lass or( ahfom'!. and a[rr thit ifI.hould h<ome subr(t rorh. <br />\ ork6 comt€nsation lror isioN ol Sd io. ]7m oarh. Lahr CoiL. l rhlll, lifih$ h c. llly Nth rh.r pNvis'.6 <br />wARi\lNC: Failur.lo s.cure rvorkm compsalion co\cr4c is mh$ful. and shall subjel M dnployd to oi,ninal p€nah6 ind <br />crlil fin.i up t! on. hundr.d lhouend dollaB11100.000). in tion lo the cosl ofcornp.Nalion. dan:at6 is [ovided for rh. <br />s.tritr, rn1,,,lrhr lihtr( 'du. tr(\rr,Jtr,,.,( ro//t l/7 ,,, <br />AECI.AAAITQT <br />I hrcbyomnnundd pmahy ol tsrury rhal I @ lr.nstd utuj6 pmsion o t Chrprs 9 {codmociis *irh serion 7000)olDivsrn:1 <br />of lh. Busin6s dd Pror6sons Cod., md my lftnsc is in tull forc€ md efi(t. <br />,,"r,r"" C,27*- lol/t //J ;;4 ^.""^",, ?A,-zct 7 / <br />I hmby 08irm und6 p.nally ol pdj!ry lh.l lhd. i. a snslruclion lddin! <br />isu.d (sf 1097, civ c.) <br />h.l)Lrn[nxnr!fllhrsf'l lnr\\l'khrhAtrrn l rs <br />AIIL!(INLDECI,ABAI]O! <br />I@amnnu trFnahyorrrdjuryoncorrhcfollosinsd(lararions <br />D. hh tun Pdmlts^sb6los Nol ificar ion ljcd(.| R.8trhibns ('I n le 40. Pan6 ) <br />Rcqurcd llIls ol N.lilicalion <br />l.dlll!rh.r rhrled.nn,.! s r.!rdn{ *hcrtx'e'novrl r nor aml'crhl.n,rhis piot$r <br />I .61i1_v rhd I ha\e rc.drl,is rmli.arn,n ed rhillhuatF\e,naoflnalnni\corecl Ialrel.c.n,nlr_\rlhnll(,llrndCounr\ <br />ordinanc6 a.d Slar.l-issr.litin! ro huikl ru.rion- el hereh! c rcp.dnrirs o f rhis('itr_and Cotrnr!h.nlr qFnthc <br />abo\c trmrnnled opdly tur <br />,\l,pli$nt o.,\But Sipn{nrrc to/t,/lz <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Sleel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation -q-ld.l7"l)Y.VfiA ,qtJ\ /Erl . <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />ln s u lation/Ene rgy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handica p Req <br />De ut Final Re ort <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />/r'.r-\, <br />FINAL /d-lt-Jl v.vl"I{,t\ <br />Certificate of Occu nc <br />Noleg, Remarks, Etc7t/ <br />Roof Sheathino