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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL !"/,thl ,4.4.4rr.9,c 0 <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />OWNER BUILDlX Dt]I-('AR.ATION <br />I h.r*!_ llltrm u.&r FEn) ot FJm rhn I n .tmpl fnm th. (tdrrl6' Lioe tr\ for rh. folhshs i*)n tI6 70!i.5 . <br />BBin61 mi PtnfdSrcn Cod.) Any Cn! or Cou, , *nrn r.rtutr6 i Fmi ro .oNtud, .ho, mFo\e &&,lirr o. ttlBi. ut <br />strucruc, I,u ro rl] s@cq al$ rqutr6 rh. apolrdr ntr su.h Fnntr r. liL a sign.d ,doa! thn lE or sh. ir I'.dsi puRumr <br />io rh. pruviliom ofttE Conlffitort l,i.flEd L!* (Ch6pl6 r). (i'dm.ncrnE wnh se.ri.. 7(xJ0 of oirision I ofthc hsrncis.nd <br />Pmfcsmns(idc)orthathcorsh. i., cr.mpl lhdcFom dd lh. 66ir iff rh. ill.r.{ croprion$n7(r.ll ibtany <br />.mltr ntr . Fn'r !h. aptlicinr to a .i!il po.hy of nor m.r. rhs fivc hundr.d dollrr (tr(xl). <br />{Bolrh.FoFn.dnydrqL)cwnh$.96cth.r$k.ompdadion.s {l,rlE*rr}dddEidE6N <br />insi.l or.lI6dl ac s].tsc 7ol,r. AlllB dd Prof*hB (od. IIE Colnr&Id'3I-..e l.$ &Eml +l) h u otrffiof <br />It< FoFrr {,D h,it! o. irqlr 6 trEo.\ id tr lb (tE *h wt htnell.r h.elt ot <br />'lm!3h <br />hir d lE otrn sr}kD 6, <br />prorik rhd ruch mF!\qEi! E ml iddrLd c otu fo 5l. lt hoB6.llE bunnns or in+..Ed ir $ll wi'hr o.. )a <br />ofcotrAkrx't! rl! OrE Bults tril h.E rlr b,rtn ofpr$alg il( h. or sh. dn d hill or intmw ln. FoFly ror ft plrFr ol <br />I.60*6 of rh.Iroldy. D.rclutiElvconrdins $irh licaql co r{loE lo (o{rud rE Fl)jd (sa 7O{4,I}llrnd <br />un Pnf6.r, ( od. thcCo tlor'tl-icdlc dG fr,r 4'rlr lo dound of Fop.dvqhr l,!ild! or inpFrdlhF6'n- <br />rd $ho $drrlr ld iu.hFFd3$dh r (-otud rrB@r h rh. Co r&1oirIt@lrs) <br />I m Erdr, ueln S<rir. <br />o."Qj o):( <br />I h6.6y am, n tr.d6 FElly oa F ,,,K <br />\1, <br />I hrrc &rl NllDinrln a (i\ljhr h s.lf-lNr.lor 16 mnFd$n, B Fov'{,.d to, b s€rt,n r7(notrh. <br />lrtnrCrtt. f rE Fri){1re. d f rh. *.lt fitr {nrh th. Fmn a 6sd <br />I hlr € and slll n.i.l.'n rotl6 qrmFmli)n iBum.. 6 ..!unoi q- s<r io. r7m ol rh. 1,h.. cod.. tor lh. I'6tt]lri)ffic ot <br />lh. sort for $hrch lhi! Dcnn i iresl My s,t6 omnaldri .ermc.mid dn Fli.y nlmb6 R: <br />I (dit' th, r Epdfo,:1ffi.olrh.f,o tor $hth rlis pqn B s!.d.I sh,n tun 6nt)L,\ m) F$. in$) muF <br />s 3 lo b<om $bd lo t,E *!il6 .onF6in. l&! afcri,, .nd r8R lht if I tLlld baoE sbidl ro rli <br />$rtd NnpcE lon prorn6N ot s.<lb. llTm ofthc LlEx ( eL, l sldl. fonh*nh compll u nh rlrE Fovit6 <br />!!ARNIN(; Ijr'lur. t Ku. $o.l <br />.Nil li..s up ro on. hun&.d lhoMnd <br />Sat.. 1076 fIh.l,trtr aod. intdd <br />co\6trx. ii unlNful. ud rhill iub|(r d dphtd ro mnrinol tmhi3 md <br />.f ..,ntmdn,n. i.mag6 .r p.o\ €rl nlr lhc <br />o.., o'L <br />I harrr) ,trm !nd. FtrX! of FJU!f Ctspls 9tc,ffi'"s *nh s<l.n rlxx)l oal)nisren l <br />of rhc llN'ncr rd Pnfdr (i,&, l m) lr@ n '. fullint <br />carilalrl1lql1ltDtlclcElrf, <br />I hdctr lrlh un& FrXy of Frurr Oi rh* ii. @irnndio. l6rli{.r*, for tlr Ff.ffi. otth. *!rr 6r {t(h rhn IEni it <br />irsu.d (s( 1(n7, (iv c ). <br />^rru(aNfDEclJaaro!Lrys .lfm unLr Frry of Fjurr oE o, th. folhtrin8 &(lrd iont <br />D.mlnirn Pcmds^ihdot N.rificd ion t J<.lRc8lldioG Il rk a0. P!n6) <br />R.qot.n I dr6oiNdificdion <br />''st'*"' <br />/1 <br />1l/c <br />4a